A number of metal bands have claimed to be satanists over the years but only a handful actually are: Emperor, Akercocke etc.
I guess a lot of them thought it was pretty cool. Admittedly, the imagery can be but other than that it was all about appearances.
Cryptopsy - None So Vile.
Never fails to deliver no matter how many times I listen to it.
Best death metal album ever? I'm not sure, but it's up there.
Still can't believe this is the same band that changed into another sh*tty deathcore band, chasing the money of all the scene kiddies. :crazy:
The Sword - Gods of the Earth
Meshuggah - ObZen
Sepultura - A-Lex
Alice in Chains - Black Gives Way to Blue
Are all on high rotation at the moment.
Mastodon - Crack the skye
Im not into a lot of metal these days but these guys are good. Call me a pussy but i like clean vocals in metal.
The CNK - L'Hymne à la Joie
French Death Metal - there is a bit of operra fusion going on it there too, it is really quite brilliant
The CNK - L'Hymne à la Joie
French Death Metal - there is a bit of operra fusion going on it there too, it is really quite brilliant