Hordern > V Fest.
The only sh*t thing about both gigs was the overzealous, wanky feedback "solos" during United States. The whole Britney Spears "piece of me" thing, what the f? Also, they ended fifteen minutes early!?
Loved JAMC, highly underrated band. Put on a fantastic set imo (anyone got a list?). What their show lacks in movement, in makes up for in awesome'ness.
Queens were great, however I was slightly un-impressed by the set. No "Feel Good" Or "Lost Art"? Was hanging out for "Millionaire" as the opener, as per their sideshows.
Probably the most smooth run festival I've been to (not just saying that because I work for Virgin).
Five minutes walk to waiting (free!) buses to Central. I was on the 10:15 home.
V > BDO.