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Ha ha ha ha great joke....

Look what's around him. 2 representative centres. International forward pack. If we get injuries we call on a great crop of juniors. So yeah even Ben Roberts could get this roster to the finals. Top 4 or GF is a different story as Souths have found out with their 1 dimensional halves


Look what's around him. 2 representative centres. International forward pack. If we get injuries we call on a great crop of juniors. So yeah even Ben Roberts could get this roster to the finals. Top 4 or GF is a different story as Souths have found out with their 1 dimensional halves

Sorry champ but I have to call bullshit on that one - Even with great backs, Walsh (and most definitely Roberts) wouldnt be able to create space and get them the quality ball they need


Ivan and Gus re-signed Walsh a month or so out from the 2012 season. So yes they did. Our attack under Walsh was very 1 dimensional. Defences knew they could rush up. He wouldn't step around them would either kick or pass.

We rightly made the decision to punt him. Although with him in the 7 here given what's around him we make the 8. Though we don't have the x factor we need to beat the best team. The same is the case with Wallace we will make the 8 though need more then 4 runs from our halves a game to go deep into the finals

I dont get your argument.

You are saying you are proven right that we should of kept Walsh(which is ridiculous) over Wallace then saying neither can take us deep into the finals.

So why keep the worse half of the two? Atleast Wallace gets us closer.


Sorry champ but I have to call bullshit on that one - Even with great backs, Walsh (and most definitely Roberts) wouldnt be able to create space and get them the quality ball they need

Did you not see Whare's stats for last year? 3rd in NRL for Try assists and Linebreak assists. So I say he got enough decent ball or if not was good enough to deal with it. We haven't cloned Whare but are very close on the other side of the field.

Add to that Taylor can actually ball play play unlike Newton. Aside from the bulldozing Masoe off the bench ( which Peachey can do an impact job). Far superior then teams of recent years.


I dont get your argument.

You are saying you are proven right that we should of kept Walsh(which is ridiculous) over Wallace then saying neither can take us deep into the finals.

So why keep the worse half of the two? Atleast Wallace gets us closer.

I rate John over both. You only get rid of someone if the replacement is better...

We don't know Wallace gets us closer it's just people let their hatred for Walsh cloud things. Sure he was an average half but so is Wallace


I rate John over both. You only get rid of someone if the replacement is better...

We don't know Wallace gets us closer it's just people let their hatred for Walsh cloud things. Sure he was an average half but so is Wallace

I think your wish to say "I told you so" is clouding your judgement.

I was never happy with signing Wallace but he is a better half then Walsh, I have no doubt about that, but thats just me.

Walsh was all sideways movement and hospital passes and a liability in defence and piss poor decision making. He had a good step and was quick off the mark but rarely ran or got tackled with the ball.

John isnt an organiser though imo, and last night Soward said on the sterlo show Wallace is running the team leaving Soward to just playing footy which suits his style, those are his words. I dont think John/Soward combo would be better then a Wallace/Soward combo.
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I think your wish to say "I told you so" is clouding your judgement.

I was never happy with signing Wallace but he is a better half then Walsh, I have no doubt about that, but thats just me.

Walsh was all sideways movement and hospital passes and a liability in defence and piss poor decision making. He had a good step and was quick off the mark but rarely ran or got tackled with the ball.

John isnt an organiser though imo, and last night Soward said on the sterlo show Wallace is running the team leaving Soward to just playing footy which suits his style, those are his words. I dont think John/Soward combo would be better then a Wallace/Soward combo.

No I would love to be wrong.

I look at the stats more then the player. As I said numerous times Adam Reynolds and Walsh had very similar stats over the last 2 seasons. Our slow play the balls and no ball runners around him made him seem worse then he actually was. He didn't work and was rightly shown the door.

Souths are a big change this year as they have a 6 that can more then just run at the line even if Reynolds just kicks they go wide Keary/Walker will keep the defence guessing.

If we continue to have 4 runs a game from our halves the good teams will rush up get the wingers back early for the kick and points cold be difficult as we found in 2010. So while during the season we beat the average teams (Which atleast 10 are) and make the finals. We lack the x factor to keep top teams guessing


A Soward/John combo with Soward running the show and John playing the footy might be better. Soward given free reign to play instinctual footy doesn't particularly excite me nor I imagine put much fear into the opposition. He's a structured footballer.


A Soward/John combo with Soward running the show and John playing the footy might be better. Soward given free reign to play instinctual footy doesn't particularly excite me nor I imagine put much fear into the opposition. He's a structured footballer.

Jaime Soward doesnt agree.


No I would love to be wrong.

I look at the stats more then the player. As I said numerous times Adam Reynolds and Walsh had very similar stats over the last 2 seasons. Our slow play the balls and no ball runners around him made him seem worse then he actually was. He didn't work and was rightly shown the door.

