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Walker fined 10% of salary and dropped from Roosters team


rossy said:
Well done to the Roosters for swift action in this case.


Statement Regarding Chris Walker

Author: Sydney Roosters
Monday, 3 May 2004

The Sydney Roosters are deeply disturbed by the assault allegations and the subsequent charges laid against its player Chris Walker while in the QLD State of Origin camp.

The club has considered the matter and takes immediate action as we did not wish to procrastinate. The following penalties will be imposed:

1. Already Chris has been stood down from the QLD team for the first State of Origin game;
2. He will be stood down by the Roosters for next Saturday’s game against the West Tigers;
3. Chris will be fined 10% of his 2004 annual salary which will be donated to the Randwick Children’s Hospital;
4. A full alcohol ban will be imposed on Chris for the 2004 season;
5. Chris will undertake counseling for the issues that led to these charges.

The Sydney Roosters take the reputation of the club and the game of rugby league seriously, and believe these penalties identify our strong position.

Statement from Chris Walker

Author: Chris Walker
Monday, 3 May 2004

Firstly, I wish to apologise for any embarrassment or hurt I may have caused my family, teammates, coaches, sponsors, fans and all involved in the game of rugby league.

I will defend these charges in court. I would never intentionally do anything to damage the club or the game.
I have been strongly penalized, particularly losing a State of Origin spot, letting down my Roosters team-mates by being stood down next weekend, and incurring a 10% salary fine.

The fine will be paid to the Children’s Hospital in Randwick.

I regret that this has occurred, but I am sure this experience will make me a better person and help me better understand the privileged position I hold, and the example I provide to all young people.
The QRL has found him guilty...the Roosters have already found him guilty, yet he says he's going to defend the charges in court?
I wonder why?


supermario said:
Clevo said:
Interesting the contrast to a similar Morely incident earlier in the year....

Walker is obviously more expendable....wheras Morely's was swept under carpet and roosters managed to "convince" Immigration Dept to let him in.

Sucked in Walker! :lol:

Atually, morley is paying very dearly, he was in the process of applying for a permanent residency visa, now that has been blown out the window, also he was delt with by the police as well.

The IRL board were the ones making the desicion on the morley incident.

Yep but others have been barred from entering the country on less....because of Rooster dealings he gets to keep his work visa and earn income in Australia.
The article on the NRL's web site said that police had to subdue him with capsicum spray. A class act Chris and a fine example you are setting.

Well done Roosters on swift and visible action. It's a refreshing change from all the cloak and dagger stuff we have seen so far this year.


Renowned League Expert said:
He only attacked a cop. Jeez, he should have been given a medal.

I'd hate to see if you were in any kind of trouble and the police were the ones to help

simon says

First Grade
Call ma a cynic,but if Walker wrote that statement or even believes it well then Im Daffy Duck.

I must doff my hat to the Roosters management.Went into damage control straight away and have come out looking squeaky clean.The Bulldogs(and all other teams) should have a look at how a professional side minimises harm to their club.

The fine going to charity is a master stroke....... :clap: :clap:

Big Artie

It good to see Walker taking the arrogance and misbehaviour off the football field and out into the wider community where it belongs.......'nt.


Bulldogs take note. Thats how a professional club acts. In the interest of minimising damage to itself, and the Great game we are blessed to have. No bullshit truth sessions...no stalling, no delays...just swift concise action.


Razor said:
10%...? hes not on much anyway is he...?

$50,000 a year


Actually he is reported to be on around $150k this season.

The deal he did with the club was bugger all last year and more this year and next.

The fine equates to around 15k or thereabouts.... fairly substantial on top of throwing your rep career down the toilet and whatever fine/community service the courts have in store for him.


You guys can congradulate the Club all you like. I think the punishment stinks to be honest.

