Tiger Hawk - it was in response to Hybrids Question which was:
Are you happy for us to win the comp and then wallow in mediocrity after it?
Can I ask the following question. What are the top five gripes you and Hybrid have with Sheens' decisions since 2005.
Yeah, I get answering a question with a question, which is usually done when the person doesn't have an answer to the original question - but I digress. I don't understand the relevance of
your question. We won the comp and have had 4 straight losing seasons. What's your question got to do with anything?
I won't speak for HT, but my main issues are:
1. Manufacturing a halfback. John Morris, Benji & Farah to name 3. The most critical position on the field, and as Gus Gould said yesterday during the Rabbits / Manly game, you cannot manufacture a halfback. I sincerely hope Gus points this out to Sheens next time they meet.
2. Other positional selections. There's many to name here but off the top of my head there's the Corey Payne / Danny Galea front-row pairing from the Eels game in 2008 (amongst other games). Two small back rowers being used as ineffectively as possible. Bronson Harrison another.
3. Use of the Interchange. From the selection of players on the interchange bench - usually 1 prop (if we're lucky), 1 back rower, 1 utility cum back rower & 1 winger - to the actual use of the interchange during the match. We named a winger on the bench (Brown) that didn't play one second of the match yesterday. As I've said elsewhere, I just don't get this and would love to hear Sheens explain it - honestly.
That's really it for me. These are things that have been happening for the past 4 years, they are not unique to this year. As I said, it's difficult to put these into perspective, but please, do put them in perspective for me. What's your perspective on them?
Injuries have had an impact on this year, without question, which is why I haven't been one to just randomly berate Sheens like some others this year. The three things I've mentioned above however are mistakes that have been made in the past, and we're seemingly making them again this year.