Get real Reefy, you idiot.
If we lock this bloke up with real hard-nut crims, we will only create another hard-nut crim.
Given that his violent and anti-social behaviour seems to centre around only ONE person, and that (to my knowledge) he has no history of serious offences against anyone else, any sensible person would think that there is some chance of this bloke being re-habilitated reasonably well, once the actual ISSUE that triggers these attacks is sorted out properly.
A low security, 'entry level' prison farm would have a better chance of not damaging Williams any further, in terms of his 'criminalisation'. Long Bay, Lithgow, Goulburn, Parra or Silverwater would just make him a bigger crim.
Don't get me wrong, I want the bloke to pay for what he has done, should he be convicted. BUT, I don't want to have him chucked out into society in two years time as a threat to EVERYONE, instead of just one person.
Even YOU should be able to figure that out, Reef Knot.