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Willie Mason's NFL Dream


First Grade
I think he's going for the money - not for the game. That being the case, he wouldn't get as much as he is looking for if he joins the canadian league.

Manu Vatuvei

Mr Saab said:
He is 6'5 115kg (262lbs)

I guess he could put on 40 pounds if he really applied himself with the strength and conditioning coaches of the NFL teams. Wouldnt be easy though.
Brock....what a tragedy he was. Should have stuck to the squared circle.

Sorry to be a pedant, but isn't 115kg around about 253lbs?

Anyway, I think it might be quite hard for Willie to add much weight as he is quite a lean/rangy build. At the moment I daresay he is carrying quite a lot of muscle to be tipping the scales at 115kg.


Post Whore
Imagine a black man Mason's height. African-American people - particularly males - are more likely to put on mass and size than their Caucasian counterpart (and this is proven in my anatomy textbook lol). So, basically, a black man of Mason's size will put on a lot more weight than Mason could - hence I think Willie would have a tough time against these big men.

Manu Vatuvei

Eelementary said:
Imagine a black man Mason's height. African-American people - particularly males - are more likely to put on mass and size than their Caucasian counterpart (and this is proven in my anatomy textbook lol). So, basically, a black man of Mason's size will put on a lot more weight than Mason could - hence I think Willie would have a tough time against these big men.

But ummm, isn't Willie Tongan, i.e. a member of one of the biggest (if not the biggest), most solidly built race in the world?

I actually agree with you in Willie's particular case but yeah, race definitely isn't against him.


First Grade
Randy Moss (for example) is 6'4, 210.
Maybe Mason could add speed and forget about the weight.


He'll never be anywhere near Randy Moss speed. He'd be about Brett Favre sepeed.

And as was mentioned earlier, race is on Willie's side - Tonga/Samoans are monstrous mothersuckers, and are more likely to put on mass than black americans.


Post Whore
I was unaware that Willie had Tongan blood...If this is the case, he is genetically predisposed to get huge (with correct training).

So he could be anything.
Paullyboy said:
And as was mentioned earlier, race is on Willie's side - Tonga/Samoans are monstrous mothersuckers, and are more likely to put on mass than black americans.

And there are plenty of Samoans in the NFL, and US college football, already. Don't know if there are any Tongans.

No doubt if Willie, and many other RL/RU players, had grown up in the US they'd have been good American football players. The real question is could Willie at this late stage learn the techniques and skills needed to play NFL football. I don't think so - just as Michael Vick or Reggie Bush or pick whoever you want, depsite amazing athletic talent, would have trouble making an NRL side.

Cupid Stunt

Except for Donovan. He'd make it in the NRL at this late stage, but thats just a plus to being a football God... :lol:


Post Whore
If Vick buffed up a little bit (to prevent injuries), I reckon he'd make a top fullback. He has great speed and is brilliant on his feet.


For Willie to play OL in the NFL its going to take him years and years of practice and experience not in the NFL, either CFL or NFLE. Even in those leagues, theres Ex D1 players, so chances of him getting that experience are extremely thin. We can there for rule out OL.

FB is a possibility. He would have to learn how to block but I think he can do that in a year or two. Biggest issue here would be the craziness needed to play FB and be able to hit guys that are 6'3, 240 ripped, and run 4.6 40's, meet those guys head on and drive them backwards. Football is more violent out there on the field than most Australians can imagine.

DE is a possibility but again like OL he is going to need a lot of training and experience at it to make a go of it in the NFL. The offensive tackles out there are already experienced in blocking against Defensive End's much faster and agile than Wille. So I think if Willie were to be a DE, he would have to be a back up / special teamer.

LB I dont think is so much of a possibility. Again he would need to get faster and agile, and crazy.

TE, now here is where he could have a shot. If hes a smart guy it could take him only a year or two to work on his route running technique and reading coverages. Blocking im sure he could get by on TE standards with a lot of hard work. The main problem here would likely be catching the ball. Catching the ball with a LB ready to smack you into yesterday, not to mention the speed and velocity that NFL QB's throw with. It would be very very tough adjusting to all that and would take him some time. But if theres any position he could make an NFL squad on, this would be it IMO. Someone said Antonio Gates did it, but this guy is an incredible athlete for his size and strength. He is so agile and has amazing hands and he wasnt a star right away, it took him a year as a back up and im sure a lot of extra hours training.

I dont know if I would buy into the Islander bloodline sort of thinking. Here at my college we have quite a few big Samoans, and these guys are beasts, they are good good players, roughly Willie's size, just a little shorter and this is one of the lowest levels of College Football! There are so hundreds of College Football Teams. One of those guys Samoan brothers has a shot at the NFL but he is 6'4, 340 Defensive Tackle.

I hope Willie gives it a go and reports back on how he does training with an NFL team. Willie would have to give up Rugby League Fame for at least a full year or two of learning how to play whatever position he chooses, and then hope that he is a freak of nature and can be an NFL player. Lets remember Paul Sironen decided against continuing at the University of Hawaii after one year I believe and then came back to Australia to be a league legend. Maybe Willie can report back and give some more credibility to the incredibly complete and violent athletes the NFL has. I hope he makes it, like I mentioned above, I think TE is his best shot!


Post Whore
Teyo Johnson/Jeb Putzier/Antonio Gates or Willie Mason?

Derrick Burgess/Jason Taylor or Willie Mason?

Dat Nguyen/Brian Urlacher/Takeo Spikes or Willie Mason?

I just can't see the guy succeeding in the NFL. He plays well in the NRL when he focuses - he doesn't always do so.


First Grade
BUT - you have a lot less to focus on in the NFL. Time to design plays and execute them. Time to rest while the other line is up. Physically, although it is demanding, it is different than NRL


American Football is incredibly complex. Sure a play is a play, but you never know what defensive front the defence will come out with, what they have planned after the snap. You have to make calls on the line of scrimmage to adjust, and often audible to a different play. The time between each play in your mind is full on, its not like ah plays over lets dordel back to the huddle and wait for the next play. You better bust your butt back to the huddle get the play (which could be one of hundreds of different combinations, routes, protections, runs, screens etc), then get in your stance, get ready, read the defensive player your going up against, make a call accordingly if need be to the player/s next to you, listen to cadence from the QB and then go ahead and execute the play. Its a tough world!
And the only time you ever get to rest on the sideline is after you scored. Kinda like in the NRL you get a rest when you score. If you dont score your on the sideline getting yelled at by coaches, analysing what the other team is doing, communicating with the guys around you etc. This you dont see on Tv. Sure for your energy systems its different. I dont doubt Willie could adjust to how American Football is played from a physiological point of view with some hardcore training. But the skill level, explosiveness, speed, strength and agility, and the ability to be able to utilize all those qualities with very little actual Football experience at the highest levels......American Football athletes in the NFL are incredible and have been doing this and training harder than you could imagine for years and years.


Post Whore
You have to concentrate a fair bit in NFL, though. Sure, you get breaks in between plays...But:

* As an O-Liner, you have to read blitzes, etc.

* As a D-Liner, you have to read the O-Line's blocking.

So he'll have to focus a lot, albeit with a few breaks.

If Brock Lesnar couldn't do it, I doubt Willie could lol.


First Grade
Obviously enough people "in the know" think he can do it or he wouldn't have had meetings with so many NFL teams.