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yay we've forgotten how to tackle


First Grade
Mike83au ...

Something tells me that macca told Elliot he had the flu and wasnt feeling the best ... mind you it woudnt have had to be Einstein to work it out. It is then up to the coach to make the decision whether a 50% macca was going to be as effective as Carney ... at the end of the day the buck stops with the coach.

As far as Rhino is concerned I totally agree ... some players put in their absolute best at rep selection time and contract negotiation time. I'm not saying that Rhino is one of those but the coincidence is uncanny.

Um Jammer Lammy

I'm hearing a lot of McLinden at the moment. He has put together 3 great performances for us, broncos is the best example. He gets flu whacks his head doesn't play as well as he could've/should've, and all you lots bar a few urinate all over him. McLinden was on a hiding to nothing last night thanks to coach Elliott, with Carney on so late the game was over which wasn't a good call. McLinden has very litttle defensive problems he could play hooker the only defensive problems he has is him being a small man but he cuts the mustard everyweek. I blame the coach and above all the management for our demise this season.


First Grade
Um Jammer Lammy .... keep complaining and you'll join the "whingers party" of which I am the leader :lol: :lol: :lol:

Just remember there are lot of people out there who cant read a road map, miss all the signs and get caught by those nasty speed traps "just over the crest". Then there are those who plan out their trip in great detail and possibly even have high tech stuff such as sat nav.

Need I tell you which category we fit. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hey jed ... bit more wear and tear on the ol needle, ehh :lol: :lol:
Am I the only one who thought that try at the start of the second half which was disallowed to Mogg COULD have been a turning point in the whole game? We still may not have won, but I dunno if we would've got thrashed like that. It was a disgraceful decision considering Crocker had a very similar try allowed earlier in the year with what was called "sideways pressure".

Not only that but what about when Hindy was knocked out, the referee should've stopped play because we were down a man, and subsequently they scored a try. Atrocious refereeing.

But in saying that we played crap and deserved to lose.

I thought Carney showed more in 20 minutes than McLinden did the entire game, but again it's not his fault, he shouldn't have played at all.


With Germ looking gone for a few weeks, does that mean Drew will be called back up to the team?
It's taken all year just to get rid of him.

Last night was a disaster. And unfortunately a game we needed to win. We were going to have a hard time beating them after their last few losses any way, but with the return of Gower and Girdler, this was going to be tougher than expected.

Having heard the starting line-up for the Raiders I thought we were in with a real chance. That was arguably our best line up all year (having finally got rid of boogas).

And in the first 1/4 we looked great smashing their forwards and making good meters.
So where did we go wrong?...

I don't know. But with Woolford of the field we had no leadership and inevitably fell apart.
And like the Cronulla game at the start of the season. f**king embarrassing!


First Grade
That was a try no problems ... to have brought down the ball as mogg did (without leaving his hand) means there was some downward pressure, miniscule as it might be nonetheless it was downward pressure. If it was sideways pressure it would have left his hand before he got it down ... cant remember my physics .. vectors or something.


I agree McLinden has been creating more in the past few weeks however he is our worst defender. Other teams target him and the Panthers did the same. He gets lazy and trys the 'arm grab' which is horrible to watch.

I said with that Mogg video ref, if this is given Rugby League is heading down the path of AFL marks whereas you have no control however it is still given. It wasn't a try.

Some people have said that they want to drop Joel as he has no value for next season however now want Drew back. One or the other.


First Grade
woodgers said:
I said with that Mogg video ref, if this is given Rugby League is heading down the path of AFL marks whereas you have no control however it is still given. It wasn't a try.

The question is "who makes the decision if the player has control" when the ball has never left his hands ... as in the Mogg incident.

Who decides that just because you are reaching out full stretch with one hand that you dont have control.

If the ball leaves his hands its cut and dry. As long as the ball stays in the players grip imo he has control. Once the ball hits the ground of course it leaves his hands but that doesnt mean he lost control of the ball as he was placing it down.


Am I the only one who thought that try at the start of the second half which was disallowed to Mogg COULD have been a turning point in the whole game?

for sure... it could have been a 12 point game with almost 38 minutes to go... instead 2 mins later they scored and pretty much put the game away... in saying that we were hopeless and prolly would have got beat anyways


First Grade
lol is it me or does their seem to be alot of weirdo's here?

for example we have some one complaining how macca has been inconsistant this season...when in fact he has been playing real well consistantly.

macca is what 23? and people are complaining he isnt our soloution to filling the halfback role, lol the problem here is that he has no real five eight..and alot of the time this year has seen our forward pack crushed.


we got drilled by a much, much better side. enough said.

as for mac, he was playing without a recognised hooker or five eighth behinmd a pack that was completely outplayed. he played like an arse too, but he was on a hiding to nothing to be fair and carries our only hope of doing something for the remainder of the year.

we were outplayed from 1-17, moggy the one exception, and theres no point calling for widespread changes coz we just dont have the cattle. i agree with carney getting more game time, it'd be great to see him and mac get some sort of a combination going, hos long is it since we've seen that from the raiders?!


First Grade
Good call twisted .. now all you have to do is convince our "coach"

A report on foxsports.com.au
"Despite equalling their biggest loss to Penrith, set in 1982, Raiders coach Matthew Elliott didn't think his side played badly"

boyo matty, I'd hate to be there the day they do mate.


First Grade
greeneyed said:
If that doesnt convince the unconvinced left in this forum its a case of ](*,)

PS Greeneyed do you believe in the culling of kangaroos.


First Grade
Bay 56.. yes, if they are a hazard to the environment and themselves...

I also believe in building a road from Gungahlin through the scrub....

And I also believe in allowing houses to be built where legless lizards no longer live.


First Grade
greeneyed said:
Bay 56.. yes, if they are a hazard to the environment and themselves...

I also believe in building a road from Gungahlin through the scrub....

And I also believe in allowing houses to be built where legless lizards no longer live.

No problem ... just a couple more questions .. your not gay are you ?? .... dont mind wearing a cape ??? :lol:


My question is why play guys who are in doubt all week, and can't last the full game, against quality opposition, with our season on the line??


First Grade
GreenGuy said:
My question is why play guys who are in doubt all week, and can't last the full game, against quality opposition, with our season on the line??

Good question greenguy .... kangaroos ???