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Willie's Weekly Column


Belmore's best beginning to boil

By Willie Mason
Bulldogs star

July 21, 2006

LOSING Nate Myles to Sydney Roosters on top of Roy Asotasi going to South Sydney has got me fuming. It's again a case of the Bulldogs paying for their success, and I don't think that's fair.

Let's start with Roy.

I moved to the Bulldogs in 1998, he arrived in 1999, and we have been great mates ever since. I played first grade before him but I have watched him develop into one of the best front rowers in the competition.

The Bulldogs have developed him to where he has been such a great player over the past couple of years. Now we can't afford to keep him. Yet the bottom sides like South Sydney, and those other clubs who aren't as successful, get to grab at our good players. It sucks.

Don't get me wrong.

Roy deserves the money he gets, but what can you say when a club like Souths offers you $450,000 a year and the Bulldogs can't afford to give him what he's worth.

The Rabbitohs have got all that money to spend because they've got players that are average first graders and not worth too much.

Like I said, good luck to him and I'm happy for him to go because he's got a family to look after.

But as I keep saying to him, he'd want to cherish this year because it will probably be the last finals series he plays until he retires. There's no way in the world Souths will go any good next year.

Nate's a different story and that ticks me off even more.

While I'm really upset that Roy did leave because we're great mates, he's done his time at the Dogs, he's been a great player for four or five years, and he deserves that money.

But I think Nate should have stayed because he needs to do his apprenticeship and he's gone and chased some money. You can come with excuses like you need a change or you need a starting spot but it comes down to the money.

I'd have loved to have been in his position, getting thrown $250,000 or $300,000 as a 21 year old, but I sacrificed that money to stay at the Bulldogs - and I haven't regretted it one bit.

I've won a premiership and it's made me the player I am today.

I wished Nate all the luck in the world because he is a good mate but I don't know if he is ready for the leadership role at the Roosters that comes with the responsibility of being a starting player.

The Roosters are going to put all that pressure on him by saying he's their No.1 buy and he's got to replace Adrian Morley. But Adrian Morley is irreplaceable.

He's one of the most intimidating players I have ever played against and it's a shame to lose him back to England. There's no other Adrian Morleys out there so I don't know what the Roosters are thinking with that.

It was the same for me when I was 21. I learned off players like Steve Price, Steve Reardon, Darren Britt and all those sort of older heads.

I sat behind those blokes, picked their brains, watched how they trained and that's probably made me the player I am. It's developed me into a leader. But I was no leader when I was 21 and I was in a better position than Nate was.

I don't know what can be done to help clubs like the Bulldogs retain their players. Probably raise the salary cap again? But to be honest there's probably nothing you can do.

It's a problem that won't go away. Sonny Bill Williams is off contract next year, so are Mark O'Meley and Daniel Holdsworth, there's a lot of them here at Belmore.

People are going to be throwing $600,000 or $700,000 at Sonny, $400,000 at Mark, Daniel Holdsworth has been playing some great football so he could be worth up to $300,000. It never ends.

That's just the price you pay for being successful.

Personally, I don't see what's wrong if a club wins a stack of premierships, just like the Dragons did in the 1960s.

There are not going to dynasties in the game now because the good teams just keep getting broken up every time you have a couple of good years. A couple of the good players come off contract and then they get bought.

We had an opportunity in the next four or five years to really establish ourselves in the NRL as the team that dominated the new millennium but we haven't got that chance now. Roy Asotasi was a real big part of that and so was Nate Myles and we've lost them both.

Turning to tomorrow night's clash against the Roosters, that's going to be a harder game than last Friday night's blockbuster against St George-Illawarra.

There's a confidence in the team after beating the Dragons last week that I last felt in 2004 when we won the premiership. But there's a lot of experienced players there now that know confidence isn't going to get you there.

You still have to work hard and you can't be mucking around. You've got to be switched on for every game and I think myself, Andrew Ryan, Tony Grimaldi and the rest of the senior players will be trying to drill that into everyone.

The Roosters will be tough because they've just come off a win, they're still a chance to make the eight and they're old rivals. They hate us and we hate them. If you play in a grand final and one team wins and one team loses there's always going to be rivalry.

We also need to beat them because they keep buying our players. Obviously they're trying to buy a premiership.

The Australian


**** this just sums up why i love Willie Mason so much. He says it exactly like it is. Couldn't agree more with what he says. Loved the cheap shots at Souths saying there's no way they will make the 8 next year, and that the roosters are "trying to buy a premiership". Hope ya have a blinder on Saturday Willie and get more points towards the Dally M. You deserve it. :)


wilie in a better position than nate myles at 21?
Willie didn't make his 1st grade debut until he was 20, and wasn't really anything special until 2002 when he was 22.
Nate has won an origin series and shown he is up to that standard, and hes only just turned 21.


Time for Willie to get back on the medication!!

Maybe if he didn't shop himself around to the highest bidder last year, then the dirty dogs might have some cash left under the cap to keep some of these players.

