RedDragon said:
Mate read back on all the pages and you will see again and again how your fellow fans have brought things up, been defeated and gone away again.
nobody has gone away. we just tire of your nonsense. hard to beleive somebody that claims to support a club, that they know so little about it's financial affairs, design & aims. They have to come to ourforum to learn. But then again, people from that district will always be larning from more affluent, classier people.
RedDragon said:
Im not being the naive one am I
Finally something correct! No your not. your just bordering on handicapped.
RedDragon said:
Funny though that the St. George district is being inhabited by asian who arent interested in league (according to another of your fellow fans) yet the Sharks are selling raffle tickets there. Obviously though, that supporter doesnt know many asians, because if he/she did, he/she would aslo know that a lot of them take an interest in Rugby League
Are you guys selling raffle tickets there? maybe St George bank prizes? 1st prize= A new mastercard & 15%
You see, stupid, our sponsor gives us cars to raffle & we target the markets that are interested in these cars. Like yours! Anecdotally speaking, some Asian people take a keen interest in sport. Far from your stement of "lots of Asians" In fact, almost the direct opposite.
Statistically accurately speaking, most Asians take a very keen interest in cars & games of chance. It's just so beautiful, it almost makes we weep!!
RedDragon said:
direction you choose on that topic you are sunk as well.
Ohh well, having the ability to quickly post another peice of utter krap like you have on each occasion in this thread, does not win an argument.
As far as I am concerned , hang around, this is fun. With each new post you are starting to realise, just how bad it is to be joint venture supporter.