I’ll be very surprised if it isnt spun that it’s all about sporting infrastructure and jnr sports participation. having spent 2 years saying they won’t fund the nrl or a club directly they will get panned if there is any money flowing the nrls way, and quite rightly so.
I was told it two weeks ago by someone with lots of connections, I posted it at the time. It’s hearsay but it was from someone who is very well plugged in to nrl and the game generally.
Told you the deal was done
Funny how previously you were quoting outdated articles to justify a deal not having been done
And now apparently you believe it is done despite cookie not saying a word
are you blokes alright? Neither of you have said shit, knock it off. Stop trying to take credit. It’s been
@Red&BlackBear and only him who has been saying all the stuff ya claiming As information.
perthwrongs ya sad sack of cowshit ya been basically saying opposite to him for months on end and everytime you end up being wrong. Now suddenly someone tells ya something months later that lines up with what redbear has always been saying and ya think suddenly you been the one posting the goss?
even this whole junior sport participation spin and infrastructure talk that ya posting. It’s literally word for word what redbears has said and I’ll guarantee you that whoever you heard your goss from, actually heard it from him or is probably associated with him.
Geez you are an absolute goose.
Even him saying 2 weeks that that we’d start getting drips of info these first two weeks post election. Guess what? We have gotten 4 articles since that and it’s been drips.
anyone ever thought that maybe there’s no announcement because of cool contractual cooling off? Apparently papua was done 2 months prior to announcement but they had 60 day cooling off to tweak things if required etc. contracts with nrl is quite literally all about cooling off periods.