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WT's seeking a prop


Super Moderator
Staff member
Anyone else starting to think O'Hara wasn't so bad now?

ffs westie, will you stop wanking off over O'hara. If he's so bloody good why did he fail to stamp himself in first grade as a prop. He had 3 f**king years, 2 of which were when the club had no props of any f**king stature, yet he still couldn't get a run, well not at least until we were down to the last f**king option.

He was sh*t, he was a waste of money. Get over it.


I will argue till I'm blue in the face that a sh*t prop is better than no prop at all. If you choose to argue that, you'll just confirm what I and most think of you.

O'Hara was a f**king origin prop before we got our hands on him. He's the first tough nut, smash em up prop we've had since the original front rowers in 2000. Now we have masquerading halfbacks and young guys looking for a leader.

Who do we look to for that tough run now? Gibbs and Galloway are getting there, but like all young props they've still a way to go. Payten, whilst a wonderful complement to a pack is far from a main man. Our second row lacks impact with the exception of Ellis who will inevitably be shunted closer in to ruin his career too. And if anyone saw Laurie sooking in the two semis before being told to man up and get back on the field, you'd kick him out of the front rowers club too.

O'Hara is just another rep standard player we've managed to keep mediocre, whether that be via coach bias, stupidity, poor tactics etc.

Next year we'll be begging for a rough and tumble big boy, and a bunch of welshmen will be rubbing their hands together at a bargain.


Super Moderator
Staff member
I will argue till I'm blue in the face that a sh*t prop is better than no prop at all.
westie, we had that sh*t prop for three years. He played 22 games in 2006 and then 8 games in the next two seasons, when we had people playing at prop such as Bronson Harrison, Danny Galea, Daine Laurie, Chris Heighington and Bryce Gibbs. How many of those are first grade quality props?
If you choose to argue that, you'll just confirm what I and most think of you.
My thoughts of you had been confirmed many years ago.

O'Hara was a f**king origin prop before we got our hands on him.
8 first grade games in 2 years with us tells a much more telling story. He's a money hungry lazy arsed waste of space that set the club back 3 years.
He's the first tough nut, smash em up prop we've had since the original front rowers in 2000.
Tough? He took longer to recover from a broken jaw than anyone I've ever known. Smash 'em up? In reggies he may have, in the top grade he was ineffective and hardly any better than any other player in our pack, at best.
Now we have masquerading halfbacks and young guys looking for a leader.
So now you think O'Hara was a leader as well. fmd.

Who do we look to for that tough run now?
The same person we did when O'Hara was here, someone else.
Gibbs and Galloway are getting there, but like all young props they've still a way to go.
They seem to be a lot closer to that place they need to be at than O'Hara.
Payten, whilst a wonderful complement to a pack is far from a main man.
He's more our main man than O'Hara ever has been. Galloway now, is a better prop than O'Hara has ever been.
Our second row lacks impact with the exception of Ellis who will inevitably be shunted closer in to ruin his career too.
Ahh you decided not to mention Heighington purposely, as you don't rate him at all, despite he being the only player in our side who had a f**king go every game. But you'll erfute that.
And if anyone saw Laurie sooking in the two semis before being told to man up and get back on the field, you'd kick him out of the front rowers club too.
lol. He's not a front rower.

O'Hara is just another rep standard player
BAHAHAHAHA even when he was selected he didn't deserve it. His form since has proven that.
we've managed to keep mediocre, whether that be via coach bias, stupidity, poor tactics etc.
What about through his unwillingness to perform, or to work harder etc etc, as opposed to his decision to just bludge in the last two years and count the money as it poured in overwhelmingly.

Next year we'll be begging for a rough and tumble big boy, and a bunch of welshmen will be rubbing their hands together at a bargain.
We've been waiting for that rough and tough player for about 5 years now. We still haven't found him.


Let's just wait and see shall we.

I'll bet you anything you like that everyone, including you, will whinge next year about a lack of numbers in our front row stocks, let alone quality.

O'Hara was well regarded by all before he came to us. Can't you see that he's yet another of the players we all have noticed to be f**ked around by the Sheens/Royce dynasty?

Oh and since when does toughness have anything to do with the quality of our medical staff. How f**king hard is it not to have every second player come down with an infection on a simple injury.

Re: Heighington. If that bloke ever takes a 1st or 2nd hit up, i'll take the 3rd. He's the master of jumping in after a good run when the defence is on the backfoot. Useful, but honestly, anyone can do it. Even Halatau, who at least manages line breaks when he does it.

If he EVER gets us out of trouble I'll probably die of shock.

You should really try thinking for yourself big fellah. Your only opinions are those put forward by Chn 9 commentators and other niff nuffs on forums. So strange then that you consider yourself knowledgeable when all you ever do is regurgitate rubbish spouted by drunkards after losses.
O'Hara played 22 games in 2006?

f**ked if I noticed him.

