Thimbleweed Park. TP takes me back to my childhood with the point and click interface.
Grow a pair son, just grow a pair.The Witcher overwhelmed me too much I gave up before I got too far into it.
The Witcher overwhelmed me too much I gave up before I got too far into it.
downloaded Titanfall 2 free trial (40gb fmd)
heard its a goer
I got Mafia 3 with the season pass for $36 brand new from EB games the other day. Have probably only put an couple of hours in to it so far but it seems pretty good.
It kind of feels a bit dated but they have tried to create a good story and setting.
I ended up dumping Horizon. There's just something about it, especially immediately coming off Witcher 3 that just doesn't grab me. It's a big open world yet it feels so shallow. There aren't any building interiors at all, the variety in robot creatures isn't as wide as I hoped.....I guess I just found it boring.
Finally jumped in to Mankind Divided now