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Whats your bench press?


Assistant Moderator
Waitangi day? Thanks...
I'llsay the same toOzbash and AliN.
Forgot to mention that the Gold Coast Kiwi population was added to today. The transients arrived safe and well and are now orientatiing themselves with this evil land. ;)


How was Waitangi day in NZ anyway Meth? Any notable protests or events happen?
Wow! :eek:
A lot has happened since my last post on this topic.
Up front: I'm sorry if I was the cause of the ill feelings on this thread since my last post. If I'd had known what was to eventuate, I wouldn't have posted hereat all and said I was not posting again. I didn't mean anything by saying I wouldn't post on this topic anymore. I just didn't want people to think I was bragging about my prior achievements. I'm glad people saw that as I stated prior. It's honestly not my style to do so.
I'm relatively new to this community chat thing, and I'm not always in touch with how people's posts should be interpreted. I'm trying though. And this topic has taught me much.
Anyway, seeing things have settled down and communication breakdowns are out of the way, I'll be more than glad to continue here and answer some of the questions that were forwarded my way. I just can't do it right now.
I'm at work currently for the next few hours, but things are pretty steady here so I can't stay logged on for any long time. The home computer should be up and running by the weekends end, so I'll try and follow up by tomorrow night or if things don't pan, on monday from work.
Either way, I'll get to people's querries ASAP.
Sorry for the misshap again. All's well from my end. No hardor ill feelings from my end.



Grubrunner, good to see you back. No need for the apologies mate, you posted an excellent thread and one of the local smart-arses chose to have a crack at you, happens to all of us at some point. My only advice is don't take the bait and get too offended when it happens, just because one person decides to take the piss doesn't mean there aren't a fair few others on here who don't value your input.


You want to know what annoys me about some people here?

Two things have happened in this thread to keep this going.

It's known as resurrecting a dead horse. I was over this yesterday, I explained myself and was happy to let it drop and see this thread get back to where it should be.


1) Canadian Steve did it, but he realised his error. I left it after that.

2) SpaceMonkey did it, but he wasn't smart enough to seehis mistake.

Don't be a hypocrite Spacemonkey. In that posting, you've not only taken a veiled shot at me, you've set a bait. If I didn't react to it, I'd be disappointed with myself.

I think you're a disgrace. The fact that you are an AM of this community lessens the community. There are 100 people here who would make a better AM than you because they wouldn't have made a post like that.

Rather than allow this thread to get back on track with Grubrunner's tactful and diplomatic post, you chose to continue the argument thus continuing the desecration of what could have been a fine thread. That's fine with me, I'm always up for an argument with someone like you, but I don't think you are representing the Members.

Everyone else has worked it out except you apparently. The next time your eyes roll back in your head and you even think about taking a shot for whatever reason your brain makes up for you, take a deep breath and think of the consequences.

Hands up anyone who read post #64 and didn't know what was coming.


Jesus, EA, now who's being oversensitive?
I wasn't attacking you, you've just chosen to interpret it that way. I called you a smart-arse because you are, and I don't mean it as a bad thing, but you've got to admit that you like to get stuck in and stir a bitof shit. I don't necessarily think that's all bad, and I quite often enjoy your posts.
All I advised Grubrunner to do was not to take the bait so much when somebody posts something akin to your first post, which again I think was sound comment as this whole situation wouldn'tve blown up had he chosen to ignore you.
Now if I've made that clear can we let the matter rest?
re message 62

Waitangi day was unusually quiet.... the comment that even the protesters had lost interest was made. People are questioning the validity and worth of Waitangi as a national holiday.

I don't

I couldn't care less about the political motives and origins behind a national holiday. A day off work is a day off work


Meth, after being in Australia on Australia Day I definitely think that NZ should retain Waitangi day as a national holiday. Its good to have one day a year where the country celebrates being who they are (the yanks have their 4th of July as another example)and as the signing of the treaty was probably the most significant event in the early shaping of NZ as a nation, and for all it's faults it has probably ensured that the relations between Maori and Pakeha are far better than those between colonists and indigenous inhabitants in most other countries. I think it is an appropriate date for our national holiday, especially if the protests etc are starting to die down and the crown and tangata whenua are managing to reslove their greivances. And like you say, it's a day off work!


What Would Jesus Do?

How dare you stop arguing.

About the banning of the White Journos, what did they do with mixed race Journos, ban the lighter side?



Bronco, I think there will always be the extreme brown bigot fringe within Maori society that get up to such antics (trying to ban white journos etc) but these days most people (maori and pakeha) see them as just that, which is good.


Me too, Evilgrowler. Sorry if I helped pull this thread somewhat off topic.
I hope I don't regret this.

Perhaps a little back ground will encourage you Grubrunner. The reasons for taking up lifting are 2 fold. Firstly, my son suffers from a genetic disorder called Myotonic Dystrophy. Doctors advised us not to go ahead as he'll suffer atrophy. The doctors were wrong. He looks great.

Secondly at the age of 37 and 6' tall, I weighed in at a modest 135kilos. Yep! One big fat bastard I was. It's now 3 years later. I got down as low as 97 kilos, but have platued at 105kilos. This is where I've been for sometime now.

For the first 2 years all 3 of us had personal trainers. 3 sessions a week every week. It was quite an investment, but certainly well worth it. When membership ended we bought our own weights and started to work out at home. Not with the same intensity unfortunately, but Christopher still finds it hard to spot me on heavy weights.

We basically went into this as body builders. With my physique, I probably should have gone as a power lifter instead.

And for those of you deciding whether to take up the sport, forget 3 sets of 10. That's a myth. It's more like 3 sets of as many reps as you can possible do + 15.

A brief history for you Grubrunner. I'll look forward to your reply.


Evilgrowler: I hope all goes well with your son. Can I ask how old he is? I ask because you hear different ideas about how young any boy should start lifting.
Thanks Steve. He's a strapping 16 year old with the intellect of a 10 year old because the defective gene became active while neo-natal.

He was 13 when he started and they didn't push him to hard because he hadn't fully developed. This had nothing to do with his condition. To look at him, he look just like any other 16 year old lad. You'd never know there was anything wrong.

At the same time, the younger they start the better and faster they develop muscle.

Christopher was pushed to his limit, but not with heavy weights. Just tons of reps. However because of his condition, which attacks the extremities, he was forced to use hooks or wraps while doing things like seated rows or tricep pull downs and such. This stopped development of his forearms.