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What do we do now?


Well said, and I couldn't agree more. It needs to start with Scurrah. We saw Humphries from the Tigers resign after their loss hopefully Scurrah does the same. Bell can go too. We also need several player droppings. The first victims need to be SJ and any playersthat were on the field laughing after the game (Henry, Tupou).

The heart in this Warriors jersey is no longer there. I do feel for Elliott. He's trying but the culture at the club is awful at best and needs to change fast.

I bet Mateo is wishing he waited another week to sign a new contract. if I was him I'd get out of there while I could. It's disgraceful.

I said last night, if I in anyway shape or form was a friend of Sam Tomkins, I'd be pleading with him NOT to go to the Warriors. Why go to this nonsense? Its career suicide.


I said last night, if I in anyway shape or form was a friend of Sam Tomkins, I'd be pleading with him NOT to go to the Warriors. Why go to this nonsense? Its career suicide.

I was surprised when he signed 3 years go, so I really thought he'd leave. Great to have him at the club but why be happy when the whole team plays like crap. An Under 14s team would of beaten them last night.

On Tomkins, lets just hope for supporters sake he didn't see last nights game. He'd be hopping on a plane to the Gold Coast to sign a contract as quick as lightning if he did.
Big Big changes are needed, picking the same line up has not worked for 2 seasons now. This club needs a major reshape, start cutting players I think and begin the blooding process.

At some stage I would like to see this line up by the later rounds.

1) Shaun Johnson (he needs a spell to develop vision from the back)
2) Glen Fisiahi (I rate him more a winger at this stage and has wheels)
3) Dane Neilsen
4) Konrad Hurrell
5) Ngnai Laumape
6) Carlos Tuimavave (If he has Daley qualities then give him the keys)
7) Harry Seijka
8) Charlie Gubb
9) Thomas Leaulai (He is a hooker thats it)
10) Russel Packer
11) Ben Matulino (Guy was a weapon in this position back in the day with (Mose Masoe in the BC with Wellington)
12) Feleti Mateo
13) Simon Mannering (Your now the workhorse in the backrow - get it done)

14) kevin locke (Hooker) Speed agility, light it up
15) Manu Vatuvei (2nd row) Time to follow TREX lead
16) Sam lousi / John Palavi
17) Albete Vete / Suia Matagi / Abraham Papailii / Raymond Hunter - Mariner

Will get rubbished probably but major changes are needed, I Know guys like Ben Henry are fighters and people here love that but he is truly just average and offers little impact to no impact just another defender or supposed defender.


If I was picking the team next week:-

1 Fisiiahi (Locke if he's available)
2 Tupou
3 Laumape
4 Hurrell
5 Vatuvei
6 Leuluai
7 Seijka (Johnson needs an attitude adjustment and he needs to re-learn how to defend)
8 Rapira
9 Friend
10 Packer
11 Mateo
12 Mannering (c)
13 Matulino

1,2 and 4 shouldn't be there, they're not up to it.
TL at 14
Lowrie - Vulcans
Mateo at 6
Rapira smashed his hand again around 60 mins last night, they shouldn't rush him back, so Matagi or Gubb
Friend - Captain
ET - 11

Give Seijka a shot, Johnson had a shocker last night, but he had no platform to work off. Needs some serious Vulcanising to get the confidence back.

Friend had an 'off game' by his standards, guess last night was as good as any to get it out of his system.

I honestly don't believe the problem is with the team, its the club.
I honestly don't believe the problem is with the team, its the club.

Probably never a truer quote, except some players are dead set average - how did we go so backwards ????

How can the breakers get it so right and we get it so wrong ? is that unfair of me to say ?


Ah well, once Benchy Marshall gets here we'll be right... ;-)

Just what we need. Another player who likes a 9 to 5er with celebrity status.

A professional NRL team needs some professional players with professional attitude, it's becoming quite apparent some of our young guys like the fact they can get paid to play League and enjoy the celebrity of big fish small sea. We almost need to rent out some of these guys to other teams then bring them back


Staff member
Thank goodness Owen knew enough about league to back away from Bellamy when he refused to break his contract with the Storm.
How embarrasing would it be to be looking forward to Bellamy starting with us next year?
Top sporting franchise in Australasia? Yeah right!

what ever

1,2 and 4 shouldn't be there, they're not up to it.

