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you MASONS can all go get FARKED!

The Popper

It doesn't happen much, but it does happen from time to time (and it happened to me in the past). In their efforts to push forward (as they see it) our club can occasionally ride roughshod over the small supporter without even realising it. No doubt, the intentions are to increase the club's financial viability....but occasionally at the expense of `the little man'. It's a failing our management seems to have had over the last decade or so. A pity! As each issue is important to the effected `little man', but apparently of little conseqence in the grand scheme.


Seems like the newest member may not necessarily be that new going by his post above

And ffs all I want is a club run professionally by good business people who display transparency, business acumen and a bit of forsight

Surely that's not too much to ask is it.....surely!!!

Still waiting though


yeah same RCB, i just want them to play the game.... the way it was supposed to be played. get some QUICK players to try and out run the opposition and place the white oval shape ball in the other teams in goal area, fmd its not hard yet we make it look so so impossible


Seems like the newest member may not necessarily be that new going by his post above

And ffs all I want is a club run professionally by good business people who display transparency, business acumen and a bit of forsight

Surely that's not too much to ask is it.....surely!!!

Still waiting though

ah yup you've found me out already. what gave it away? I'm damien irvine in disguise, with an indecipherable username and a cunning backstory to hide my tracks, come to haunt the forums...
ha, but seriously, i'm no one that's been here before, except to read news/opinions/rumours etc.

damn well agree on the other stuff though. and with russell crowe's band- why do we make scoring look so damn difficult??


ah yup you've found me out already. what gave it away? I'm damien irvine in disguise, with an indecipherable username and a cunning backstory to hide my tracks, come to haunt the forums...
ha, but seriously, i'm no one that's been here before, except to read news/opinions/rumours etc.

damn well agree on the other stuff though. and with russell crowe's band- why do we make scoring look so damn difficult??

Because we are so bad at it.... wecan catch we have the slowest backs in the comp and we have been using the same 3 set plays for 4 years.


I would hope the board and management of the club are making business based decisions aimed at the benefit of the club now and going forward into the future. I understand some people who have been relocated are not happy but word from the club seems to be that they are willing to try and accomodate requests from season ticket holders. Perhaps people could try taking these steps first instead of going straight for the negitive approach - once the people who can do something, being the club, say no then whinge away. If the people charged with making the decisions also have to be accountable for them of course they will lean the way of the group with the biggest buying power regardless of who is affiliated with them and in what way. It makes sound business sense for a brand that is struggling to draw a crowd.
Thats hilarious, an understatement and obviously part of this damage control. My neighbour phoned the club asking how he received this alleged 'upgrade' going from a good spot to a crap spot. Their response was along the lines of "your a bit closer to the half way line". That made him chuckle and question how on earth would they know what each season seat holder deemed in their mind as "an upgrade".

It goes without saying they had an idea to create a greater atmosphere in the crowd. They just didnt have an idea on how to successfully execute it. Which is a large worry considering last season is still running warm.

This will take time for them to repair. It has also given those loyal footy goers a golden opportunity to vent their disatisfaction at the first bit of unruly behaviour from the CSSC lads next year, even though it was ultimately not their decision to create this large bucket of muck.

Supporter groups such as these guys are good for any club and will continue to grow year to year, which is a viable and exciting vision for any club. But dont tread on and destroy the little people who supported the club prior to the new era's vision of supporters. By doing so only displays a shift in the managements focus to a specific mind set at the expense of the small supporter.

No one supporter(s) money is any better than anothers. This is the crux of the matter - MONEY. The club needs money, fair enough. Seemingly they don't mind pissing a few off in the short term to strengthen that revenue stream long term. Seemingly an odd approach, but business is about making the right decisions, and that can be understood from a business perspective. But smart business is about securing and keeping EVERY customer regardless of how many to a group.


Post Whore
and here i was thinking it was going to be a boring off season

at least the club is starting some controversy

but alas i dont see wht the big deal is

if these people really wanted their seats they should have done the right thing in the first place and joined the masons

stop whinging


Post Whore
You really enjoy this, don't you? So I'll give you the pleasure. And cheers for the welcome, I expected nothing less. But you do make some fair points, and in truth they're actually the ones that matter.

Why would you expect anything at all?

A what? If your implying that I'm in the cssc, then you are way wide of the mark... ridiculously so in fact.

Way wide of the mark huh? So you say you're not a mason and imply you would never be on? It's a ridiculous notion you infer. I'm so glad you snared a little insight somewhere to be able to recognise the absurdity of the CSSC. You're a little negative though for a fluffball

Can't post the link cos of my post count, but google it.
"The Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) was created by the ICAC Act 1988. Its aims are to protect the public interest, prevent breaches of public trust and guide the conduct of public official"

Since when are the Sharks affiliated with the NSW government?

Keep investigating Horace.

Boring cynic. They're trying to...help?

