How long have the Kangaroos played IRL?
Dave Smith came in saying he wanted to make IRL the pinnacle of the game and the next RLWC a massive event. As a Welsh Union fan he knew the importance of international profile of a sport to take it to another level with non sport loving public. Would have been interesting to see if he could have achieved something or if club self interest would have thwarted him?
Dave Smith also wanted the game to target growth and development in the private schools of Australia. This has now been seemingly forgotten by the powers that be.
It's astonishing that in this day and age that such a popular football code in rugby league is still an "outcast" in the private school system. It has had access in Brisbane private schools from 1928 to 1938, so its achievable! This is the underlying reason for rugby league's lack of growth as people whom make major decisions for funding, televising and government recognition are mainly derived from the private school systems of the world at large.
The fact that these people are not given the opportunity to play and see rugby league at private schools is a massive impediment for the potential growth of rugby league globally. It's important to note that all football codes have access to the public school system in Australia yet rugby league is the only code that is repeatedly ostracized in the private school systems.
Only the "Irish "Catholic schools accept and encourage rugby league which can be historically seen to be the fundamental basis for rugby league's dominant popularity in NSW & Queensland areas.
If rugby league ever gains traction in private schools throughout Australia then you would see a resultant
exponential growth in the game. This in turn would see the game grow internationally as the word would be spread at the influential "top end" of town. It's pretty simple but the
(dominated by RU private school influence) is doing its level best to make sure that rugby league does not get traction in the private school system. In reality, a superior form of rugby(
rugby league)is being repressed/suppressed by rugby union's influence emanating from the private school system.
It's interesting to note that in recent years "AFL" is being accepted in the private schools of NSW & QLD yet rugby league is still on the outer. Perhaps some "sweetheart deal" has been arranged between the code of RU and "AFL"? Meaning that basically a strategy of: " If AFL attacks the junior weekend ranks of rugby league then RU will give it
("AFL")access to the private schools of NSW & QLD." Seems to be happening!
And given the many other anti-rugby league examples of bigotry courtesy of rugby union, I can see that something like this would be a strategy by such people of influence and power.