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Vinnie Anderson released


First Grade
Vinnine Anderson has been released by the warriors to play for the London Broncos.

London Broncos land Kiwi International
Tue Feb 15, 12:20am (UK)
Source: London Broncos
London Broncos have today secured the services Kiwi International, Vinnie Anderson, who has been released from his contract at New Zealand Warriors. Vinnie has signed a three-year deal.

Broncos coach Tony Rea commented: "This is just terrific news for our club. Vinnie is a very determined character and he will be good for our club.

"People talk about his defensive capabilities and his versatility but what really catches my eye when I see Vinnie play is the way he looks like a true specialist in all the roles he fills.

"He has a quite a bond with Tommy (Thomas Leuluai) as well which can only be a good thing."

26-year-old Vinnie, who played alongside his younger brother Louis in the Gillette Tri Nations, made his test debut against the Kangaroos in October 2003 and was one of the Kiwis' strongest in last Autumn's Tri Nations.

Although likely to play in the back row or centre for London, Vinnie played at number six outside Leuluai for the Kiwis last year, and really troubled the Aussies in the opening game of the tournament.

Defensively Vinnie is one of the best in the business, although his liking for Basketball, a sport which he excelled at as a junior, often comes through in his in attack.

Broncos next home game at Griffin Park is against Wakefield Trinity Wildcats on Sunday 27th February - buy adult tickets in advance from just £12.

News sent by www.londonbroncos.co.uk

Matt M

Damn it, I love Vinnie Anderson. Also what the hell are the London Broncos doing? They just buy NRL players every week, its ridiculous. Many other ESL clubs have cut back but London just keep buying them.


Far out! the ESL won't stop poaching players. Wonder how many UK players are in the ESL as to those who aren't from the UK.


I think it was a good move by the Warriors to release Anderson to the retirement home.

The bloke was not going to be in their top 17 and at the age of 26, it makes more sense getting rid of him and giving another talented Kiwi a go.
ozboy said:
I think it was a good move by the Warriors to release Anderson to the retirement home.

The bloke was not going to be in their top 17 and at the age of 26, it makes more sense getting rid of him and giving another talented Kiwi a go.

I agree.

He is nothing special, he doesnt add anything to the side.....any Kiwi off the streets of Auckland could provide what Anderson did.

This will free up some room in the side and the salary cap for some of those good young Kiwi players that will actually develope into something good.

Evil Homer

Staff member
Davester said:
Far out! the ESL won't stop poaching players. Wonder how many UK players are in the ESL as to those who aren't from the UK.

About the same ratio of South Sea Islanders and New Zealanders in the NRL,with London being the equivalent of the Warriors.
Evil Homer said:
Davester said:
Far out! the ESL won't stop poaching players. Wonder how many UK players are in the ESL as to those who aren't from the UK.

About the same ratio of South Sea Islanders and New Zealanders in the NRL,with London being the equivalent of the Warriors.

This is obviously the best reply these Poms can come up with.

"Well what about the Kiwi's!!!!"

See people, when you point out a problem with the British game, all they do is try to deflect that criticism.

Dont worry to much about it though, its that attitude that see's us smashing them ever year! :lol:

Ofcourse, they'll try to telkl you we only beat them because our refs are biased and the Pommy refs are so unbiased that they are biased towards Australia! :lol:


Vinnie is a good, solid player who tries his heart out week after week. But realistically, with the Warriors' new signings he isn't going to see much gametime this year, and he's not bartercard cup material...
So obvious option is for Vinnie to go to esl, unfortunately.

Although I was listening to Radio Sport this morning and there are rumours that the real reason behind the split, is the Warriors are unhappy about an injury he picked up on the Kiwi tour... anyone know more about this???


by the way, if you do a few sums the Warriors spare money under the cap is not looking bad at all... perhaps they have a large signing in mind? :shock: :lol:

The Colonel

Warriors dump Kiwi star
By James Hooper
February 16, 2005

A BIZARRE contract dispute turned sour has led to current Kiwi international Vinnie Anderson parting company with the Warriors to join London Broncos.

Officially the Warriors claim Anderson asked for a release, but the Kiwi Test five-eighth is adamant he was pressured into leaving.

Despite being contracted until the end of 2006, New Zealand chief executive Mick Watson offered Anderson a three-year deal to join English club Bradford Bulls.

The unprecedented move came just three weeks after Anderson and Watson met to discuss the future at the Warriors, where both parties agreed the season ahead appeared promising.