The press release came out post phuque up. It's damage control. Why weren't members who were to be displaced informed BEFORE they just moved the Glee Club into a other people's seats. They weren't informed because the club doesn't care and have shown their hand by flagging that the Glee Club will be the golden children of the club and receive favour when possible.

Exactly my point.

I don't think you know what your own point is Horace. You said "I agree that people who have had their seats in the same place for years wouldn't want to move, but if its an upgrade then surely that's a small sacrifice that could be made?"

I then explained it for you because I am kind and benevolent that "HAHAHA If it were an upgrade it wouldn't be a sacrifice would it?"

Now you think you agree with me.

Nice slide, but you've missed the plate Wally.

Possibly right, as I said I don't know anything of Irvine's background. Nor do I care. as far as I can see the cssc are a good group that are very loyal to the sharks. Good on em.

If you don't know and don't care you should think twice about forming an opinion of what is good. I've stated simple facts Cyril. Things that are on Public record. I could say more that I know about from my time as a mason but I'll stick to what's been said in the papers and other media. Irvine is a founding mason. Now they are on the end of a sweetheart deal to get better seats from other members who weren't informed of the move.

It's simple to see the favourtism. Take off the rose coloured glasses maybe.

Mostly fair points. I don't claim to know what's in next year's membership, someone just mentioned some good new deals earlier.
As for "bandaids"- I'm glad to see them cutting costs. Would you rather them drag it out of the salary cap, or out of whatever they manage to put into junior development?

So commenting without knowledge again. You're either a liar or an idiot. Probably both but to add to that you stink of being a club employee.

As for postitives- a new sponsor. And the removal of Zappia. Some solid (if not spectacular) signings. There's so much for them to do though, but we need to be patient, at least for a little while. The word's jaded... that's what describes us sharks fans, and not surprisingly so.

A new minor sponsor. The $200k is not going to Etna from erupting. I'll grant you Zappia. We get solid but spectacular signings every year. Big deal. Nothing new there and little the new board did about any of them anyway as most were signed before the new board even took office.

Oh the poor things. So much to do. I'm mortified for them. They have volunteered you imbo! If it's too hard they can f**k off now.

Don't care.

Really? Then crawl back into the cavern you lurk from. If you reply further you might imply you do care. If you don't care you might stop The White Knight act and cease from defending things you have so far admitted to like

a) are ridiculous
b) you know nothing about
c) you don't care about

My problem is that I haven't lived for forty years is it? That I've only been a sharks fan since I was four? Sorry mate, I'll just go off and doctor the birth cert. Muppet. I've seen this club fail all my life. The old crew did so well for us... I mean, if its not broke, don't fix it, right??

No. Your problems are more far reaching I'm afraid.

:sarcasm: At that rate, I'll be the one around in sixty years time telling another "wide eyed fluffball" how good it was back in the day... when I had a club.

Sixty years? What makes you think the club will last 60 years. The smokescreen being thrown up that all is well in the world of the Sharks shouldn't fool anyone. They are smiling assassins. They are putting on the brave front and smiley faces. Polluting websites and brochures with images of the Peter Garrett wannabe and all the while hoping the CSSC favouritism and the rape of the fmaily budget slips on by.

This all points to a lack of ideas to move forward other than to extort even more money from fans.

What's failed the club is poor standards- not enough talent in the playing ranks, the coaching or the admin. Criticise away, but at least give this bunch a chance to improve the club. Even if that improvement comes while you've got your eyes firmly planted on the glory days. Cos they were wonderful. If they fail, then we haul em out and have another go.

You are a poor user of sarcasm. Rewrite that on you're next attempt.

Anyway, didn't you say why make change for change sake? Well guess what Cedric, that's what we got. Change for change sake.

So, no. No scope for latitude for this bunch. Not while Snow White and his 300+ Dwarfs hold power. Their chance was in getting elected. Anything from here on in isn't a chance. They are used up.

I'm sure you will.

Of course you are sure. You're a self proclaimed lurker. You're probably a mason, possibly a club employee and doing a good job exposing things I can comment on

Keep posting

You are my ally


Post Whore
ah yup you've found me out already. what gave it away? I'm damien irvine in disguise, with an indecipherable username and a cunning backstory to hide my tracks, come to haunt the forums...
ha, but seriously, i'm no one that's been here before, except to read news/opinions/rumours etc.

damn well agree on the other stuff though. and with russell crowe's band- why do we make scoring look so damn difficult??

Was that deliberate or simply in line with the bulk of what you write?

We know you're not Irvine, even he knows when to use uppercase.


Nice try Frenzy... but coolum was a whole lot closer to the mark with the Alan Border reference. What does it matter? I'm not part of the club, I'm not in the cssc, I'm just a fan with opinions. Excuse me or does that make me a pariah around here?