He is sh*t, a pure and simple waste of money. From day one with us he didn't deliver anything that a park player could have.


Re: Heighington. If that bloke ever takes a 1st or 2nd hit up, i'll take the 3rd. He's the master of jumping in after a good run when the defence is on the backfoot. Useful, but honestly, anyone can do it. Even Halatau, who at least manages line breaks when he does it.

Garbage. So many times this year Heighington took the 2nd and 4th hitup in a set. Frequently he was the first forward to cart the ball up. Questioning his workload is actually humourous. But Westie knows better than the players that voted him player of the year right?

You really do come up with some rubbish westie. You couch everything you write in meaningless buzzwords. In reality there's no substance to your views, or they're simply wrong.


madunit - 10
Westie - 0

O'hara, good value, "joke city arizona baby" what a load of brown smelly stuff

Rhino - has more heart than O'Hara by a mile, hell he even busted Teo's arse on the field, passion like that was never displayed by Ryan.

We should go prop shopping in the NZ local comp, grab a 120kg Monster and turn him into a wrecking ball like Foi Foi.you would think that there would be the odd two ton tessie running around over there???????


Super Moderator
Staff member
Let's just wait and see shall we.

I'll bet you anything you like that everyone, including you, will whinge next year about a lack of numbers in our front row stocks, let alone quality.
I will be, don't you worry about that, but you can rest assured I sure as hell won't be pining for O'Hara to come back like you are. I want someone to come into our first grade side, not our BRET side

O'Hara was well regarded by all before he came to us. Can't you see that he's yet another of the players we all have noticed to be f**ked around by the Sheens/Royce dynasty?
He was also a heavy smoker and drinker according to a lot of the Canberra fans, a lot of them weren't too concerned by his departure either. I wonder why?

Oh and since when does toughness have anything to do with the quality of our medical staff. How f**king hard is it not to have every second player come down with an infection on a simple injury.
Since when has O'Hara shown he's tough?

Re: Heighington. If that bloke ever takes a 1st or 2nd hit up, i'll take the 3rd. He's the master of jumping in after a good run when the defence is on the backfoot. Useful, but honestly, anyone can do it. Even Halatau, who at least manages line breaks when he does it.
You couldn't help yourself could you, lol.

If he EVER gets us out of trouble I'll probably die of shock.
He does more to help than to hinder compared to any of our other players, including whatisname O'Hara

You should really try thinking for yourself big fellah. Your only opinions are those put forward by Chn 9 commentators and other niff nuffs on forums. So strange then that you consider yourself knowledgeable when all you ever do is regurgitate rubbish spouted by drunkards after losses.
haha, so if I agree with some of those people it's instantly not my opinion. You are as deluded as they come. I consider myself knowledgeable, where have I stated this? You are the only one sprouting rubbish, furthermore even a drunkard would have the commonsense to realise it's utter sh*t what you're saying

You really need to watch some first grade for a while Westie, it's a bit different to the magpies PL side.


We are actually going to run with 3 props next year and you wouldn't want O'Hara?!?!

O'Hara showed he was tough every time he ran the ball when we were on the backfoot and no one else wanted a go. He'd dent the line, get smashed and get up with a quick play the ball. Our other fatties take half an hour to get to their feet. But that's not important in our style of play... oh wait.

How do you feel about CH's delight with pushing people out of marker (props are his favourite) and forcing them to run back to the line, despite being third man in? I know you haven't noticed, but when you do, come back and tell me he works harder than the rest of our pack.

The only player Canberra fans have ever missed was Wiki... including guys they've now welcomed back as messiahs. You're dumber than they are trying to pass them off in an arguement.

You've mentioned nowt about how the dude was white-anted by the coaching staff, nor have you chosen to recognise the fact that he was a class above any of the props in the final 6 teams in reserve grade, including blokes who would walk into our starting side. I.e the players you and others are calling for to be in our side. But then, that didn't appear in the media or on forums so you wouldn't know about it.

Come up with your own stuff sweetie. You sound just like all the tossers you claim made you leave the official forum. You're just one of them.


i think your half right about O'hara, I saw him play in a trial against Souths Logan who are in the Brisbane comp, and looked like he was the best prop on the field by a street. Big, strong dominate, and hard to pull down sucking in two, three defenders. sadly though this was never replicated in first grade, makes sence that he was carving up in the reggies.
is there a team in the NRL that would take O'hara over Rhino. let me help you NO is the answer, Heart will always be recognised over hype.


Heighington is in Watmough's class... if you know what I mean. Without the linebreaking and big hits obviously.


Probably the O'Meley category I think. Gets amongst it when in form. Obviously quicker. Civo is more of a knuckle down worker. Price plays on the fringes 90% of the time, leaving the tough stuff to Rapira, Wiki et al.

I know you didn't mean that. But the players you listed aren't similar so that's the response.


He asked what class was he in, not some artificial 'category' of front rowers.

The answer is he's not in any of their classes.