Souths are a big change this year as they have a 6 that can more then just run at the line even if Reynolds just kicks they go wide Keary/Walker will keep the defence guessing.

If we continue to have 4 runs a game from our halves the good teams will rush up get the wingers back early for the kick and points cold be difficult as we found in 2010. So while during the season we beat the average teams (Which atleast 10 are) and make the finals. We lack the x factor to keep top teams guessing

I can see what your saying(I do think you are placing too much faith in stats) but I dont see how Keeping Walsh solves any of that.

Look at the roosters, i havent checked but going off memory I dont think either pearce or maloney ran the ball a whole lot last season. Now we arent the Roosters but I think if we can get a the team defending well and holding onto the ball then we can rattle a few cages in the finals.
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Staff member
Soward isnt flashy compared to someone like Benji, but he is very much instinctive. He doesnt have the huge side step but he can spot an overlap & knows when to kick and/or pass. Hopefully when he gets confidence back we get to see a bit more of his running game. Again not flashy, just surprising pace & the ability to spot a hole.

Blues Riff

Wallace is not going anywhere. He's intelligent. If any weaknesses crop up, no doubt the coach will work with him on them. Fair Dinkum! He's played one game.


Soward isnt flashy compared to someone like Benji, but he is very much instinctive. He doesnt have the huge side step but he can spot an overlap & knows when to kick and/or pass. Hopefully when he gets confidence back we get to see a bit more of his running game. Again not flashy, just surprising pace & the ability to spot a hole.

I disagree, 2010 was about as structured a season from a 5/8 as you're ever likely to see.


I disagree, 2010 was about as structured a season from a 5/8 as you're ever likely to see.

The Dragons were a very structured team but I think Jaime had some freedom within that structure to play what he sees ie take the line on if its there.

Below is Jamie talking about what bennet has done for him to get his form back. This is from 2011.

''He's probably just instilled to stay with your first instinct, and that's usually the best,'' he said. ''My passion for the way Benny's mentored me over the last few years won't change. He's changed my life, and he knows that.''

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I think we should wait a few games before deciding the news halves are no improvement over Walsh.

I'm just excited to have some new guys there. At least there is a possibility for some magic. If we had kept Walsh around we would know to expect exactly the same as we've had the last few years.


I think we should wait a few games before deciding the news halves are no improvement over Walsh.

I'm just excited to have some new guys there. At least there is a possibility for some magic. If we had kept Walsh around we would know to expect exactly the same as we've had the last few years.

^ This

End thread


The Dragons were a very structured team but I think Jaime had some freedom within that structure to play what he sees ie take the line on if its there.

Below is Jamie talking about what bennet has done for him to get his form back. This is from 2011.

''He's probably just instilled to stay with your first instinct, and that's usually the best,'' he said. ''My passion for the way Benny's mentored me over the last few years won't change. He's changed my life, and he knows that.''

If he had freedom then that just further shows he is on the lower scale of creative halves going around.


If he had freedom then that just further shows he is on the lower scale of creative halves going around.

Yeah you could be right...like I said the Dragons were a very structured side so I still think he had to play withing that structure.

Anyway like others have said this is a silly discussion to be having about two new halves this early.


How can you look solely at stats to judge a player? That's absurd. Stats suggested that Luke Walsh created more try scoring opportunities then any other halfback in 2010, when watching the games showed him putting in standard kicks and the kick chase creating the actual tries. He did f*ck all work for those tries... he did what every halfback does only his teammates improved the results.

I'm not prepared to say Wallace will be any better then Walsh based off a single game. But if that's his average game for us, and he has even better ones mixed in then he is without a doubt an upgrade. Our halves over the weekend had 2 try assists between them, a 40/20, 100% goal kicking with 5/5 goals and kicks from both sidelines, 27 tackles for 4 missed tackles and it was their first game together and with the majority of the guys in our team.

We just need our blokes to compliment each other well. To know what play to go for and when... Wallace might have had 0 metres credited to his name. But when he saw a gap he ran the ball and crossed for a try that was denied because Lewis Brown held Gidley and he milked it for all it was worth. No way does Gidley stop him whether Brown holds him or not... and the stats don't show things like that. Wallace went for the right play when a gap was open near the line and it would have been a try.

I think we have a halves pairing that will just make better decisions. Soward going for a 40/20 knowing that it was a better chance then usual with Gagai being at fullback and the space being there. Both players putting some well placed kicks in and around the goals, both ending up with a try from them because of a good kick chase. Wallace seeing a hole and running through. We don't have a flashy halves pairing who will create opportunities from absolutely nothing. But if our halves just play what is infront of them and go for plays where the odds seem better then usual. We're well and truly better off then we have been in the last decade IMO. It's no Gower/Presto halves combination, but it shits on any we have had since then.