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You can bag Newcastle all you want but you can't....


Fluffy said:
nah its because there is plenty of other things to do around there. - Given the decent weather this year and being inundated with beaches some people will choose to surf.

As a teenager spending some time in newcastle i was completely bored having nothing to do - i would have gone to see the knights play anyone quite happily.

So nine miles of beach isnt enough?

The Engineers Room

First Grade
Gene Krupa said:
BS! They are seperate cities in their own right.

Yes, but because of their proximity to each other and the city of Sydney it doesn't have the same effect. The population of Parramatta are not all going to be Parramatta supporters due to the fact that their are other teams and other sports operating in a close proximity.


Insane Ink is 100% correct.

Anyone coming on here demanding they be slapped on the back for celebrating medicrity deserves critcism. It's what any true blue fan would do. So do us a favour and go tell Hagey boy to light a fire up those asses before you guys wind up 0 wins 24 losses in 2005. I'd like to know the last time a winless side got 2 players picked in State of Origin. Well done NRL, a nice morale booster for Rugby League in the hunter this week.


Live Update Team
Btw parra princess how many players did Parramatta get in the NSW team, just out of curiosity???
thuganomics said:
I knew this thread will be end up being a knights bashing thread...

Your right and while the intentions I agree with, it was pretty bloody stupid to give other fans an opportunity to lay the boot in when we didnt have to.


Jobdog said:
Btw parra princess how many players did Parramatta get in the NSW team, just out of curiosity???

No worries JD, we have 1. Mr Crack-Attack himself Sir Nathan Hindmarsh.

Which i'm sure most of my fellow eels supporters would agree is fine by us, as that means we have our players on deck for the all important game against Manly this week. Good Day !

Gene Krupa

Daize said:
Yes, but because of their proximity to each other and the city of Sydney it doesn't have the same effect. The population of Parramatta are not all going to be Parramatta supporters due to the fact that their are other teams and other sports operating in a close proximity.

:blahb: :blahb: :blahb:

Any excuse!


It seems that you guys written off Newcastle supporters in Sydney and elswere in NSW and ACT who wear their colours proudly even after 10 losses in row. No, we dont travel to every single home game but we still stick with our team wheter it be buying merchandise, being members, go to Sydney games etc. When most teams loose a game you wont see many jerseys out there. Not case with Newcastle supporters.

Not too mention that we are on foreign territorry :)


Post Whore
not many things on this forum that me and ink will agree on but this is one.
What a f**king wankfest... all knights fans get and a circle and pull down your pants. You guys go to games, well done, so do 1000's apon 1000's of other fans for their respective teams

I dont see the Burrow with a thread talking themselves up for being their week in and week out, what about the tigers fans who have been there every week despite their clubs fluctuating fortunes?

What a joke, if your a fair dinkum supporter you dont need to come here posting a thread like this to get recognition for showing up, as showing up regardless of your teams position is a given if your a fair dinkum supporter.

But dont let me get in the way of this little debarcle. Splooge on R&BK


Post Whore
mat_parsons said:
It seems that you guys written off Newcastle supporters in Sydney and elswere in NSW and ACT who wear their colours proudly even after 10 losses in row. No, we dont travel to every single home game but we still stick with our team wheter it be buying merchandise, being members, go to Sydney games etc. When most teams loose a game you wont see many jerseys out there. Not case with Newcastle supporters.

Not too mention that we are on foreign territorry :)

Thats rubbish, ive lived in penrith for my entire life, and even though canberra's form hasnt been great over the last 5 years there has not been a week gone by where i havnt worn my colours, and its the same with any fair dinkum supporter. Dont try and big note Newcastle fans cause they wear their colours when losing, so does any real fan or any club.

Johns Magic

Raider_69 said:
Thats rubbish, ive lived in penrith for my entire life, and even though canberra's form hasnt been great over the last 5 years there has not been a week gone by where i havnt worn my colours, and its the same with any fair dinkum supporter. Dont try and big note Newcastle fans cause they wear their colours when losing, so does any real fan or any club.

Well then "other clubs" obviously don't have many "real fans".


Post Whore
Johns Magic said:
Well then "other clubs" obviously don't have many "real fans".

but of corse newcastle are ALLLLLLLLLL real fans

Dont get me wrong, its a fine effort but you deserve no more credit than any other bloke from any other team that goes out to the game week in and week out to see their team.

Besides the fact you've been cellar dwellers for all of 3 months, 3 years worth like souths and i doubt you'd crack 10k for a game. Terrible thread, fair dinkum uppercut time if you want praise for supporting your team through thick and thin, thats not any special, thats how it should be and for the most part that how it is for every team


It was merely a post to give Newcastle fans some of the credit for the great crowd averages we have this year.

Don't give me sh*t like "Try been on the bottom for three years like souths". Souths fans wearn't turning up by half way through seaosn 2002. The Thousands who marched didn't stay long.

To the moronic cowboy fan who said Cowboys have greater crowd averages then the Knights, get some glasses and read my post again. I said not many clubs would have 16,000 turning up if they had lost 9 on the trot.

To Raider 69, your an absolute loser. You have no f**king life and think your God's gift to league fans. You think your hardcore because you talk it up on a forum, even though my 4 year old niece can spell more words then you. :lol:

You need to get an education.

Go start one of your Knights bashing threads you idiots. There is already 14 .

I know true league fans admire the support Novacastrians give league.

Johns Magic

So you think that you alone, Bumble, are "many" people?

I am not denying that every team has loyal fans, it's just that some seem to have more than others.


Post Whore
Red and Blue Knight said:
It was merely a post to give Newcastle fans some of the credit for the great crowd averages we have this year.

Don't give me sh*t like "Try been on the bottom for three years like souths". Souths fans wearn't turning up by half way through seaosn 2002. The Thousands who marched didn't stay long.

To the moronic cowboy fan who said Cowboys have greater crowd averages then the Knights, get some glasses and read my post again. I said not many clubs would have 16,000 turning up if they had lost 9 on the trot.

To Raider 69, your an absolute loser. You have no f**king life and think your God's gift to league fans. You think your hardcore because you talk it up on a forum, even though my 4 year old niece can spell more words then you. :lol:

You need to get an education.

Go start one of your Knights bashing threads you idiots. There is already 14 .

I know true league fans admire the support Novacastrians give league.

HAHAHA, start my own? Why bother? You've given my enough ammo to unleash on your mob with this thread. And now that you have said i have no life, it simply must be truth... boyo might go neck myself now, dont know how ill go on living :lol:

You come here looking for a big thumbs up for supporting your team through thick and thin and have been shot down. Why have you been shot down? Because you seem to think its an acheivement to support your team through thick and thin, guess what... ITS NOT!

Its the norm of every fair dinkum league fan. Its not an acheivement, its expected of you as a fan of your team. I dont think im hardcore at all but clearly you do because you go to a game when your team is losing... well kudos mister. You are clearly the greatest more loyal fan this world has ever seen... :lol: PLEASE!
Get ya hand off it mate, you have supported your team through thick and thin... SO f**king WHAT? Thats expected and any credit you did deserve for that effort has been revoked after starting this thread to try and get credit for it.


I mentioned Newcastle fans in general. Great crowd average despite a horrid season.

It's fact...apart from brisbane, no other club would be averaging over 16,000 going through a nine game losing streak.

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