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Wests Tigers '05 strip



No nice person fans at Wests :lol:


smeghead said:
What should we chant instead. Something about our club not covering up for a drugs cheat. (Not naming any names because the Bulldogs management would rather allow the media to cast dispersions on a possibly innocent player).
Grammar is hardly the thing I would be harping on if I were you, concentrate on your club and their misgivings as we shall do ours.

BTW I dont like it so make me

Scurry off you little penis rat and eat some dick cheese.

Tigerpies happens to be particualy poor at chanting "tigers, tigers, tigers"
he always manages to f^&k it up from the first chant and is always offbeat.

And for Tigermo, ill type it so you can understand, freakin yokel hick.

Garn Git Farked ya merkin


Well that was an informative post. Many thanks, the point is even if you say that tigerpies chants off time, that he does chant is the important thing. BTW what exactly is a penis rat, is it something that came from many years of inbreeding in your family or just a expression you have coined to try and divert attention from your own deviant thoughts and actions. Scurrying is also difficult as I am a bipod, scampering may be a better analogy for future reference. And if you have a problem with dick cheese maybe you should wash your nether regions more effectively or what was the point of having to ribs removed if you dont like the odour whilst trying to blow yourself.

The jersey IMO looks quite nice I will reserve my final judgements until I see it in the flesh so to speak


smeghead said:
. BTW what exactly is a penis rat, is it something that came from many years of inbreeding in your family or just a expression you have coined to try and divert attention from your own deviant thoughts and actions. Scurrying is also difficult as I am a bipod, scampering may be a better analogy for future reference. And if you have a problem with dick cheese maybe you should wash your nether regions more effectively or what was the point of having to ribs removed if you dont like the odour whilst trying to blow yourself.

worst/lamest comeback ever.
all I wrote was one line and you had to write me a book..... you may as well of wrote "I know you are, I said you are, So what am I" another good one is "I am rubber, you are glue, bounce off me and stick to you"

obviously another callan park kid


i obviously know this bloke so its not really bulldogs vs tigers more a little battle of sorts

for the record hes a A class wanker. :lol: :D


actually i forgot i also had beef with Furrycat, thanks for dobbing me into the mods it got you very far.

Seems someone was a little cut they got beat by britains finest and was feeling a little emotionally down that morning.


yeah unfourtunately I have the displeasure of knowing tigerpies too

he would never say any of these thing in real life.. even to me, cause he is a total pussy.... one time when his mate was getting bashed by these two little north shore kids, he wouldnt even step in to help, in fact he retreated and made sure he didnt get involved... total pussy really, I wouldnt take anything he says seriously


please get the facts strait, they were bulldogs hoodlums in belmore, if i remember correctly you had the latest bling nikes and some locals stole your shoes.

if you dont mean that i wasnt there that night u got struck by the north shore boys remember i was inside the bar still.


haha keep dreamin you havent been to belmore since the last nrl game played at the belmore sportsground,
you were too pussy to come along I recall.... still bad memories from that time some bulldogs fans put a large drum right over your head and started playing it.

In the city when jamie got attacked as I recall you were hiding behind a car when JAMIE not me got attacked, I stepped in and helped and they promptly ran away... I still remember you crying and telling jamie how sorry you were that you didnt step in and how you would never let him down like that again. jamie being the good bloke that he is doesnt hold it against you. what a guy, much more forgiving then I woulf of been in the same situation.

ps. I wear reebok pumps and you cant spell

straight NOT strait, I think you need to repeat year 12 again


TIGERPies said:
^warped sense of reality^

is exactly what you have

you actually a pretty good guy aside from dogging your mates, its quite charitable and nice how you date and show such a nice time to "larger girls"


First Grade
hrundi99 said:
innsaneink said:
thickos said:
brook said:
hrundi99 said:
My point is that with the original WT jerseys, the away one looked like a Magpies jersey with a dash of orange.

These may as well be Balmain Tigers jerseys.


wash your mouth out!!!

aside from the fact that Balmain have never and would never wear something that ugly - we also certainly did NOT wear white jerseys

But hrundi never mentioned white jerseys :?

Add to the fact theres hardly any orange in the jersey at all, its a bit of a pointless point.

The Magpies the same size as its always been, it looks to be quite high on the sleeves on this pic but Im sure it'll look OK when worn.

There may not be a great deal of orange but it is certainly nothing like the trad. Magpies strip. That's what I have a problem with.

nothing like the traditional Balmain strip either - thats my point, like it or hate it you certainly can't say it resembles EITHER of the founding teams jjerseys

I agree the original wt jerseys were much better - and the team of the century jersey was better again (THATS a strip I could have been proud of - looked fantastic and couldn't be accused of favouring either team)


I just think it looks too union, league jerseys with horizontal stripes usually have a little variation, thick thin, two thin the a thick line...i dont like the even thick lines, its ruh ruh


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