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Why America must make the World Cup Finals.


First Grade
As a plethora of internationals rarely screen graces the Rugby League paddocks of the globe a general buzz has arisen about the upcoming 2008 Rugby League World Cup Finals.

With the big five guaranteed a place, the hardworking Fiji Bati and the powerful and destructive Tonga earning their spots the places remaining become thin, though the teams that remain are many.

Right from the very first European qualifiers it was evident it was going to be a tough slog for many of the teams. When you add to this the troubles of the world forcing games to be moved, even cancelled, a long road got just that bit longer.

Currently we are foccused on the goings on of Europe, but, there is one team who've been toiling away for a while and could quite well be on the verge of something.

The U.S.A Tomahawks.

In a bit of a Rugby League no-mans-land the Yanks have spent a good ten years building a comp, developing the game and their players, and testing themselves at the highest levels available.

America should be looked upon as a huge success. They tour regularly to foreign shores for tournaments, they recieve inbound tours every year and put on a good show and every year they grow their comp in sensible, yet exciting ways.

The first time I discovered the AMNRL there were 4 teams. In a few short years they have more than doubled this.

When the final round of matches comes up the US will face some seasoned and stiff opponents in the likes of Samoa, Lebanon and probably Wales.

All three of these add some of their own spark to the tournament but the USA, they make people sit up and take notice.

Everybody knows about the British Isles involvement in RL. Everyone knows the PAcific Islanders are brilliant, but to see the Yanks here would turn heads, not just here, but in the US itself giving the game a much needed promotional boost.

NOw I don't propose that the American's get in because it will help the tournament. They should get in because they have been building for it for so long. I know the same could be said about any other country, but America is so much more of a RL frontier. A frontier that needs to be captured and shown the biggest stage of the game.

Imagine the RLWC being beamed into US homes as the Tomahawks take on Australia or Fiji or France! Just one win would be enough to make the people sit up and take notice.

Look I wish all of the teams could come, but, they cant.

I love the hard work the Welsh have done rebuilding the game. I love the success story of the lebanese. I love the intencity and passion of the samoans.


For the first time in my life, I want more Americans in australia.

at least for a few weeks of football....


First Grade
Well said. I sort of agree with you, but at the same time i think if Wales or Scotland or someone earn a spot then well done to them (as you said).

It's amazing how far we seem to have come since 95, hopefully we have a WC in 2012 with hopefully at least 12 teams.


I agree, we should have had a 12 team World Cup with a proper regional-based qualifying.

A team from the Americas, a team from Asia, and a team from Eastern Europe should have all been guaranteed entry to ensure a proper global flavour to the tournament.
If we could pick and choose which countries should make the 10 based on what they've done at a domestic level and for what they could do for the promotion of the WC and the international game I agree the US would be good candidates. But realistically, even with 12 teams in 2012 or 2013, I doubt the US will be among the 12 best nations on the field, especially with a grandparent rule that allows the likes of Scotland and Ireland to become competitive overnight.


First Grade
East Coast Tiger said:
If we could pick and choose which countries should make the 10 based on what they've done at a domestic level and for what they could do for the promotion of the WC and the international game I agree the US would be good candidates. But realistically, even with 12 teams in 2012 or 2013, I doubt the US will be among the 12 best nations on the field, especially with a grandparent rule that allows the likes of Scotland and Ireland to become competitive overnight.
It's not like America don't abuse that rule either, using guys like Matt Petersen and Brandon Costin, way better than all the no-namers the Scots used
langpark said:
It's not like America don't abuse that rule either, using guys like Matt Petersen and Brandon Costin, way better than all the no-namers the Scots used
Yes but the majority of Tomahawks are born and bred Americans and/or live in the US. The Scots circa 2000 WC team were all born and bred elsewhere and few had even visited Scotland. Not much has changed. What's more the likes of Costin have come back year on year to play for the US while many of the GP rule players from other countries play one year and then turn their backs on that nation and either don't make themselves available or play for another country.


