:shock: Oh.... I'm sorry, I do apologise... you were man enough to come back on this forum after we kicked your arse in last years G.F.
Here you are:
Rooster Cockburn said:
I'm here. Sure Penrith won and good luck to them but I have to say that we lost the game rather than Penrith winning. Our handling was attrocious due to the wet and it was probably our worst performance of the year. We took some wrong options during that period in the 2nd half when we were getting on top. We'll be back better than ever next year
:lol: :lol: :lol: As you can see, not exactly gracious in defeat... Wait, here's you again:
Rooster Cockburn said:
If Byrne scores we win, Byrne didn't and Penrith went on with it. Good luck to them but to say that the Penrith forwards smashed us is just rubbish. Penrith beat us because they played better wet weather footy. If it was a dry night Easts would've won, I have no doubts about that.
:lol: :lol: :lol: Surely you're not going to use that wet weather bullsh*t excuse again??? But what's this? Another:
Rooster Cockburn said:
I agree that Penrith were the best team last night but I don't agree that Penrith were the best team all year. They had a dream run with hardly any injuries and the rep season didn't effect them. Winning the minor premiership doesn't necessarally mean that you're the best. Look at Souths in 89 or Cronulla in 99. As I said Penrith were better last night but Easts are still a better footy team than them.
:lol: :lol: :lol: So I guess the fact that the Roosters won the minor premiership this year counts for nothing as well?? :lol: :lol: :lol:
:shock: But wait, Heres a classic example of pure genius from you Cogburn:
Rooster Cockburn said:
Let's see how Penrith goes when they have to provide 5 or 6 players during Origin and the rest of the rep season and they have 3 or 4 players carrying injuries for weeks on end who have to rely on painkilling injections to get them through. Also every team will be gunning for them in every match they play next year. I'll predict right now that Penrith won't make the 8 in season 2004. Feel free to re-post this when the 8 is finalised at the end of the 2004 season.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
And I have reposted it! Thanks very much for the invitation! :lol: :lol: :lol:
And to those skeptics that believe that Cogburn could never be Stupid, deluded, one-eyed enough to make these posts and thinks I'm making all this up, I invite you to browse the folowing link at your leisure:
Let's not forget all the Racist bullsh*t that he went on with in the lead-up to this years G.F.:
2003 G.F. : Comprehensively outplayed by a better team on the night with more passion and hunger.
2004 G.F.: Beaten again by a better team on the night, who likewise, had more passion, hunger and grit.
2005 Season: Let's see how your boys play without your Westie, Werrington housing-commission wonderboy Frederick Fittler! :lol: