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Urinal Etiquette

my eagle eye said:
DaleyIsGod said:
my eagle eye said:
I use to suffer from stage fright.

I was suffering from stage fright at a dennys resteraunt in Auckland. I said "hurry up dick..PISS!" talking to my own cock.....just as i said that some dude came in the door and took up the urinal next to me.
Oh my god you have Denny's in NZ?! i ate there all the time when i went to america. its fully sik to say the least.

Howcome you got stage fright when there was nobody else in the toilet?

there were other people but they were not in any of the cubicals i cant quite remember...i just remember me taking like 45 seconds to start pissing...
and yeah there's denny's in Auckland...its f**kin rules...and its open all night i think..


its not only a problem for guys, many women are paranoid at others hearing them take a piss or a shit


Every male knows that the only way to hang a peepee is one hand on the wall, the other hand steering.

You must be in an upright, leaning and comfortable position.

For those of you who suffer stage fright, maybe you don't have your hand on the wall :?

Ron Jeremy

DaleyIsGod said:
my eagle eye said:
DaleyIsGod said:
my eagle eye said:
I use to suffer from stage fright.

I was suffering from stage fright at a dennys resteraunt in Auckland. I said "hurry up dick..PISS!" talking to my own cock.....just as i said that some dude came in the door and took up the urinal next to me.
Oh my god you have Denny's in NZ?! i ate there all the time when i went to america. its fully sik to say the least.

Howcome you got stage fright when there was nobody else in the toilet?

there were other people but they were not in any of the cubicals i cant quite remember...i just remember me taking like 45 seconds to start pissing...
and yeah there's denny's in Auckland...its f***in rules...and its open all night i think..

God i hate it :roll: ....i mean your trying and when your just about to let it all go some guy walks in and put's you off......what nerve :evil:


First Grade
I never have issues using a public toilet/urinal. I just whip it out and let it rip. 8)


socksie said:
i'm not a guy and i know thats not on

maybe you should've tried to intimidate him by checking out his little man

I dont really wanna do that. I pushed the rest out quickly and got outta there. I bet he would be one of those guys that doesnt wash his hands.


First Grade
Green Eye said:
Spike said:
knights04 said:
isn't it shitbrick?

It's definately shitbreak

It's brick

Jim: What am I gonna do, huh? Broadcast her over the internet. Stifler: Yeah. Kevin: You can do that? Jim: No, I cannot do that to her. Stifler: Man, I you don't have the guts to photograph a naked chick in your house, how the hell are you ever gonna sleep with one? Finch: I don't like the kid, but he's got a point Jim. Stifler: See, even shit-brick knows you should do it!


My apologies, it appears by this that it is sh*t-brick, but I swear it sounds like sh*t-break when Stifler says it.


Its brick you freakin idiots, I cant believe anyone ever thought it was anything else. Its just a nickname, like the other guy is called f**kface by Stifler.


I thought "sh*tbreak" was a bit like "teabreak" except the break reason is different.

And I'm familiar with the term "sh*t a brick" as an expression of surprise. Or trouble on your sh*tbreak.

Then there's "built like a brick sh*thouse", which always makes me think of Glen Lazarus, mostly because Roy and HG called him "the brick with eyes" but I think that was probably short for something.

But "sh*tbrick" is new.

At the cricket I was taking a piss and some geniused looking f**kwit next to me was clearly checking everyone's dicks out while he pissed. I waited until he'd finished and said "DID YOU GET A GOOD LOOK YOU f**kING PERVERT?" and said "was I the only one who noticed?" and everyone said "yeah i noticed!" or similar and booed him, when I'd finished I zipped up quickly and went looking for him to have a go at the sick freak but he'd disappeared.

Another bloke I know said when he was a little kid some old man stood next to him at the urinal and had a look at his dick, his dad was standing behind and decked the freak. Good shit that.
oz: You know it really bothers me when people try and pigeonhole me like that..

Stifler: Dont expect oz to pay for the Limo...
Oz:Stifler f**k....i mean...why you gotta be so insensitive all the time.....
Stifler: WHAT!!!? :?

those two lines i must of said a million times to people after that movie lol.

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