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Whatuira, Marshall & Ryles


First Grade
If I had to choose a team to play for my life tommorow I'd take Benji over Lockyer. Who cares about the past.

Then again, Lockyer starts most seasons on fire and fades.


misty bee you are completely right! the dragons arent going to win a competiton with a player like ryles as a starting prop and with barret as captain. ryles must be just about the most over rated player in the game he has no impact on the game what so ever. for a man of his size he is just so useless and seems to be so powerless when running the ball.

and to think some fool on here last week said ryles is the best prop in the game and a player like mark omely is no where near him, what an absolute joke that is!


First Grade
I've also heard Whatuira is a really hardworker. My mate used to go to college with him in Wainui and said he was nowhere near the most talented player there, but always put the most work into it. Great to see how hes playing these days.


Whatuira is a gun - always been a fan of him - was my favourite player when he was at the Panthers... watching him carve up for the Tigers and seeing who we have at 3 and 4 this year does make me spiral into depression sometimes... :lol:

Still filthy that we didn't offer him a contract in 2004.

God-King Dean

Bring Back the Spliff said:
You my 'good man' are supporting a team that will never win a Premiership in the next decade at LEAST!...

I don't expect you to understand right now - you're obvoiusly a quite simple man, with little understanding of the game of Rugby League in general - let alone it's finer points - but when Gasnier takes himself & Anthony Minichello's mobile phone over to the Yawnion ranks...you will soon see exactly how inconsequential he is to your side!

Your puerile insults are as dust in the wind to me...you are blinded by the hype.

You just keep on listening to Gus Gould for now - for he shall continue to blow the smoke up your arse that you obviously continue to enjoy so much! ;-)

But you will come to see...in time. Ohhhhh yes you will!

Nice top see you have completely drifted from the topic. I'm a Dragons fan & I say Gasnier is double the player Cooper is. All this assuming, you'd watch more Dragons players more than me :lol:
Messiah said:
Nice top see you have completely drifted from the topic. I'm a Dragons fan & I say Gasnier is double the player Cooper is. All this assuming, you'd watch more Dragons players more than me :lol:

Gasnier has more holes in his game than swiss cheese - Cooper is the far more COMPLETE, and well-rounded player of the two. The things that Cooper can do (Like know where the hell to stand in a defensive line, and know which man he's supposed to be marking for example! :lol:) but Gasnier can not - outweigh the things that Gasnier can do, that Cooper can not! It's quite a simple formula I am using here, really!

But you keep on believing that - it doesn't affect me in the slightest! ;-)

God-King Dean

Cooper has superior defence, that's all he has over Gasnier.

So is your assesment based on Gasniers better passing game ?
Or perhaps his ability to make the whole crowd get excited when he touches the ball ?
Could it be that Gasnier makes more line-breaks, sets up more tries & does more hit-ups ?
Maybe scoring 3 tries in a losing team is your reason for thinking Cooper is a better player ?

Oh NO, I figured it out. It's because Gasnier is hailed as the best centre in the world ! That's why Cooper is better ! :lol:

But I let you take this arguement... since they both play for the Dragons.
Messiah said:
Cooper has superior defence, that's all he has over Gasnier.
Cooper is faster than Gasnier. And just as strong, despite having a smaller frame. Cooper is more evasive than gasnier - who just bullocks through tacklers. Cooper has actual footwork.

Messiah said:
So is your assesment based on Gasniers better passing game ?
Gasnier's a better OFFLOADER than Cooper, yes. But talk of him going to 5/8th at one stage of the off-season had me laughing! Passing and offloading are two very different abilities!

Messiah said:
Or perhaps his ability to make the whole crowd get excited when he touches the ball ?
And Cooper doesn't?

Messiah said:
Could it be that Gasnier makes more line-breaks, sets up more tries & does more hit-ups ?
Funny, because according to my 2006 season guide:
Cooper - Last season games 20, tries 13, Linebreaks 12. Career games 99 tries 52
Gasnier - Last season games 19, tries 8 linebreaks 10. Career games 94 tries 55.
Just about dead even stats-wise over their careers, I'd say! And last season Coops had Gasnier covered in both tries and linebreaks!

Messiah said:
Maybe scoring 3 tries in a losing team is your reason for thinking Cooper is a better player ?

Oh NO, I figured it out. It's because Gasnier is hailed as the best centre in the world ! That's why Cooper is better ! :lol:
By whom? By Gus Gould? By certain sections of the press??..Mate, the day I need these people to feed me my opinions & tell me what to think - is the day I'll just give up & go and follow the International Tiddlywinks League!

God-King Dean

Bring Back the Spliff said:
By whom? By Gus Gould? By certain sections of the press??..Mate, the day I need these people to feed me my opinions & tell me what to think - is the day I'll just give up & go and follow the International Tiddlywinks League!

Gus Gould, the whole commentry team, the selectors, English Super League commentators, fan who know what their talking about.

