What? The aliens?
Or "inter-dimensional beings" as Lucas called them.
Probably about as absurd as the Ark of the Covenant melting off faces.
Or a magic stone that burns when you say some words.
Or cups that can give you either eternal life or instant death.
I liked Crystal Skull.
Sure, it's easily the weakest of the Indiana Jones movies...but the first three were so good it was never going to reach those heights.
Also, while Transformers 4 was an utter piece of shit, it is pretty much The Godfather compared to Transformers 2.
Two words: Robot testicles.
Two more: Robot heaven.
I don't get people that walk out of movies
Does it really get that bad or do people just say it for dramatic effect?
I don't get people that walk out of movies
Does it really get that bad or do people just say it for dramatic effect?
People actually do it. For example, I remember Bad Boys 2 (not a great movie, but not the worst either) had a lot of grotty/gross/gory scenes in it. I remember a few people had enough of all the crap and got up and walked out. For a lot of people movies aren't as good as they're promoted to be.I don't get people that walk out of movies
Does it really get that bad or do people just say it for dramatic effect?
Oh f**k, you must be either a Speilberg apologist or even worse....a George Lucas one.
Don't dare try to compare the magic intertwined with the first three classics with the "Jar jar binks-like" twist of the f**king aliens in that steaming pile shit of a movie.
Sooooo many things about the movie simply did not work.
I kinda agree with this, but then I guess if you're really not having a good time, then it's your prerogative to not bother staying to the end if it's eating at your mind & soul that much.
Though as already mentioned I got close to walking out of Ring 2, but couldn't bring myself to not see it through to the bitter end.
I liken it to people walking out before the end of a sports match, I don't get those people either. Sure the result may be a foregone conclusion, but I've seen plenty of games live (whether it's league, cricket, soccer, rugby or whatever) where all the best stuff has happened in the closing minutes.
:lol: man the way you described it was funny - the bold part that is. That movie actually has some half-decent actors in it, but yeah, all in all it's pretty bad.There's a ridiculous amount of shit movies out there, it'd be impossible to find the worst one.
So I'll stick to movies I've seen at the cinema. And hands down, without a shadow of doubt, the worst movie I've ever seen is 'Vampire Academy'.
I never expected to enjoy this, it being a chick flick & all. My girlfriend had read the books & wanted to see it, so I agreed. Half the time when I don't want to see a movie she wants to see, I end up liking it anyway.
First movie I've ever walked out on. I was trying to a find a way to describe how bad this movie is, but there none. The corny dialogue, the terrible acting, the laughable action scenes, the blatant ripping off of Twilight & Mean Girl. Shit, they've even made Twilight look respectable, & Kristen Stewart seems like she has a personality. They threw in the token good actor in Gabriel Byrne, but not even the greatest actor of all time could make this pile of shit seems good.
My girlfriend was the one who asked if I wanted to leave. Thank f**k she did, I didn't have the courage to ask her. I was watching her face while she watch it. It was the equivalent of watching a loved one get tortured.
I have to stop now. I just vomited all over my keyboard. Flashbacks.