Nah fox know which sport is number one for them
They have some odd ways of showing it.
Likewise Nine who claimed they urgently needed a reduction in payments, then took what PVL offered and promptly gave it to ARU. That was kicking sand in PVL`s face. The Fox part of the new AFL deal was a kick in the teeth.
The current absence of viable options away from Nine/Fox for NRL is not the fault of PVL. The desire of media executives to see AFL grow at the expense of NRL is also not down to him. He`s in a bind. Pandering and hoping seems the best course.
I suspect the large salary cap increase was partly designed to quell the disquiet emerging from the clubs over the respective NRL/AFL TV deals. Their patience will run out if PVL doesn`t deliver next time.
foxtel league ratings are on another level
Demotic appeal is subordinate to establishment clout. However galling to proletarian sensibilities, unless RL establishes a presence in elite schools the game will continue to struggle for prestige. High ratings, even on Pay TV, will still be deemed qualitatively poor.