I'd like to see:
-an option to toggle matrix kicking on/off
-an option to turn fatigue on/off and realistic/arcade so the fatigue is calculated by the length of the match so it would come into effect even in 10 minute games, but if you have the arcade fatigue option on your forwards would be buggered by half-time not 1 minute into the match.
-An alternate sprint button like in WCR where you press down the left thumbstick (only if the button-mashing sprint is removed

, mainly so X-Box owners can sprint AND fend/side-step.
-a PES-style side-step button. In PES you hold down a button which basically locks your player into running forward, and when you pull sideways your player side-steps laterally while still facing forward, but its all about the timing.
-Rugby2005-style on the fly defence and attack options using the D-pad.
-on demand and savable replays. People could upload their cool tries onto the web.