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USA - the pro league


I wouldn't rule anything out....

Who'd have thought just ten years ago Lebanon would have a domestic comp OR that rugby league would rival rugby union in Russia..


simostorm said:
Us pro league, wont happen for another 50 years.

By that stage I'll probably be dead and I'd like to see league take up a position in the USA...give it 10 to 15 years!


I guess we will have to wait and see in the aftermath of the test, well it isn't really a test is it, USA aren't a test nation, but anyway.

Diehard, you disappoint me. For somebody such as yourself who is all for carrying the flag for international rugby league (as far as I can tell) and expanding the game beyond its tradiional boundries...I'd expect that staement to come from a rugby league 'detractor' as opposed to a supporter.

It IS a Test and the RFL, AMNRL, ARL and all the governing bodies should consider it as such! The US are a Test playing nation IMO... they have played other emerging countries before and they are playing the best team in the world in a couple of weeks time...it should be, and will be, recognised as a proper Test match. They play cricket 'Tests' against Bangladesh don't they? That has its detractors as well but its still called a Test!


Staff member
Lets me give everyone a number that people do not know. There are $20,000 Kiwi's that live in NY city alone. That is an audience that would watch if they were given the opertunity. However, it is hard to get FOX world in a lot of playes in the US. So you have a US pro league the telavision will then show the NRL.



Franklin Field, The Venue for the Kangaroos vs Tomahawks Test on December 1 in Philadelphia...






looks like a better option than Yankee Stadium IMO.

Sir Clifford GC

Ah the USA Pro League....that allusive holy grail. :lol:

I guess we will have to wait and see in the aftermath of the test, well it isn't really a test is it, USA aren't a test nation, but anyway.

At least Lachlan Murdoch has an interest in RL in the USA. What more could you hope for?
And his beautiful MANLY SUPPORTING wife, she too is a very rich person who loves league.


Tomahawk said:
Lets me give everyone a number that people do not know. There are $20,000 Kiwi's that live in NY city alone. That is an audience that would watch if they were given the opertunity. However, it is hard to get FOX world in a lot of playes in the US. So you have a US pro league the telavision will then show the NRL.


They may not necessarily go to games in droves.... however.... I'm sure there would be a lot more success in getting them to send their kids to lessons. Same for Aussie families.

Expats love teaching their kids about their own cultures. For eg Many greeks permanently living in Oz send their kids to language/dance lessons in Oz.

Aside from the many living there long term...many may also be on postings and temp placements in companies etc for a few years and want their kids to keep up with their training.


the only fear i have with pro league in the US is that they may Americanise our brand of code by bringing in time-outs and shot clocks.


First Grade
i have no problem with any rule changes they make

because the RLIF would still have the final sayin what happens in international football


Staff member

I agree with you. If a pro league would ever come to the US the IRL has to be involved.



Some form of professional "rugby" competition in America is probably inevitable, and to get cross-over appeal amongst the general public who aren't rugby union fans it would make much more sense to use rugby league rules. It is easier to understand, easier to see on TV, bigger hits etc.

I think that any pro-league in America is more likely to start from a rugby union angle, but investors and television companies will end up seeing that RL is an easier sell.

It will never be anywhere near as big as NFL or NBA or NHL or probably even MLS but the US market is big enough for there to be a niche for RL in high income, midsize cities like Orlando or San Jose.

I don't have a problem with shot clocks and time outs. When MLS started they had some wierd rules with overtime and penalty shoot outs but soon realised they were underestimating the general public and soon went back to proper rules.


Staff member

Being a player and a fan of RL, I think RL would go over much better then RU. RL is much easier to follow....and more like American football. However, I can see a couple of changes that could take place.

#1 - Teams will have a roster of 25-30 players. The American fans like to see fresh players on the field....and big hits.

#2 - You will have some sort of TV timeouts.

#3 - Players will get away with more things.....less pentalities.

#4 - Will have to be very family orented. Music/cheerleaders/ect. I know the NRL does thise but it will need to be more family orented.

#5 - More protective. More players will being wearing skelitenn pads and helmits.

#6 - You will see bigger players. Players of the size on NFL lineman/linebackers.

They are a few things I see happening.

As for were it could succeed. I think any market that has a big football team. Philadelphia/NY/New England/Dallas/Tampa Bay/LA/Arizona/Indy/ect. Anywear there'sa big football market, and the have a seperate football and baseball stadium.



I hate the constant rule changes RL makes to suit "markets" and the same applies here.

RL is a great product as it is.

Rule changes should only be borne out of NECESSITY.


Tomahawk, get a clue!
Keep passing on info but leave your opinion out of it.
As always from other message boards your opinion
is so off base with the rest of us "Yanks" who love &
play the game.
Points 5 & 6. There will never be helmets in League. Never.
Bigger players? If you knew the game at all you would
know it is getting faster & a footballer needs speed & skills
not a huge body. There is no blocking of opposing players
in league , its illegal. A lineman? players that size dont make
it in league. If I saw a lineman on another team I'd run at him
so I could run around him. Too fat Too slow.