Give Seijka a shot, Johnson had a shocker last night, but he had no platform to work off. Needs some serious Vulcanising to get the confidence back.

Agree about giving Seijka a shot, agree with Johnson was shocking. Agree about him going to the Vulcans, for more than one game. What i am not sure about is his confidence. He has always been the same in every game as far as i can see and i have been watching him since the 20's. He only plays for himself he has never understood it is not about him. He is great finding the camera, and making out he is telling the boys what to do. He has confidences. But watch the team, they have not faith in him. And i am sorry i can not blame them. He did not go to the end of year do last year as a princess for nothing. That's what they called him.
Apparently Duggan (by Sunday roast) spend a day or week on building site and realised how good/easy he had it playing football vs a real job. I think a few Warriors boys could line up for this kind of work!


Start dropping players. Tuimavave, Henry, Johnson, Lillyman, Lowrie and Taylor for a start. Heck, I'd offer Taylor a release right now - what's the point of wasting everyone's time keeping him around?

When they're bringing in Vulcans/others to replace them be very clear on one thing; perform and show a good attitude, you keep your spot; if you don't, you're gone. Simple as that. No reputations, no safety nets - for the rest of the year those who perform and work hard the week before (prev game and in training) get a game. Everyone else sits out. Better yet - start fining players for exceptionally poor performance or continued bad attitude in training. There IS a legal precedent to do so, and that might finally get the attention of some of the more unprofessional players.

Time to get really, really tough with these boys. If we lose a few in the process (we will) it will still be worth it.


Thank goodness Owen knew enough about league to back away from Bellamy when he refused to break his contract with the Storm.
How embarrasing would it be to be looking forward to Bellamy starting with us next year?
Top sporting franchise in Australasia? Yeah right!

Know you are just speculating lol

Everybody get a grip - however I am looking forward to both Tuesday (team naming) & the weekend


Thankfully Jayson Bakuya is carving up this afternoon. Oh how it'd be great to have a backrower with his size and speed. Looks a good prospect.

Beavers Headgear

First Grade
Thankfully Jayson Bakuya is carving up this afternoon. Oh how it'd be great to have a backrower with his size and speed. Looks a good prospect.

Rumour has it he watched that display last night and was straight on the phone to ASADA looking for his 2 year ban :p

Cold Roses

Thankfully Jayson Bakuya is carving up this afternoon. Oh how it'd be great to have a backrower with his size and speed. Looks a good prospect.

Next year


That's a decent sized and skilled pack. Mannering has been playing like a lock all year anyway. Just need to shift him to the middle to tighten up the defence. He's been making good metres as well which we haven't had from the lock postion for what... 6 years? Since before Luck anyway. Modern day locks can't just be tackle bots anymore. Lowrie is a dud. Don't care what happens to him.

Lillyman - Release. Promote from Vulcans to replace him
Rapira - On notice. Start performing.
Henry - backup forward ONLY


We don't need to make a huge amount of changes:

- Get Laumape and Hurrell back into our centres
- Get Leulaui out of 6... Godinet 7 and Johnson 6 for mine
- Taylor should never play again for the Warriors

I don't think we're far off from being a top 8 side even despite what happened last night, but until we fix these we'll never get off the bottom.


No point ringing RS tomorrow morning , Allan Mack will eat his own nutsack before being critical of Mannerings captaincy-

will be interesting to see what comes out of this week though.


Staff member
If recent events are any indication:
201? - will be a write off.
201? - Will be a year of rebuilding.
201? - Will be a year of development.

Fill in the ? with whatever year you choose and repeat from the top.


Thankfully Jayson Bakuya is carving up this afternoon. Oh how it'd be great to have a backrower with his size and speed. Looks a good prospect.

as I understand it he hasn't put pen to paper yet, so it wouldn't surprise me to see him change his mind.

No point ringing RS tomorrow morning , Allan Mack will eat his own nutsack before being critical of Mannerings captaincy-

will be interesting to see what comes out of this week though.

It will be great listening for a laugh though. :lol:

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