I agree with him that the salary cap is a joke, but they are the rules at the moment and that is what we are stuck with.

Willie goes on about building a dynasty, well I wonder how many of those players would have been there if the dogs had been playing by the rules a couple of years ago??

With the exception of Brisbane who seem to be able to keep all the stars they want (may change now the Titans are in), all teams go through this stage after 3 - 4 years when players have been developed. The Roosters have lost basically all of their team from 2002 due to contracts that were in the low end of the range when they were signed as new first graders, to when they expire and they are now rep players who want in excess of $300k (Crocker, Mini, Flannery, Wing, Hodges, Heggarty, Cusack, Fletcher etc would all fall into this category). The same can be said for the Panthers, and the Tigers and Cowboys are starting to go through the same problems now and next year.

At the end of the day the players are going to go where the money is, and even if these players were to stay at the dogs, where would the dogs come up with the extra $700k for Roy & Nate over an above what they have to spend on the rest of the team.

While the salary cap is in existent, we will always be catering to the lowest common denominator (i.e SOUTHS) and successful teams (on and off the park) will be held back.


I respect alot of things that Mason says. He's one of the only players in the NRL that says what we are all thinking and has the guts to say so. This isn't always a good thing as he shoots his mouth off before he thinks sometimes but in alot of cases he gets it right too.

He made some very valid points in that article and I think something should be developed to retain players that either started at a club at a certain age like before 18 or 19 or players like Price who had been there for 10 years for example for salary cap consessions. You'd see alot more club loyalty!

Fuel for thought


Bulldogs spent 7 years developing Roy Asotasi, and they have no advantages or concessions at all for the time they put in. They should atleast get 10-20% discount for loyalty.


The salary cap was put in place to protect less financially well off teams. If big Willie wishes to have the best team in the universe and nobody to play against thats fine. Just because the Bulldogs have 3 times the poker machines of some other clubs now, does not mean they will have them in the future.

Nathan B

I haven't thought through the figures, but what about something like...

A player has been at a club...

0-3 years 0% discount
4-5 years 10% discount
5-10 years 20% discount
10+ years 30% discount

So, for example, if the Bulldogs have $250,000 for Asotasi (a 7 year player at the club) under the cap, then they can actually pay him $312,500, but his cap salary is this amount minus 20% which comes back to $250,000. I then reckon other clubs would have to pay at least $350,000 to grab him, which is at least $100,000 more in 'cap money' than the Bulldogs. This is how it should be for a player who has joined the club at such a young age has been developed by the club.

The point is...when two clubs are fighting for the signature of a player - and one of them is the players current club, who has put so much effort and time to develop the player - then why should both clubs be on an equal footing. They shouldn't. The players current club should get an advantage. And this should happen for each and every player (unless they've only been there for 3 years or under).

In the Asotasi example, we probably still would of lost him to Souths as they were willing to pay $400,000+ for him. So it's not impossible to sign high-profile players from other clubs. But you've spent $$$ to do it, and that's the way it should be.

Anyway...Willie's article. People might not agree with some or all of the points raised, but gees, you can't say Willie is not good for the game. When 99% of what league players say is so cliched, boring and scripted it sends you to sleep, reading what Willie has to say is very refreshing.

...We hate the Roosters and they hate us...
...Souths are going to be crap next year...
...(teammate) Nate Myles is an idiot...
...the salary cap is a joke...

Great stuff Willie!


The ghost writer did a great job.

Can you imagine what he would have received in the notes:

"Salary cap bad n sh*t cause its just not fair and bloody bunnies are f**king us over and stuff and sh*t look at what roys making thats just not bloody right if you ask me bloody merkin of a guy making 400 of summthing plus nates jsut a merkinns gonna get sh*t kicked out of him in bondi stupid merkin.

Can you tidy this up for the paper for me?"

The Preacher

First Grade
Tokyo_Raider said:
The ghost writer did a great job.

Can you imagine what he would have received in the notes:

"Salary cap bad n sh*t cause its just not fair and bloody bunnies are f**king us over and stuff and sh*t look at what roys making thats just not bloody right if you ask me bloody merkin of a guy making 400 of summthing plus nates jsut a merkinns gonna get sh*t kicked out of him in bondi stupid merkin.

Can you tidy this up for the paper for me?"

Very good Tokyo, very good.:lol:

Nathan B

Tokyo_Raider said:
The ghost writer did a great job.

Can you imagine what he would have received in the notes:

"Salary cap bad n sh*t cause its just not fair and bloody bunnies are f**king us over and stuff and sh*t look at what roys making thats just not bloody right if you ask me bloody merkin of a guy making 400 of summthing plus nates jsut a merkinns gonna get sh*t kicked out of him in bondi stupid merkin.

Can you tidy this up for the paper for me?"

Right...so you've made a statement on the quality of writing in the article. Nice one. You're certainly one to tackle the big issues.

Now, what about the fact that Willie's happy to have is real views splashed out for everyone in the country to read. Not just some scripted bullsh*t that every other player in the code would only allow out of their mouth. Anything to add on that minor little point?