Staff member

In cse you don't know NFL lineman are runing 4.4's. The NFL lineman is a very quick and athletic athlet. I did not mean that there would be any blocking. However, if you see a 6'1 320 guy 2nd rower (who could a be an offense or defensive lineman) coming after a guy who is 5'6'', 220 pounds there will be a huge hit. Thise is what American people want to see. If you think lineman are too fat and too slow go watch a collage football or NFL game and just watch a lineman. Do you think you would catch any NFL lineman. Let me name a few...
Tod Heap-tight end-Balt. Ravens-(6'5'', 252 pounds)...M. Flanagan-center-Pit. Steerers-(6'5'' 297 pds), Mike Wahle-gaurd-G.B. Packers-(6'6'' 307 pounds), Orlando Pace-tackle. N.O. Saints-(6'7'' 325 pounds), Warren Sapp-defensive tackle-Okland Raiders-(6'2'' 303 pounds),Michael Strahan-defensive end-N.Y. Giants-(6'5'' 275 pounds). There is a list of NFL offensive and defensive lineman in the NFL. If you think you can run around any of those guys I wouls love to see. And I did nor even talk about Linebackers, offessive backs, ect. You can look up thier 40 times, and all their stats....not hard to find.

Also if you are an american player let me see here is a list of players that play for the Bulls hat played line in collage football. Brian Cofner, Joe Becker, JasonMcCarthy, Paul Dixon, to name a few.

As for more pading. The American fans do not like injuries. If the NFL has one of the top players go down...How is the reaction to the fans and thier teammates? Example - If Terrell Owens got hurt and was out for the game...how do you think the philly fans would react and the philly players?

Finally yes alot of things I say are my personal opinion. However, if you would take your agendia you have about me away.....and think about what I am saying....you would understand why I say what I do.



If it would take those sort of rule changes to get RL to go big in USA then don't waste time on it.

The main thing USA needs is some good coaches to work with young people.

Get a couple of key cities and get some good coshes there and have a junior comp where the kids can learn RL from a younger age.

Then when those 12 and 13 year olds get to be 21 and 22 you will have a basis of a decent team that could in a higher comp.

Maybe if it was just down on one coast with key cities have junior comps and then when the kids get old enough to player open age football you would have a basis of a team in each city which could become a decent comp on that coast.

In a large city of 5 or 10 million surley 50+ 11 to 13 year olds could be found who would like to play Rugby League? Then hopfully this small group of players playing in a small comp could become enough to be a senior side.

50 kids could be 3 teams.

I think RL could take off in the USA if it was there enough to see.

The problem is that it is seen so little that people who do not have an interest already can not learn about the game.


I dont want any on going battles with you as you did with so many on other boards.
But! You dont have a clue on how the game of rugby league is played. Remember I have seen you play. I give you credit for playing, but please you are no mastermind in the tactics & evolution of this game. Also you submit your post as if you are speaking on behalf of all Americans. Thats a great responsibility feeding info to international readers as if all of us feel that way, You are basing all your opinions as if they(opinions) are held nation wide & thats not the case.
Also please don't preach to me about American Football. I played football for most of my school life. Your comments about NFL players(lineman) make you sound even more ignorant to the game of rugby league. I'll eat dirt if Warren Sapp could play a game of rugby league which is 80mins long without stoppages in play & time outs etc a continue running his 300lb body around the ground as he did when he started.
Tomahawk I don't want to battle you on this board but stop talking for all of us Americans. Paste a disclaimer or something.


Staff member

You are right on somethings that you say. Warren Sapp and players the size of what is being disussed would not be playing 80 min. However, these players would be role players. I believe that you would have unlimitted subs, as the AMNRL presently has. I also think rosters will be players on 25-30 players.

Also if you know American football you would no that American football is a spin off of Australian RL. Why do you think they call it a touchdown? I might not be knowledgable about RL like others, but I am learning more and more. I have learned alot from Dave Nui over the past 3 years.

Finally, I talk to alot of amature and ex-professional athlets. Many of them who express the same opions I say.

You know I am not going to say everything that you agree with. However, what I do say people do agree with. I am aloud to say what I do, as well as you are alloud to say what you want.

All I can say is we will see soon, if anything come out of this game Novemeber 30th. I can tell you this that the amercan athlets that will play with be college football players.



If there was a pro league with those rules, in time the rules would have to move closer to international League (as the atheletes got fitter), so they could have decent international competitions. Either that, or they only choose 80-minute players for the national squad.

Anyway, that's all hypothetical for now -- just to have a pro league in the USA started would be a dream.


Staff member

Yes I agree that the rules will have to be close to the international rules. However,the US will probally make it a US sport first.
