Like I've mentioned before I never seen the yes movement as I was bored of it once Taker became part time
In fact I think the first segment I remember on the way in was Bryan on the way out
I can't remember a single wrestler being this loved with this whole yes caper
I've got to say it's quiet emotional for me to witness this, the crowd goes totally ape shit when he's around since he came back to the ring, this guy gets a treatment every week on a scale which I only remember Austin beating once
Alliance is giving the WWF a total ass whipping, the numbers are heavily against the good guys and Austin turns up and starts kicking ass out the back, the crowd screaming for him while watching him beat ass out back and when that glass shatters the place virtually implodes, watching it still today it's a powerful scene
Bryan is getting a reaction close to this every f**king week, what the f**k? Why is Cuck Lesnar carrying a belt when their most over guy possibly of all time is teaming with Kane
Don't get me wrong I love Kane but he's been a bit bad in the ring for a long time now, why is Kane Bryan's Big Cass?
I don't understand this shit sometimes