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who should we be looking after june 30th


parra pete said:
Get Sherwin...

Sherwin is playing Prems for the Bulldogs, Timmy is playing first grade with us and has had one bad game.......i don't get it?

I am really starting to think that you really don't like Timmy Pete? You have a vendetta against him as strong as some people had for Ash and have for Burt........


If we were to go after a half, id rather us go after soward than sherwin as it seems sherwins best is behind him.


Soward has not impressed me at all to tell you the truth, people whinge about Timmy's terrible defence, Soward is 3 times worse!!

He certainly has talent but i think of him more as a Preston Campbell type player, very zippy, but needs a proper half back to get by. Soward/T Smith combo would be great i think, however i am still holding hope for a Timmy/Blakey combo......the thought of that really excites me.......

parra pete

No, don't get me wrong....I reckon the kid is a good player. Just not as good as the wraps on him.
He'll be fine, but I don't think he is up to it just yet. That doesn't mean he won't be. Mate, I am just someone who watches a lot of football, but that doesn't make me a good judge. People who know more than me keep picking him in first grade so that means one thing. They see sides of him that I don't - OR - there is noone better than him to replace him with at the Club.
A very good friend of mine, who was involved with Blake Green in managerial side of things told me two years ago that Blake was the next 'big thing' in Rugby League at the Eels. I haven't seen him play, so I wouldn't know if that is right or wrong. But I RESPECT the opinion of the person who told me. He was a BIG SHOT in player management, but has left it now. He is married to the daughter of my former business partner and had a lot of big names on his books. (including Andrew Ryan, Craig Fitzgibbon, Ryan Girdler, Matt Petersen, Pat Richards..)
But back to Tim - IMO he has a good kicking game, sometimes.
Not flash in defence, as a matter of fact is ordinary at this stage, doesn't run the ball, but has good vision with his passing.
I agree with Gus Gould. We are rushing the kids into top grade too early. Tim has been thrown in at the deep end. You can't learn experience, you can't be coached experience, you can only GET it.
He is being targetted by opposition coaches in defence. He hasn't the experience yet to know how to handle it...But that is my opinion.... OK..Don't nail me to the cross for having an opinion that is different to main stream. If everyone agreed on everything it would be a pretty boring old world.
No hard feelings, I hope.

fish eel

parra pete said:
No, don't get me wrong....I reckon the kid is a good player. Just not as good as the wraps on him.
He'll be fine, but I don't think he is up to it just yet. That doesn't mean he won't be. Mate, I am just someone who watches a lot of football, but that doesn't make me a good judge. People who know more than me keep picking him in first grade so that means one thing. They see sides of him that I don't - OR - there is noone better than him to replace him with at the Club.
A very good friend of mine, who was involved with Blake Green in managerial side of things told me two years ago that Blake was the next 'big thing' in Rugby League at the Eels. I haven't seen him play, so I wouldn't know if that is right or wrong. But I RESPECT the opinion of the person who told me. He was a BIG SHOT in player management, but has left it now. He is married to the daughter of my former business partner and had a lot of big names on his books. (including Andrew Ryan, Craig Fitzgibbon, Ryan Girdler, Matt Petersen, Pat Richards..)
But back to Tim - IMO he has a good kicking game, sometimes.
Not flash in defence, as a matter of fact is ordinary at this stage, doesn't run the ball, but has good vision with his passing.
I agree with Gus Gould. We are rushing the kids into top grade too early. Tim has been thrown in at the deep end. You can't learn experience, you can't be coached experience, you can only GET it.
He is being targetted by opposition coaches in defence. He hasn't the experience yet to know how to handle it...But that is my opinion.... OK..Don't nail me to the cross for having an opinion that is different to main stream. If everyone agreed on everything it would be a pretty boring old world.
No hard feelings, I hope.

you make some reasonable points about his game.
But it just reinforces what I think and have been saying. Parramatta fans needs patience with the kid. And he needs more support and better go forward from our pack to do many of the things you say....like run more with the ball.