Way wide of the mark huh? So you say you're not a mason and imply you would never be on? It's a ridiculous notion you infer. I'm so glad you snared a little insight somewhere to be able to recognise the absurdity of the CSSC. You're a little negative though for a fluffball

I think we've covered this. I'm not part of the club, or associated in any way aside from being a passionate fan. I don't have any knowledge of club politics, nor do I really want any. I just want to express some opinions about the football club I follow, preferably about things on the field when it comes down to it. Fair enough?

Keep investigating Horace.
If you insist.
From the ICAC website:
"Fighting corruption in the NSW public sector"
"What is a public official?
For conduct to be considered corrupt under the ICAC Act it must involve a New South Wales public official or public authority.
A public official is defined in the ICAC Act as an individual having public official functions or acting in a public official capacity."

Doesn't matter, that was just a throw away line of you used anyway.

The press release came out post phuque up. It's damage control. Why weren't members who were to be displaced informed BEFORE they just moved the Glee Club into a other people's seats. They weren't informed because the club doesn't care and have shown their hand by flagging that the Glee Club will be the golden children of the club and receive favour when possible.

You're perhaps right in saying its damage control. But it could also be seen as the club listening to the complaints of its members. I'd rather they not screw up in the first place, but if they fix it then that will do me. If they don't then there's a problem, sure..

You've obviously got some sort of bad blood with Irivine/the "Glee Club"/someone else. That's fine, none of my business, I didn't intend to walk into it. But you don't need to associate me with them simply because I don't have a problem with them.

I don't think you know what your own point is Horace. You said "I agree that people who have had their seats in the same place for years wouldn't want to move, but if its an upgrade then surely that's a small sacrifice that could be made?"

I then explained it for you because I am kind and benevolent that "HAHAHA If it were an upgrade it wouldn't be a sacrifice would it?"

Now you think you agree with me.

Nice slide, but you've missed the plate Wally.

My point is that its not much of a sacrifice if its an upgrade, except for the fact that some fans are rightly aggrieved that they have to move at all or that no effort had been made to ensure that they would be able to sit with the same people they have in the past.

Benevolent is a bit of a stretch. Try for cordial, and work your way up.

If you don't know and don't care you should think twice about forming an opinion of what is good. I've stated simple facts Cyril. Things that are on Public record. I could say more that I know about from my time as a mason but I'll stick to what's been said in the papers and other media. Irvine is a founding mason. Now they are on the end of a sweetheart deal to get better seats from other members who weren't informed of the move.

It's simple to see the favourtism. Take off the rose coloured glasses maybe.

So commenting without knowledge again. You're either a liar or an idiot. Probably both but to add to that you stink of being a club employee.

Mate, if posting facts was all that was allowed then these forums would grind to a halt in seconds.

I think we've just got a different outlook. Possibly because you've seen the club f*ck up for longer than I have. That might also be why I think the current admin is an improvement, cos the ones I've seen lately were much worse.
Anyway, I aim for fair and realistic and when in doubt, positive. So shoot me for not being as bitter, I just reckon some optimism might help, rather than hinder.

For the last time, I'm not against you, nor for the 'masons' or Irvine or whoever. Why do you all call them masons anyway btw?
Make your own mind up on whether I'm realistically an idiot, or a liar.

Really? Then crawl back into the cavern you lurk from. If you reply further you might imply you do care. If you don't care you might stop The White Knight act and cease from defending things you have so far admitted to like

a) are ridiculous
b) you know nothing about
c) you don't care about

No. Your problems are more far reaching I'm afraid.

I don't care about your feud is all. The rest- sticks and stones. And I'm lucky enough to not have many problems.

Sixty years? What makes you think the club will last 60 years.

That was my point: "At that rate, I'll be the one around in sixty years time telling another "wide eyed fluffball" how good it was back in the day... when I had a club."

The smokescreen being thrown up that all is well in the world of the Sharks shouldn't fool anyone. They are smiling assassins. They are putting on the brave front and smiley faces. Polluting websites and brochures with images of the Peter Garrett wannabe and all the while hoping the CSSC favouritism and the rape of the fmaily budget slips on by.

This all points to a lack of ideas to move forward other than to extort even more money from fans.

More cynicism. You don't want to give them any latitude. I disagree and think they deserve some time. Disagreement's no problem.

Anyway, didn't you say why make change for change sake? Well guess what Cedric, that's what we got. Change for change sake.

We got change because what we had was an admin firmly planted in neutral in terms of ideas and ability, while other clubs and codes were moving forward. Oh yeah and there was the porn thing and the hitting women thing and the huge hole in the budget thing and the poor marketing thing.

Of course you are sure. You're a self proclaimed lurker. You're probably a mason, possibly a club employee and doing a good job exposing things I can comment on

Need enemies much?
Anyway, we're pretty far off topic. In a honestly non-sarcastic way, what are your ideas?

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