Edit: It was a funny post, TR. I'm just a little grumpy this morning!


First Grade
Tokyo_Raider said:
The ghost writer did a great job.

Can you imagine what he would have received in the notes:

"Salary cap bad n sh*t cause its just not fair and bloody bunnies are f**king us over and stuff and sh*t look at what roys making thats just not bloody right if you ask me bloody merkin of a guy making 400 of summthing plus nates jsut a merkinns gonna get sh*t kicked out of him in bondi stupid merkin.

Can you tidy this up for the paper for me?"
If I was Fatty Vautin, I would call that the greatest post I've ever seen :lol:


Tokyo_Raider said:
The ghost writer did a great job.

Can you imagine what he would have received in the notes:

"Salary cap bad n sh*t cause its just not fair and bloody bunnies are f**king us over and stuff and sh*t look at what roys making thats just not bloody right if you ask me bloody merkin of a guy making 400 of summthing plus nates jsut a merkinns gonna get sh*t kicked out of him in bondi stupid merkin.

Can you tidy this up for the paper for me?"

LOL hahaha thats furking great! :lol: :lol:

Boing Boing

Tokyo_Raider said:
The ghost writer did a great job.

Can you imagine what he would have received in the notes:

"Salary cap bad n sh*t cause its just not fair and bloody bunnies are f**king us over and stuff and sh*t look at what roys making thats just not bloody right if you ask me bloody merkin of a guy making 400 of summthing plus nates jsut a merkinns gonna get sh*t kicked out of him in bondi stupid merkin.

Can you tidy this up for the paper for me?"

Actually, I reckon he wrote it. There's colloquialisms in there that footballers are known for like "Played real good".


First Grade
I doubt it. A skilled writer would have the knowledge of how to make it sound coherent while also sounding like something a dumb player could actually write. I severely doubt Willie wrote that himself.


I can't imagine any paper letting willie write an article for them on his own, he's a few stubbies short of a 6 pack


How about you sacrifice some of his 600k for other players to help them stay, huh Willie?!?


Here are some suggestions for Willie's problem:

-Before blaming other teams about buying a comp, just think 2002.
-Remember that you have less local juniors than Souths.
-Willie take a paycut and STFU

Does anybody know how many ex Bulldogs players are playing in other teams. I am only talking about players that started at the Bulldogs before any other NRL club. For example Anasta started at Souths.

Also does anybody know how many Bulldogs players have played for other NRL clubs before the Dogs. I'll start by naming O'Melley and Holdsworth.

Maybe then we can get a perspective and also realise that his beloved Dogs do the same thing.

Nathan B

CharlieF said:
-Before blaming other teams about buying a comp, just think 2002.
-Remember that you have less local juniors than Souths.
-Willie take a paycut and STFU

1. The Bulldogs didn't try to buy a comp anymore than any of the other clubs at the time. The Bulldogs' sin was to overpay their players. Did you see the type of figures that the Hughes boys were on? That's not trying to buy a premiership. But they deserved to be punted that year because they did the wrong thing - and by some way.

I'm curious though...can you come up with a post (either yours or anybody elses) from the start of the '02 season that says something along the lines of...'gees, the Bulldogs have a great side this year. Look at all those names. They're clearly going to win the comp this year. They must be half a million dollars over the cap'? In fact, I'll be nice: can you come up with anything from the beginning of '02 that says something similar - TV report, newspaper article...anything?

2. What do local juniours have to do with what he's saying? You don't buy premierships by recruiting 17 and 18 year olds. Willie is saying that he's sick of clubs buying established first grade stars from other clubs.

Developing players is the issue here. Eg...we've had Sonny Bill since he was 15. We spotted his talent, and we've developed it as he went through the grades. Just because he was from Auckland and not Belmore doesn't take away from what we've done for him as a player and the reward we should get for doing that. As much we hate the roosters, you can't really blame them for not having local juniors. But they can be blamed for having an absoluetly terrible development system. They had a Flegg team that was undefeated a couple of years ago. Their PL team has been very good for a while now. Yet they continue to buy big name players from us and other clubs.

I heard Gallop on radio a month or two ago and he openly said that the NRL rely on some clubs to produce most of the juniors and some clubs to take them. Fair enough - you can't argue with geography. Clubs like the roosters have to get their young players from somewhere. But once these players - whether they're juniors or not - have been developed right through the grades and into first grade, the club should get a discount when it comes to the salary cap. It shouldn't be a level playing field between the club who has spent 5-10 years developing the player, and some other club looking to jump in when it comes time for pay-off.

3. Willie is now a top three player in the game. He deserves the money he's on.

And why do you want him to STFU? Can't you handle a league player who wants to speak his own mind? Would you rather a continuation of the boring pap that all other players drivel out their mouth? Give me a break. Willie has some balls to come out speak his mind. And - after the spray he's given Nate Myles - you certaintly can't criticise him for pulling punches on his own.

Willie is great for the game.