V1er said:
If we were to go after a half, id rather us go after soward than sherwin as it seems sherwins best is behind him.

Thats not all that is behind him. He is a lardo. he has been given several chances by the dogs, and the moment he signed a long term deal, he got lazy again.

We don't need a lazy reject halfback. We got plenty of them through the 90's and it didn't do us any good.


parra pete said:
No, don't get me wrong....I reckon the kid is a good player. Just not as good as the wraps on him.
He'll be fine, but I don't think he is up to it just yet. That doesn't mean he won't be. Mate, I am just someone who watches a lot of football, but that doesn't make me a good judge. People who know more than me keep picking him in first grade so that means one thing. They see sides of him that I don't - OR - there is noone better than him to replace him with at the Club.
A very good friend of mine, who was involved with Blake Green in managerial side of things told me two years ago that Blake was the next 'big thing' in Rugby League at the Eels. I haven't seen him play, so I wouldn't know if that is right or wrong. But I RESPECT the opinion of the person who told me. He was a BIG SHOT in player management, but has left it now. He is married to the daughter of my former business partner and had a lot of big names on his books. (including Andrew Ryan, Craig Fitzgibbon, Ryan Girdler, Matt Petersen, Pat Richards..)
But back to Tim - IMO he has a good kicking game, sometimes.
Not flash in defence, as a matter of fact is ordinary at this stage, doesn't run the ball, but has good vision with his passing.
I agree with Gus Gould. We are rushing the kids into top grade too early. Tim has been thrown in at the deep end. You can't learn experience, you can't be coached experience, you can only GET it.
He is being targetted by opposition coaches in defence. He hasn't the experience yet to know how to handle it...But that is my opinion.... OK..Don't nail me to the cross for having an opinion that is different to main stream. If everyone agreed on everything it would be a pretty boring old world.
No hard feelings, I hope.

Great post, Pete

I was actually speaking to eelavation about this issue. Blake Green is the type of player that I also like as a halfback. I have seen him play and I reckon he is a Craig Gower type of halfback.

Tim Smith on the other hand is an instinctive type of halfback who has less involvement in the game, may even appear to go missing at times but his plays are usually something special. People keep calling Tim, the next Sterlo, however his game is not like Sterlos. If anything Blake's is more like Sterlo's.


parra pete said:
No, don't get me wrong....I reckon the kid is a good player. Just not as good as the wraps on him.
He'll be fine, but I don't think he is up to it just yet. That doesn't mean he won't be. Mate, I am just someone who watches a lot of football, but that doesn't make me a good judge. People who know more than me keep picking him in first grade so that means one thing. They see sides of him that I don't - OR - there is noone better than him to replace him with at the Club.
A very good friend of mine, who was involved with Blake Green in managerial side of things told me two years ago that Blake was the next 'big thing' in Rugby League at the Eels. I haven't seen him play, so I wouldn't know if that is right or wrong. But I RESPECT the opinion of the person who told me. He was a BIG SHOT in player management, but has left it now. He is married to the daughter of my former business partner and had a lot of big names on his books. (including Andrew Ryan, Craig Fitzgibbon, Ryan Girdler, Matt Petersen, Pat Richards..)
But back to Tim - IMO he has a good kicking game, sometimes.
Not flash in defence, as a matter of fact is ordinary at this stage, doesn't run the ball, but has good vision with his passing.
I agree with Gus Gould. We are rushing the kids into top grade too early. Tim has been thrown in at the deep end. You can't learn experience, you can't be coached experience, you can only GET it.
He is being targetted by opposition coaches in defence. He hasn't the experience yet to know how to handle it...But that is my opinion.... OK..Don't nail me to the cross for having an opinion that is different to main stream. If everyone agreed on everything it would be a pretty boring old world.
No hard feelings, I hope.