The Dragons had a player turn up to training one day dellusional after smoking POT. His contract was terminated ON THE SPOT.

if reports are true that he *allegedly* Struck a FEMALE POLICE OFFICER, then as a Club, the right thing would have been to either stand him down for the rest of the season or Bannish him from the club all together.

10% of his contract is pathetic punishment.

What do you guys think, this is acceptable behaviour, that should be rewarded with a measley fine and alchohol ban ?

Also missing 1 game v the tiger ?


Any other club, would have done much more severe damage to mr Walker. Esp in these times.

protected Species, but then again, it all depends on which players at which clubs it is, does'nt it.

If it was a reserve grader, he would have been bannished. :roll:

simon says

First Grade
Well,I dunno_On one hand it does seem pissweak,but when you compare it to the dogs scenario it seems top shelf.......

They did act fast though.I reckon they will be deemed as strong even though they have delivered bare minimum.Very smooth operators the Roosters IMHO..........


Stgillaman said:
You guys can congradulate the Club all you like. I think the punishment stinks to be honest.

The Dragons had a player turn up to training one day dellusional after smoking POT. His contract was terminated ON THE SPOT.

if reports are true that he Struck a FEMALE POLICE OFFICER, then as a Club, the right thing would have been to either stand him down for the rest of the season or Bannish him from the club all together.

10% of his contract is pathetic punishment.

What do you guys think, this is acceptable behaviour, that should be rewarded with a measley fine and alchohol ban ?

Also missing 1 game v the tiger ?


Any other club, would have done much more severe damage to mr Walker. Esp in these times.

protected Species, but then again, it all depends on which players at which clubs it is, does'nt it.

If it was a reserve grader, he would have been bannished. :roll:

As you said yourself, IF THE REPORTS ARE TRUE, then the punishment should have been alot more, but until I hear otherwise, I think that it was great work by a club that I generally have a hard time congratulating on anything. But on this occasion, well done.
Bare in mind that I hate Chris Walker with the fire of a thousand suns.

The Colonel

Hopefully he won't be turned away from the club and they make sure he does get the counselling that it sounds like he may need. If there are problems like this amongst players I think morally clubs need to make sure ANY player receives counselling and support oif that is what is needed. Sacking someone for these sort of offences helps no one short or long term.


Stgillaman said:

if reports are true that he *allegedly* Struck a FEMALE POLICE OFFICER, then as a Club, the right thing would have been to either stand him down for the rest of the season or Bannish him from the club all together.

The only place I have seen it "reported" that it was a police woman have been in forums. All news reports (I heard) last night clearly said policeman.

Not that hitting any police representative is ok.... but it appears certain posters may not want the facts toget in the way of a good story.


Believe me he has got off very lightly indeed, a mate of mine works in the valley and lets just say he got off lightly with OC spray.

Renowned League expert
He only attacked a cop. Jeez, he should have been given a medal.

You are an absolute idiot. Anyone who condones that type of behaviour is an absolute embarrassment, you should be ashamed. I hope you need the cops one day and maybe you may well appreciate the work they do. Do you get assaulted at work, do you get spat on, do you get called a FU*&ING dog C&*T. Id love to know what crap you put up with at work.

Wake up cretin


simon says said:
Well,I dunno_On one hand it does seem pissweak,but when you compare it to the dogs scenario it seems top shelf.......

They did act fast though.I reckon they will be deemed as strong even though they have delivered bare minimum.Very smooth operators the Roosters IMHO..........

Forget t it being the roosters who are doing things professionaly, I think the dogs have made every club aware that things that were tollerated by the football community were always too lenient.
Thank the dogs for the Quick action.


Walker has been charged with assulting a police officer.

We don't know the facts.

The police may have grabbed Walker & he may not have known it was the police & he threw a punch.



As I stated earlier he was lucky to get away with just OC spray. I cannot write exactly what happened because the matter is still to go to court and I dont this forum to end up in do do. I can say he was charged with obstruct and contravene a direction so he was given ample, AMPLE time to do as he was requested. #-o