Just a question i been wondering for a while, is there any association between Outlaw, BFB, Javaman, Reservoir Dog, Raging Bulldog, Warlock, CM, Grubunner, Atilla etc etc? Do all/any of you guys know each other off the net, or all involved on another discussion board? No offence intended, just curious
I attend Uni with ResDog and Jackal (though he headed back up north last year and doesn't frequent here often) and am good mates with them both outside this forum. I think we have all made that clear in the past and never pretended to be otherwise.I'm a lurker and memberon another sportforum where Cryptic Messenger is a member/manager. I've had email and instant message contact with Vertigo, Javaman and Raging Bulldog in the past on more than a few occassions,but don't know any of them off the net. I've hada couple ofemail contacts with Atilla one time back some time ago,to pass back and forth some info on boxing books when that thread was active. You may remember that.I don't know Outlaw, SpaceMonkey,Warlock orGrubrunner any more or less thananybody elseon this forum. Honest.
Breifly on the Grubrunner issue on this thread. I just saw him pour out a big effort here and acted immediately ATTbased on feelings and emotions. Maybe I was wrong and over the top with my hasty reply to EA, but I just didn't think it was right or fair of him to swing this thread to a mockery and bait shop (singled at one person as he admitted)when up until the time he intervened it was a good serious discussion. People must understand that even though some threads don't get the hits in terms of replies like others do, there are many who are interested in that discussion and like to view from the sidelines rather than participate first hand. An excellent example of that is when Javaman replied. Once a very active memeber here on the boxing boards; I'm sure many would remember.Some threads are an excellent educational tool and very enjoyable even though it maybe between only a handfull of posters. An excellent example of thatis this thread.I just didn't think this was a lighthearted thread,and didn't warrant tongue-in-cheek remarks or
obvious mockery and insult. Lord Ted may have made a similar kind of remark earlier on here (and it made me laught ATT), but it was quickly shrugged off by others because it didn't have the personal finger pointing or un-subtleness andmalicethat EA's did.
As for the authenticity of what people claim or not here on this threead,or on any other thread? I don't see what Grubrunner would have had to gain by bullshiting here. This is a sports general forum NOT who's the biggest or baddest MOFO around.But have a look at the length and detail of his post. The guy obviously did some research and posted an informative thread.His size and whatnot was never innitiated by him as far as I've looked back. He first made mention of it on another thread where Ozbash asked a question and he responded (about the barrel over the head thing) based on waht he thought based on his powerlifting backround. He then replied on this thread when Steve said he would like to see what Grubrunner post with his best bench. As Grubrunner stated, he only did so because Steve asked him. I don't see why Steve or Grubrunner should be ridiculed for their comments here.
I know EA doesn't like non footy threads on a predominantly footy board (he said so over at the Footy Show boards on the
Restuarant (reply 49) thread), but he forgets that this board likes to discuss a variety of topics and discussions in the footy offseason. Why is that such a bad thing? Hell some of the best threads here or any board,are non footy based talks. This thread was not only about powerlifting but about a number of other things. It
had the potenttial to esclade into bigger things. There are many of us here (judging by threads and discussions in the past about similar issues; ala the
Nutritionthread) who are interested
and have prior experiencein weight training for a variety of reasons, NOT just
To look bigger than Mr. Jones next door. To look incredibly buff for the girls/boys (whatever your choice..not that there's anything wrong with that) If there's another one, please let me know. What's so wrong with sharing that info around and reading about other peoples acheivements and involvements?
Anyway, this much typing and thinkingat 2.30AM cannot be healthy.
I'll end by saying this: I apologise for my outburst and comments made to EA. I don't whish him or anyone else to leave on their own merritsor be banned by management.I acted on emotions at the time and know better than that. I also apologise to anyone else who found my comments abusive ro inappropriate. Mostly, I apologise to Grubrunner for
helping shift this thread off its original flavour.
Sincerely Broncos-fan-baller
PS- I hope Grubrunner re-analizes things and returns to this discussion. There are still more than a few people interested.