Its been reported that he's consulting with coaches to see who is available before selecting the side, so hopefully there shouldn't be any sudden withdrawals.
Yes, and that is another problem the game seems to be inheriting.
Clubs allowing players to pull out.
What these clubs dont realise is that we are in a market that needs to grow, or other leagues will simply come in and take our place.
Rugby union has a under-current of issues with juniors and head injuries at school level, Gridiron America is ready to take all in it's wake, a 7 billion college system can afford to swamp the smaller codes, and dispense them.
If our clubs and players cant see the benefits of playing Nines, All-stars and other off-shoots, such as World Club Challenge , and even internationals, then they should stand aside and allow visionaries to run their clubs, because they will become instinct if they dont grow.
And that is what Dave Smith talked about not long ago. The growth of world sports, growing at 15% a year.
Wheather that is through live, overseas growth and TV, you need a good product to sell, with decent players.
Surely Unions world growth is teaching us something. Their is a audience out their screaming out for product.
We have that product, being jeopodised with small-minded club managers.
Sack the lot of em, and ban the players from Origin, watch them scream then.
These players have got to start over-ruling their clubs wishes. We all get injuries, we all have to play in every club game. We all have to train, so why make excuses.
Man up, and get out.
Your boring me as 7 billion and growing college sport NFL in America will eat you for breakfast.
You want that, ??? Little Johnny waking up and putting a helmet on, and you knowing he will never make the grade, is that our future.
Time we woke up. Boycott the players who dont start playing these events, they are part of our future, or our failure.
As Moses said, "Forgive my people as they dont know what they have done".
Same applies to league players, they see dollars, that is far as they can see.
The club managers ion the other hand need to be reeled in,. and have their tongues cut out.