I think you mean Michael Sheen? Martin Sheen is Charlie Sheen's father/apocalypse now
Michael Sheen was married to Kate Beckinsale, that's punching above your weight...
Who does not rate Robin Williams?
Sorry, I like the thought, but Robin is a legend to everyone.
Known for being a funny merkin, one of the best ever.
But was rated for his roles, too many to name.
Colin Firth - did a lot of romantic comedies, and he was excellent in them, but every once in a while, he will play a role like he did in Kingsmen, The King's Speech, or 1917, and he reminds you that he is an extremely versatile, and somewhat under-appreciated, actor.
“With those things running around! You can count me out!”Game over man
So what was the point of your post to Spock then?Most actors and celebrity are lefties.
Woods and Steven Baldwin are rare exceptions