The EELiminator
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i blame ozzie for this crappy weather he tempted fate with that 'stormy night' title you dont need it but you've got it mate hehe
Yes that would be called modern day rugby league, and how to win a premiership.
Their are many good people sitting on the sidelines waiting for an IC instead of lining Ruperts pockets. The wealth will be there.
Whose doing the background checks to be sure all members of the commission are not compromised??????
The cabal is notorious for its plants!!!!!!
"We Will Lead Every Revolution Against Us"..........
Tapestry Mark?
The most effective people, Casper, have the closest to perfect convergence between their sphere of interest and their sphere of interest.
While it is every person's duty (to themselves) to increase their sphere of influence, such is not always possible. What is always possible, other than for the mentally ill or the emotionally immature, is to bring their sphere of interest in line with their sphere of influence.
My advice to all young players is to not let the illusion of freedom and democracy fool them into thinking they can change the world. Especially when most of them struggle to change themselves.
Should we care that the strong rule the weak? That's how it works in nature and that's how it has always worked in human society.
You can still be self-centred while recognising you need other people - that's why the capitalists gave us a 40 hour working week and enough pay to be able to afford to buy all the crap they make.
On top of that all humans have interpersonal relationships - people they care about that they are willing to make sacrifices for.
Nothing has changed in this area mate. Your predictions of doom and gloom rest on some shaky assumptions.
Slaves willingly create a world in their masters image.
So don't be a slave. Duh.
And if you must be a slave, be the best one you can be and then it's all free rides on the gravy train.
It wasn't the Capitalists that gave us the 40 hour week-it was the collective forces of the Labour movement (ie the Socialists)
It is the Capitalists with their illusions of the attractiveness individualism that work to suppress the human spirit. They lead the weak to think that the liberty of the individual is the greatest thing -and yet all the while seek only to divide and conquer.
Man is only human when he works together with those who also identify as human. It is not the the weak are inevitably slave to the powerful. It is that the powerful have managed to hoodwink the powerless that they have no power unless they are individuals.
Hey you're preaching to the perverted here mate.
I think freedom is a terrible idea. Or rather, it's a nice idea, but in reality it means 'the freedom to be frightened, hungry and alone'.
You can complain about the system but that's like a child telling their parents they didn't ask to be born. Or like a pot blaming the potter. ;-)
You are who you are because of the system. It's a bit disingenuous to then whinge about it.
The system is a fiction (a fairytale) that is a dead-corpse, requiring the living to perform on its behalf.
Dead-corpses can't walk, talk, think, feel, eat, sleep, poo, wee, contemplate, rejoice, co-create, negotiate, contract, etc.
To create a physical, material, intellectual form of the dead-corpse requires destruction to the living and without the living the fiction cannot be. So what does not come naturally is forced upon us and must be accepted as "the norms" otherwise consequences of force will apply if you do not comply, while what does come naturally must be ignored, rejected, ridiculed, etc, and must be demonised.
So what is normal is now abnormal and what is abnormal is now normal. Without full disclosure, the abnormal is forced upon us and we are told that we are not normal when we reject what is abnormal. Sounds perverted to me...
It's interesting that what is abnormal always needs to be enforced whereas what is normal comes for free without a fee (no conditions/contracts attached).
You say "I think freedom is a terrible idea. Or rather, it's a nice idea, but in reality it means 'the freedom to be frightened, hungry and alone'." The key words here are "in reality" meaning that you base your 'nice idea' point of view about freedom from within what is abnormal!!!
borrows gronk's penFFS <bangs head against wall, stabs himself in the eyes with a pen>
borrows gronk's pen