Azkatro posting for the Panthers.
In & Away - Episode 7293
The sun shines on yet another beautiful morning on the shores of Winter Bay. Bill, a rugby league player for the Manly Sea Eagles, has just woken up and is going to get some breakfast.
"Morning Roger," says Bill to his fellow house and team-mate.
But despite Bill's jovial greeting, there is tension in the air. Roger, who is already at the table eating some cereal, immediately springs to his feet.
"Shut your mouth you scumbag. I'm not talking to you," he replies.
"What's your problem? I haven't done anything wrong!" says Bill. He isn't having any of it, but deep down he suddenly realises he might have been caught out kissing Roger's girlfriend outside of team training the night before.
"You know EXACTLY what you've done wrong! Get out of my house!" Roger hisses as he intimidates Bill, a halfback, with his size. Bill runs out the door and scarpers to the local surf club, taking a seat at the bar. He immediately smiles as he sees Roger's girlfriend Amy is working there.
"GET OUTTA HERE, YA FLAMIN' DRONGO! You're not welcome here anymore!" yells Ralph, being held back by a few locals.
"It's not his fault dad," pleads Amy, but she knows it's of no use.
"Of course it's his bloody fault, he knows exactly what he did. Stone the bloody crows Bill, you'll never play for the Sea Eagles again, I'll make sure of it!"
Bill tried to reason with Ralph. "Please, don't tell the coach ... I didn't mean it, honestly..."
"SHUT UP! I said get out of here, ya mongrel dog!" yells Ralph.
"Just go Bill!" Amy exclaims. Bill runs out of the surf club and wanders down to the beach. The serenity calms his frayed nerves, as he reflects on the events of the past evening.
Soon, Amy appears and sits down next to him. "Please go away, you've already gotten me into enough trouble as it is," says Bill.
"It's fine, I talked to Dad and smoothed it over. I told him I broke up with Roger and made a move on you last night. I think he fell for it," Amy assures him.
"No, get away from me, you manipulative psycho!" Bill replies as he jumps to his feet. Suddenly Roger appears behind him, grabbing his shoulder and shoving Bill down onto the sand.
"Let's settle this once and for all, you dog," Roger says as he rips off his shirt, revealing his muscular physique. "I don't wanna fight you mate!" Bill replies in a tense voice.
"You're a dog! You took my girlfriend and now you're going to get what you deserve!"
Suddenly, Amy interjects. "It's my fault, Roger. I've been using both of you. I told Bill we broke up and I made the first move," she explains.
"You're flamin' joking!" It was Ralph, who had followed Amy down to the beach and overheard everything.
"No, dad, I didn't mean ... I was just ..."
"Shut up, you little harlot! You can pack your bags and get outta town!"
By now, the whole town is watching on as Amy leaves in disgrace. Ralph, Bill and Roger all shake hands and apologise.
"Well, I still haven't had breakfast, and I'm starving!" Bill says. Everybody laughs. All of a sudden, someone runs down with a piece of paper.
"Bill, Bill! Look at the team sheet for this week! You've been promoted to the starting team and made captain!"
Knowing Roger had been vying for the position of captain, everybody falls silent. Roger looks Bill in the eye. He then reaches out his hand, which Bill accepts for a hearty handshake.
"Well done, mate, you deserve it." Everybody cheers, as Bill is chaired back to the surf club for a big breakfast on the house.
Everybody is in good spirits before Bill's phone rings, and Amy's number comes up. Without saying anything, he rejects the call and continues eating his breakfast.
Little did he realise that Amy had just been involved in a horrific car accident, and she was trying to call for help with her last few breaths of consciousness. Nobody is around and because Bill rejected the call, nobody is coming for help. The credits roll as we see Amy's eyes close in the mangled wreck.
Will Amy survive? Will anybody even find her before it's too late? And how will the Winter Bay locals respond to her plight? Find out more, tomorrow night on In & Away!
747 words. Liftoff!