Perhaps you should post a poll on who is the superior centre & watch everyone laugh at you :lol:


Cooper is faster than Gasnier. And just as strong, despite having a smaller frame. Cooper is more evasive than gasnier - who just bullocks through tacklers. Cooper has actual footwork.


And gaz has no footwork?

OPSM for you laddy :arrow:
Messiah said:
Gus Gould, the whole commentry team, the selectors, English Super League commentators, fan who know what their talking about.

Perhaps you should post a poll on who is the superior centre & watch everyone laugh at you :lol:


What selectors? English Superleague commentators?? Who cares - what the bloody hell would they know?? Honestly! :lol:

And re. the commentary team - Well...I just saw your post on another thread, re. Gould's crap...

"It makes me physically sick the way he goes on & on & on & on & on about how good our team is (if our team was that good we'd have 2 premierships)."

Couldn't agree MORE mate!!! :lol: ;-) You would...but - you don't!

Busted. Say one thing in there - and quite another in here! Ahhhh that'll do me!...Thankyou and goodnight! :D
innsaneink said:

And gaz has no footwork?

OPSM for you laddy :arrow:

The 'Gasnier Shimmy?'

It's his ONLY move - and you can see it coming from a kilometre away! Rarely puts him in open spaces anyway - he still has to fend off defenders when they inevitably catch him!


I see him getting around players with it more often than not.

Who cares if its "all hes got"?
Its effective.
innsaneink said:
I see him getting around players with it more often than not.

Who cares if its "all hes got"?
Its effective.

I think you're slightly misunderstanding me here....I am not saying - and never have said- that Gaz is not a very good player. Because he quite clearly is!

My issues are merely twofold - 1. that I challenge the theory that he is 'the best centre in the world' right now and 2. That if you offered me Gasnier or Cooper for my club - I would take Matt Cooper without any hesitation whatsoever!

This is all I'm saying, and this bloke's trying to get up me, citing stuff like "Well the Channel 9 commentators & The English SuperLeague bioys think he's the best!" then coming up with comments like "Gaz scores more tries and makes more linebreaks and blah blah" - that sheer stats disprove!

I'm not wearing that! :lol:
Heres my two cents...Whatuira is solid but no superstar.

Marshall is good but will eventually end up like K Hunt..all step and no skill.

Ryles...an average player who mouths off more than the ground announcer and should be dropped for his performance.


Post Whore
innsaneink said:

And gaz has no footwork?

OPSM for you laddy :arrow:

this bloke has absolutely no idea
ive been reading his dribble wondering if he is full quid... claiming gaz has no footwork confirmed it beyond any reasonable doubt

parra pete

Hurriflatch said:
I'll give Ryles some credit

at least he hits you with his handbag when your facing him

Barrett hits you with a handbag from behind.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Wouldn't like to be hit by either, though
Raider_69 said:
this bloke has absolutely no idea
ive been reading his dribble wondering if he is full quid... claiming gaz has no footwork confirmed it beyond any reasonable doubt

You're just being a precious petal as I had the temerity to question the Raiders' management of the early late 80s/90's ethics in another thread! Settle there princess! :eek:

Compare Gasnier's footwork to Cooper's - to Slater's - to Bowen's - to Wesser's - to Willie Tonga's - to Greg Inglis' - to Brent Tate's - Karmichael Hunt's - Hazem el Masri's - Sonny-Bill Williams' - Nigel Vagana's - Milton Thaiday's - Benji Marshall's - Ty Williams' - Jonathon Thurston's - Brett Stewart's - Steven Bell's - John Sutton's - and I could go on and on and on naming players that leave Gasnier for DEAD in that department!

Putting forth Gasnier's footwork as one of his strengths, and as proof that he is 'The best Centre in the World' - is like trying to bail out the Titanic with a mayonnaise jar, I'm afraid! Gasnier's strengths are his upper body & leg strenght, his size in general, his fend and tackle-busting ability and his offloading.

Speed and footwork-wise - SO many other players have him covered.

Likely Lad

Bring Back the Spliff said:
You're just being a precious petal as I had the temerity to question the Raiders' management of the early late 80s/90's ethics in another thread! Settle there princess! :eek:

Compare Gasnier's footwork to Cooper's - to Slater's - to Bowen's - to Wesser's - to Willie Tonga's - to Greg Inglis' - to Brent Tate's - Karmichael Hunt's - Hazem el Masri's - Sonny-Bill Williams' - Nigel Vagana's - Milton Thaiday's - Benji Marshall's - Ty Williams' - Jonathon Thurston's - Brett Stewart's - Steven Bell's - John Sutton's - and I could go on and on and on naming players that leave Gasnier for DEAD in that department!

Putting forth Gasnier's footwork as one of his strengths, and as proof that he is 'The best Centre in the World' - is like trying to bail out the Titanic with a mayonnaise jar, I'm afraid! Gasnier's strengths are his upper body & leg strenght, his size in general, his fend and tackle-busting ability and his offloading.

Speed and footwork-wise - SO many other players have him covered.


Your'e a funny guy.