I will argue till I'm blue in the face that a sh*t prop is better than no prop at all.
westie, we had that sh*t prop for three years. He played 22 games in 2006 and then 8 games in the next two seasons, when we had people playing at prop such as Bronson Harrison, Danny Galea, Daine Laurie, Chris Heighington and Bryce Gibbs. How many of those are first grade quality props?
If you choose to argue that, you'll just confirm what I and most think of you.
My thoughts of you had been confirmed many years ago.
O'Hara was a f**king origin prop before we got our hands on him.
8 first grade games in 2 years with us tells a much more telling story. He's a money hungry lazy arsed waste of space that set the club back 3 years.
He's the first tough nut, smash em up prop we've had since the original front rowers in 2000.
Tough? He took longer to recover from a broken jaw than anyone I've ever known. Smash 'em up? In reggies he may have, in the top grade he was ineffective and hardly any better than any other player in our pack, at best.
Now we have masquerading halfbacks and young guys looking for a leader.
So now you think O'Hara was a leader as well. fmd.
Who do we look to for that tough run now?
The same person we did when O'Hara was here, someone else.
Gibbs and Galloway are getting there, but like all young props they've still a way to go.
They seem to be a lot closer to that place they need to be at than O'Hara.
Payten, whilst a wonderful complement to a pack is far from a main man.
He's more our main man than O'Hara ever has been. Galloway now, is a better prop than O'Hara has ever been.
Our second row lacks impact with the exception of Ellis who will inevitably be shunted closer in to ruin his career too.
Ahh you decided not to mention Heighington purposely, as you don't rate him at all, despite he being the only player in our side who had a f**king go every game. But you'll erfute that.
And if anyone saw Laurie sooking in the two semis before being told to man up and get back on the field, you'd kick him out of the front rowers club too.
lol. He's not a front rower.
O'Hara is just another rep standard player
BAHAHAHAHA even when he was selected he didn't deserve it. His form since has proven that.
we've managed to keep mediocre, whether that be via coach bias, stupidity, poor tactics etc.
What about through his unwillingness to perform, or to work harder etc etc, as opposed to his decision to just bludge in the last two years and count the money as it poured in overwhelmingly.
Next year we'll be begging for a rough and tumble big boy, and a bunch of welshmen will be rubbing their hands together at a bargain.
We've been waiting for that rough and tough player for about 5 years now. We still haven't found him.