East Coast Tiger said:
If we could pick and choose which countries should make the 10 based on what they've done at a domestic level and for what they could do for the promotion of the WC and the international game I agree the US would be good candidates. But realistically, even with 12 teams in 2012 or 2013, I doubt the US will be among the 12 best nations on the field, especially with a grandparent rule that allows the likes of Scotland and Ireland to become competitive overnight.

True, which is why there needs to be a proper regional-based qualifying system like in soccer or RU. The US may not be in the 12 best nations on the field but it would be much more beneficial for them to be at the WC.


First Grade
East Coast Tiger said:
Yes but the majority of Tomahawks are born and bred Americans and/or live in the US. The Scots circa 2000 WC team were all born and bred elsewhere and few had even visited Scotland. Not much has changed. What's more the likes of Costin have come back year on year to play for the US while many of the GP rule players from other countries play one year and then turn their backs on that nation and either don't make themselves available or play for another country.
I agree with you i was just trying to keep you honest. There need to be more consistent and policed rules.

btw, how do Costin and Petersen qualify? parent? grandparent?
langpark said:
btw, how do Costin and Petersen qualify? parent? grandparent?
I dunno. To be honest I think some of the players that have played for the US possibly shouldn't have under the RLIF rules. There are a few that are a bit dodgy. But while the ARL/RFL will jump all over NZ I don't think they'd even care if the US used players that aren't eligible.


I think any team that uses all 20 players from their domestic comp should get automatic entry...it might be a bit less competitve but it helps the growth of the game and after a few years it will be at a level greater than it is today...if a team wants to use the GP ruling then they should have to qualify.


First Grade
robbie123 said:
I think any team that uses all 20 players from their domestic comp should get automatic entry...it might be a bit less competitve but it helps the growth of the game and after a few years it will be at a level greater than it is today...if a team wants to use the GP ruling then they should have to qualify.
no way! Greece are in the process of establishing one, and if they got auto entry you'd have a bunch of clueless dudes up against full time professionals.

It's a decent idea in a way tho. Maybe if a nation had say, 5000 registered players it should qualify. I doubt any nation outside the top 5 that recieved auto entry have those kind of numbers anyway.


Good luck to the USA in the repecharge. It's shaping up to be a cracker of a little tournament though!

US v Samoa. And Wales/Scotland v Russia/Lebanon. No certainties there in my book on current results. And only one spot up for grabs, it will be more keenly contested than some of the WC Finals games themselves when the big three are in the mix.


Well if USA cant beat Wales/Scotland, Samoa and Lebanon then they dont deserve to be at the World Cup - Simple as that.


carlnz said:
Well if USA cant beat Wales/Scotland, Samoa and Lebanon then they dont deserve to be at the World Cup - Simple as that.

You are missing the point. The WC qualifiers were poorly designed, making a lot of countries' qualification games expensive and meaningless.

The argument is that it would benefit the WC and international RL more for the USA to be there than getting thrashed by Samoa and then sitting at home.


First Grade
I was in the footy store in darling harbour today. A shop which stocks a swag of weird union jerseys, nrl, Sydney FC and Sydneyswans gear when I found a stars and stripes Tomahawks jersey.

I promptly purchased it.



The Tomahawks will make the WC in 2012.
If you look at which countries are improving - probably the West Indies have had the best 12 months coming from nothing to a decent comp - but the USA is where we see about 20% improvement in playing standards and number of players every year - and while other teams like Tonga, Samoa, Fiji etc etc etc all have a definate limit to the standard they can achieve - the absolute sky is the limit in the US. In four years time they could literally have 100 sides and thousands of players if they get any sort of TV coverage - and even then they would still not have even made a blip on the huge US market.

In six years time the Pacific Islands should be a bit better than now, Ireland should improve a lot, Wales and France should improve maybe 20%, others could pick up anywhere from a fraction to maybe 30% - but the US is just about guarenteed 100% improvement, and could easily double or triple that.
It would be much better in Australia. Considering the number of Samoan players that will come from either Australia or NZ and the fact that the Tomahawks are regular visitors to Australia, I would think both nations would rather play here.

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