I'm biased but Ellis but Ellis is one of the most under rated players ever. He single handedly turned the softest team into a premiership contending top 4 team. Like burgess and Morley he was tough as nails but had a better skillset, his winger scored more then once due to an Ellis cut out pass. He also didn't have the grubbiness in his game of the other two.
If only he had been a media who're like burgess he would be considered in the same league.
I agree Ellis is one of the most underrated players in the game over the past 10 years, But you could argue that Morley toughened up the Roosters pack even more than Ellis did.
The Roosters between 1996 and 2001 Morley's first year basically signed every good free agent in the game and must of been over the salary cap by a mile in the late 90's early 00's every decent player was going their. But they couldn't win the competition because their forwards were too soft.
Morley changed all that he had some help from Crocker and Cayless but the defensive structure the Roosters played between the back end on 2002-2004 wouldn't have been possible without Morley and i don't think any team in the NRL has defended with such ferocity since.
So for me it is Morley Ellis was great also and it was a shame the likes of Peacock,Farrell, Fielden,Sculthorpe never came here in their prime's since i always felt Ellis was fairly average in Super League many of them could have had fantastic careers.
As for the latest question i would take Pearce currently but that is only due to longevity i think Hunt will end up equaling or surpassing Pearce in due time.
Semi Radradra or Ken Nagas ?