Of course there are no hard feelings, this is a place where i like to debate things, i think we all do, i only said something because i have noticed that alot lately you comment about Tim Smith, i believe it is because a) you don't think he is as good as you hoped he would be and b) you are trying to take the focus of Brian Smith who cops alot from people on this board. It is just the feeling i get sometimes from you and i totally get why you may do that, however i am probably totally wrong......you are certainly allowed to not like him that much and you certainly can have a different opinion......not my place to tell anyone what to do or think.......i just like to understand why people think the way they think.........

Sometimes i feel you are little too critical and as Fish said above, we all need to be patient, he is in his second year of NRL and being targetted, he has the talent we just need help it along and the team, the whole team needs to work together and work with the general to get things right.

I totally respect your opinion, you would have seen alot more footy than i have as i am 27 and i know you are older. I really hope for a Tim Smith and Blake Green combo, i have watched alot of both of them play and i must say that i really like what i see and i see big things for them both.......i would also agree with your friend who said that about Green, i think potentially he is better than Timmy, i just hope someone (even if it is not Parra) can bring it out in him!!

Jeremy Smith has been so great for us and he deserves his shot this week, i just really hope that Green gets his shot later in the year if the chance comes up cause i do believe he is something special.......


If it were up to me it would be

6. Green

7. Smith

13. Mateo

PS I have not seen too much of Jeremy Smith, is he better then Blake?


Avenger said:
If it were up to me it would be

6. Green

7. Smith

13. Mateo

PS I have not seen too much of Jeremy Smith, is he better then Blake?

It may well become that...but I dont see it happening this year.

The Colonel

Avenger said:
6. Green

7. Smith

Long term this is a real possibility provided Blake decides to stay next year.

PS I have not seen too much of Jeremy Smith, is he better then Blake?

At the moment he would complement Tim better than Blake. I don't think its a case of being better, just more accustomed to playing 5/8.


I agree with Avenger on the 6,7 and 13 but at the moment Jeremy does deserve to be ahead of Blake, only cause he has proven in P/L that he deserves to be there, but i think give blake a few more games in P/L and he will really start to push, he has certainly picked up his game alot this year from what i have seen so far......so give him time.......

I am looking forward to seeing the 2 Smith's go around tomorrow night though.....Jeremy could potentially get Tahu and Delaney alot of ball if he is allowed to play the way he does in Prems......

The Engineers Room

First Grade
The Colonel said:
At the moment he would complement Tim better than Blake. I don't think its a case of being better, just more accustomed to playing 5/8.

I think the difference is that Jeremy is more creative and even though he hasn't debuted yet has more experience and handles the pressure a little better. I think that Blake has been playing really well but he is more the type of player that likes to run the ball. He has had a few problems with letting it go and was hooked one game early last year when he bombed several tries trying to do it all himself. Since then I think he has been improving but he needs some time to work on picking the right option.

parra pete

My mate WAS NOT a Brian Smith fan. I've had plenty of arguments with him. I was worried because he was the manager of so many of the players at the Club that I felt he may have been pushing them away because of Brian.
He (my mate) was very professional though and I was probably a little paranoid bout it - and he was probably just winding me up. His father in law (my former business partner who was an ex international btw) used to tease me about Brian, and I would crack it..much to his delight (bastard :lol:)
He is no longer in the managerial role, gave it away because of the long hours involved..(the job is not as cushy as it appears) .... and he needed a change of direction.
I hope Blake will stay. I think he is still managed by David Riolo's Titan Group.


I have not seen Blake play but could it end up like this instead?

6. Smith
7. Green

However, Avenger says Green is more like Sterlo and The Ref says he likes to run the ball.


First Grade
Once the side starts going forward and cuts out the silly mistakes then smith will come into his own.

Have Some faith


If we are so keen for a 5/8, then why don't we go for Leon Pryce? He is obvously a better 5/8 than Lyon, or Lyon would be picked ahead of him for St Helens.


Avenger said:
Wade McKinnon
Ben Smith
Brett Delaney
Fuifui Moimoi
Chad Robinson
Jamie Lyon
Feleti Mateo
Blake Green
Jeremy Smith

The above are the players I would re-sign from Parra

Its good to see that the eels office are listening to me. Only a few to go. :D

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