"[Watson] continued to call me into his office and basically put the contract in front of me and a pen, trying to get me to sign it," Anderson said.

"He said that I was very much on the outer. In his eyes I was about number 28.

"He suggested I look at the Bradford contract and that it would be in my best interests to take it.

"I told him I was quite happy where I was and reminded him of our previous conversation."

The split means Anderson is the fourth player in 12 months to depart the Warriors amid sour circumstances, joining former teammates Ali Lauitiiti, Thomas Leuluai, PJ Marsh and Mark Tookey.

The Warriors closed ranks on the issue last night, with executives refusing to make any comment on the Anderson issue.

It was the same tune offered in December when incumbent New Zealand Test halfback Leuluai left the club to link with London.

To add further intrigue to Anderson's Bradford proposal from Watson, the Warriors centre was told to keep his manager, Jim Banaghan, in the dark about the deal.

But Anderson informed Banaghan about the Warriors dramatic turnaround and he soon had a new lucrative deal with the London Broncos for the next three seasons.

Anderson said relations with the Warriors were originally strained when they sacked star players Ali Lauitiiti and PJ Marsh last season.

The Kiwi five-eighth, named New Zealand's best back on the recent Tri-Nations tour, was disappointed with the way the players were treated.

Anderson said the Warriors were also upset with him for going on tour with New Zealand in the first place, after a disastrous season last year saw them finish 14th.

"I was told that should I choose to tour it might not be a wise decision and I would struggle to get playing time when I returned because I would be so far behind," he said.

"I understand where they're coming from but it's not in my nature to turn down a Test jersey.

"It wasn't a decision I had to think much about. I took the opportunity when it came and decided to face the consequences when I got back."


The Daily Telegraph


nospam49 said:
ozboy said:
I think it was a good move by the Warriors to release Anderson to the retirement home.

The bloke was not going to be in their top 17 and at the age of 26, it makes more sense getting rid of him and giving another talented Kiwi a go.

I agree.

He is nothing special, he doesnt add anything to the side.....any Kiwi off the streets of Auckland could provide what Anderson did.

This will free up some room in the side and the salary cap for some of those good young Kiwi players that will actually develope into something good.

By a simalar token this is a simalar post by you, Chris. You dont change do you.


The following was posted on nzwarriors.com...

Here is the interview. i also posted it in another thread

VA = Vinnie
TV = Vietch

TV Did they ask you not to tour

VA Yes they said if i toured then my job at the Warriors would be in jeopardy

TV How hard was the decision

VA Pretty easy really there was no way that i would ever turn down a chance to play for the Kiwis

TV So when you get back to training with the Warriors after having some time off did you feel there was a different vibe from the management team towards you

VA Yeah i feel like there was. It was tough to come back from the tour they requested that we come back straight to training we were told that that wouldnt be the case before we went away on the tour so we were dissapointed with that. We meet them in the middle and we managed to get 12 days off so we were quite tired when we came back to training and during training we were always cast aside and on the outta fringes of the team.

TV Was this Louis as well

VA Yeah Louis started off there like all of us but u know we trained hard and tried to train really hard that they would force them into putting us into the team.

TV Your relationship with Kemp and Watson. Where is that at now. Your manager has come out and said you will never come back to the club while the current management is there and unless things change

VA All that aside i just wanted to train hard and play footie and im sure Tony Kemp would have supported me through my efforts at training and im sure i would have given him something to consider if i was selected for the trails and been given any opportunites during the season but i think Mick had other ideas for me

TV If u hadnt played the Kiwi tour do u still think you would be playing for the Warriors this season

VA I have no doubts

TV Does that dissapoint you

VA Yeah it is dissapointing but now im happy with the decision i have made and i wouldnt change it if i had to make the same decision again whether to go on a tour or not

TV Thanks a lot Vinnie all the best in London

It's easy for someone to read that and get all worked up about it though... personally I prefer not to cast judgement on players or management, since the public very rarely know the full story from both sides... especially with the Warriors :|


hitman82 said:
by the way, if you do a few sums the Warriors spare money under the cap is not looking bad at all... perhaps they have a large signing in mind? :shock: :lol:

see thats what I thought intially, but I dont think so now....

they released pj marsh, ali, thomas lulablabla and now vinnie anderson,

but they picked up Steve price (350k per year), Ruben Wiki (at least 300k)

and also brought over todd byrne and tony martin

So i dont buy that they have heaps of spare cash.... if they had enough to offer sonny bill 350-400k per year something would be dodgy... and he couldnt be sponsored by vodafone etc