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We have become the NEW bulldogs


Hellsy said:
Its hard to blame the players for a decision that someone in upper management made though
So Dennis isn't responsible for anything that happens at the Eels? The club is not just the players...


All i am saying is, We are a team that has been picked on ever since brian couldnt win a title especially 2001, Ray Hadley was and is the worst component of this.

The only thing i dont want to see is, us as a club in the papers copping it for no reason.

Now if you were to ask me the latest incident is anything but a massive beat up i think it is, how do we know what happened? we dont, we are taking the word from someone who on one hand says there was nothing in it then says why do players get away with it???

The thing that sh*ts me is that these players get paid doing a job that 99% of us only can dream about, yet they find it easy to put themselves into stupid positions that make everyone else involved with the club in a bad light.

It has to be cut now before it leads into things that can become worse. We are a great club there is no doubt about that, The Article in the big league that Sterlo was talking about HE said himself that this is wrong.

Will you see an apology next week, no way, but this is how a club can get tarnished.


mickdo said:
So Dennis isn't responsible for anything that happens at the Eels? The club is not just the players...

I think you misunderstood my comment.......
Yes, Denis is responsible and I never said that he wasn't in fact the whole point was that upper management IS responsible.
I commented that you can't blame the players for the indiscretions of the upper management in the Bulldogs. Unless you know for 100% sure that the players knew about it then how can you?
Not saying that yourself says it but alot of people refer to the Dogs as "Cheaters" and as a club on a whole yes they obviously had issues in that scandal, but you cannot pinpoint that to the players, that is all I'm saying..


Hellsy said:
I think you misunderstood my comment.......
Yes, Denis is responsible and I never said that he wasn't in fact the whole point was that upper management IS responsible.
I commented that you can't blame the players for the indiscretions of the upper management in the Bulldogs. Unless you know for 100% sure that the players knew about it then how can you?
Not saying that yourself says it but alot of people refer to the Dogs as "Cheaters" and as a club on a whole yes they obviously had issues in that scandal, but you cannot pinpoint that to the players, that is all I'm saying..
Thats cool. I don't neccessarily blame the players (although it is still up for debate as to whether they knew anything or not, as they sign their own contracts that must go to the NRL), and my comment was 'Dogs == cheating scum grubs', which didn't refer directly to the players either ;-)


The media like to have a club to pick on. One bad incident and you are under the microscope until they move on to another club.

Unfortunately for you guys the spotlight is on you at the moment (I am not ashamed to say I am glad it is off us for a while).

Basically the media are there to sell papers and get ratings. Truthfullness tends to take a back seat to sensationilism and innuendo. The best thing to do is just keep following your team and never let the media get the best of you.

Good Luck guys, it sucks when your team is the media's little whipping boy, but true fans will remain strong and know that all teams will come through problems and give their fans the success they want eventually.


mickdo said:
Thats cool. I don't neccessarily blame the players (although it is still up for debate as to whether they knew anything or not, as they sign their own contracts that must go to the NRL), and my comment was 'Dogs == cheating scum grubs', which didn't refer directly to the players either ;-)

Ahh OK, I guess my mind says that when a club is mentioned it is the whole club, not excluding players.


Post Whore
Smartman said:
Add the Fui Fui alleged biting incident on that list :cool:
I allege that bulldogs take it up the arse ... do i have any proof? - no

the 2nd angle they showed seemed unlikely he bit him


Mark Riddell bit 5 hamburgers yesterday. Expect a front page spread from the Telegraph on the poor hamburgers.

Stagger eel

Staff member
Cammo said:
Mark Riddell bit 5 hamburgers yesterday. Expect a front page spread from the Telegraph on the poor hamburgers.

knowing our luck you might be right.


Geez the eels have had more headlines these past 6 months than the dogs have had these past few years, without the on field sucess though :cool:


Post Whore
Smartman said:
Geez the eels have had more headlines these past 6 months than the dogs have had these past few years, without the on field sucess though :cool:

Yup, losing all your competition points and eventually Steve Price, Braith Anasta, as well as winning the spoon! Wow, I wish Parra were that successful! :crazy:


There was an all in brawl in the stands after the game...We're definetely working on that Bulldogs tag!


Staff member
Bazal said:
Yup, losing all your competition points and eventually Steve Price, Braith Anasta, as well as winning the spoon! Wow, I wish Parra were that successful! :crazy:

Pretty useless comment given that in between losing all their points, winning the spoon, losing Price and Anasta they managed to squeeze in a Premiership :roll:


Post Whore
nöyd said:
Pretty useless comment given that in between losing all their points, winning the spoon, losing Price and Anasta they managed to squeeze in a Premiership :roll:

So? The fact remains that their onfield "success" when they had all those salary cap headlines was non-existent. :roll: And their onfield "success" after losing Price due to that salary cap incident was only a little better. :roll:


i heard on the radio today and sorry to say but a song has been made about the eels and how they r becoming like the doggies were. its disgraceful. We used to be the best team u never heard of the eels only for good things and now all you hear is so and so got drunk and did this and ditto!!! if the boys keep doing that no matter who they are... taylor should drop them until he sees fit. i think that would put them in there place real quick. even big names like cayless and riddell drop em down for about a month then see how they like it.


Post Whore
bensgirl_3 said:
i heard on the radio today and sorry to say but a song has been made about the eels and how they r becoming like the doggies were. its disgraceful. We used to be the best team u never heard of the eels only for good things and now all you hear is so and so got drunk and did this and ditto!!! if the boys keep doing that no matter who they are... taylor should drop them until he sees fit. i think that would put them in there place real quick. even big names like cayless and riddell drop em down for about a month then see how they like it.

To be fair, all the incidents so far have been blown waaaay out of proportion! How many guys get a back page for cracking onto a chick while drunk at the age of 18? But because Hayne is a player at a club that has had a massive fall from grace he gets calls from the media for his deregistration. :roll:


Post Whore
bensgirl_3 said:
but he bit her thats disgusting

A lovebite is disgusting? Even the girl said that's all it was, no pain and no marks! She was complaining about the fact he wasn't kicked out just because he was a footballer, not the bite itself...