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WWE SuperThread *Spoilers*

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Bulldog Force

I don't know if the Rock will wrestle Rusev - I think it was just a promo because he was in New York for something else. That's just an opinion. On one hand I would love to see him wrestle again, but on the other, I was happy that he left last year on top of the world at WM (even though he lost) and has since made sporadic appearances. If he wrestles again and just flirts with retirement the walk Hulk Hogan, Brett Hart and Rick Flair have done, I don't think I'll be a very big fan. I got no problem with him making appearances and promos... just not liking the few wrestling matches he competes in.

Dean Ambrose supports breast awareness

Mentally unstable professional wrestler Dean Ambrose, not fully grasping why his WWE colleagues are wearing pink through the month of October, proudly stated today that he supports breast awareness.

Possibly due to his tenuous grasp on sanity, Ambrose seems not to realize that WWE has partnered with the Susan G. Komen Foundation in order to raise awareness about breast cancer, not simply breasts in general.

“I am a longtime advocate for breasts,” Ambrose said today, “and I will happily support them any way I can.”

Ambrose, who earned the unfortunate nickname “Titty Master” several months ago (after reportedly scrawling the word Titty on his wrist tape as a sign of his ongoing mammary-related activism), has vowed to wear pink t-shirts and dine exclusively at Hooters through the month of October.

When former Shield teammate Seth Rollins attempted to explain to Ambrose that WWE’s month-long campaign is about breast cancer, not just breasts, Ambrose hit Rollins in the face with hot dog and dashed away, laughing maniacally.

Jerry Lawler, meanwhile, is looking forward to WWE’s upcoming partnership this December with the ASPCA for Puppy Awareness Month.


The Rock just happened to be in town at the time so i think there is absolutely no plan for him to rejoin the company...especially since last time he wrestled he seriously injured himself. Was awesome though.

Ambrose seems to be the numero uno now..please reigns dont come back. Not sure why theyre running the interviews with Roman. Makes him look like a pussy and will ruin the pop when he returns.

Also loving Rusev and Bo and hopefully the Wyatt family vignettes arent what people seem to be what they think they are. They were on the way to being huge before they decided to make them into regularly beaten. Does anyone remember Bray beating Wyatt just before Bryans super run? Probably people find it hard after wwe had cena absolutely maul Bray on Raw a month ago. That was the end for bray.

Bulldog Force

So it looks like HiaC won't have the WHC defended... how shit is that??? This is the problem with bringing a part-timer back and making him champion. I honestly thought WWE would've known better than that! Pathetic!
Just caught up with the last 6 episodes of raw finally:

*Ambrose is the man atm.

*So good that Roman Reigns isn't there. He is as vanilla as it gets.

*Slater Gator should be Tag Team champs, I would rather watch Slater and Titus every week than the Usos and the Dusts.

*Bo is becoming Santino, you can just see that hes just a joke to the writers which is fkn bullshit.

*Rusev is good and all, but how many feuds can he have with "american pigs". He needs to win the US title and try to change it to the Russian title or some shit at least for something a little different. Only problem is he would have to feud with Sheamus right now and it would be weird to see Lana talking shit about Ireland.

*AJ & Paige are f**king awesome. Finally the torch seems to be in the hands of someone capable after Trish & Lita. AJ is the best womens character since Trish and Paige is also good but f**king smoking.

*The Rock thing was cool to see.

*Damien Mizdow is the funniest shit. I've never been a fan of Sandow until now, absolutely hilarious. Actually makes Miz worth watching.

*They need to give another dimension to Dolph, he is becoming a PG era version of Billy Gunn.

Who the f**k is Hoda? Seriously, that was the worst segment for a long time.

*Why is Jerry Lawler all over the Miz all of a sudden? This is how Michael Coles heel turn started. I'm all for heel King, but then what do they do with JBL? They can't have 2 heel commentators and only Michael Cole making the case for the faces otherwise the faces will get buried.


First Grade

He looks trim as f**k. Hopefully when he does come back he skips the bulk, he is more impressive looking like this.


First Grade
He could grow his hair out a bit and come back as the lead singer for Nickleback then just job out to everyone.


Feels like they dropped the ball with Ambrose this week. You could feel the whole atmosphere drop a knotch every time he tagged in Cena amicably. Crowd seemed pretty dead for the main event as a result.


First Grade
Yeah that finish plain sucked, ruined what could have been a good match, it sort of fell flat as well, considering their backgrounds.


First Grade
I called that finish before the ppv started. I'm not proud of what I've done.

I kind of like it, i guess we'll see.


First Grade
At least have a clean finish... Either Ambrose or Rollins wins clean, then lights go out.
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