Speaking of Anthrax, I caught up with my old band's drummer last night, who highly recommended "Worship Music" by Anthrax. Anyone else listened to this?
I'll admit being an Anthrax novice, have only heard their main songs (especially Bring The Noise which I heard a kazillion times playing Tony Hawk & WWE games in the early 00's!).
Yes! "Worship Music" is seriously *insterted profanity* amazing! Maybe with the exception of Sound of white noise I'd say the best Anthrax record made, not sure if you aware but Joey Belladonna is also back in the band and John Bush is making another album with Armored Saint, basically what I am trying to say is it's most definetley worth checking out.
Also can relate to bring the noise and THPS2 had so much playing that game for countless hours on end.