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If Rugby League became big in the USA..


What impact will this have on Rugby League internationally (in general)? Would this be good for the game of Rugby League, or not?


How on earth *ould it be bad???
I love what the Pa*ifi* I*land *ountrie* bring to the game on the field, but between the lot of them they won't bring 50* to the table**
The U*A i* the bigge*t e*onomy in the world - 10% of that *porting market and the game of league ha* doubled in *ize and wealth a*ro** the world**


First Grade
Absolutely. A strong US means it will develop a following in Canada and other parts of the world. Over time though, it would certainly weaken the NRL and ESL. Would love to see a competitive US team before I die.


First Grade
Absolutely. A strong US means it will develop a following in Canada and other parts of the world. Over time though, it would certainly weaken the NRL and ESL. Would love to see a competitive US team before I die.

The usa WAS competitive against the Kangaroos a few years ago..

But yeah I know what you mean. To be honest I'd rather rugby league not become an American sport. It's already 'americanised' enough as it is.


I think this hypothetical is ridiculous - lets at least be realistic about things...rugby league, despite the resemblance to gridiron, is the last sport that can grow in the US. The US will be a third world country by then :) Might not be long actually...

Sorry mate, edit button instead of quote. :oops:
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I think this hypothetical is ridiculous - lets at least be realistic about things...rugby league, despite the resemblance to gridiron, is the last sport that can grow in the US. The US will be a third world country by then :) Might not be long actually...

Yeah, I suppose you're right, I mean, sokka's been there for how long now?

Hmmm, yep, a real big sport over there too huh? :roll:


Don't write off the U.S., just yet. Had they qualified for the World Cup this year, I think they would've done very well. Look forward to seeing them at the 2013 WC (by then, they'll have had 5 yrs more preparation).


First Grade
The usa WAS competitive against the Kangaroos a few years ago..

But yeah I know what you mean. To be honest I'd rather rugby league not become an American sport. It's already 'americanised' enough as it is.

Nice post.


Yeah, I suppose you're right, I mean, sokka's been there for how long now?

Hmmm, yep, a real big sport over there too huh? :roll:

Hey? Soccer? Didn't mention it. Its at the bottom of the pyramid for a reason in the US. The US love their sports. They hate others. That means soccer, rugby league, and AFL (if they know what it is). Thanks idiot, nice try

But if you really want to argue that, MLS has attendance of 16k average last season and its in last place. What was the NRL average last season? So....yeah. Get some real arguments idiot
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Hey? Soccer? Didn't mention it. Its at the bottom of the pyramid for a reason in the US. The US love their sports. They hate others. That means soccer, rugby league, and AFL (if they know what it is). Thanks idiot, nice try

But if you really want to argue that, MLS has attendance of 16k average last season and its in last place. What was the NRL average last season? So....yeah. Get some real arguments idiot

Geez that was nice. :roll:

Hey, 16,000 average out of 300 million isn't that great, is it?

The USA love their sports but hate others?

Well why does ice hockey do so good?

They also play other sports and do quite well, but yeah, they hate other sports because they aren't American. :lol:

Umm, when did you ask them if they hate Rugby League, Rugby Union, Soccer, AFL, Gaelic football, Cricket and all the other teams sports?

Did it take you long to ask everyone? :?


Geez that was nice. :roll:

Hey, 16,000 average out of 300 million isn't that great, is it?

The USA love their sports but hate others?

Well why does ice hockey do so good?

They also play other sports and do quite well, but yeah, they hate other sports because they aren't American. :lol:

Umm, when did you ask them if they hate Rugby League, Rugby Union, Soccer, AFL, Gaelic football, Cricket and all the other teams sports?

Did it take you long to ask everyone? :?

Wow, go on like...ANY...american sport forum, and the animosity is 10 times worse than anything the AFL vs NRL thing has going for it.

Watch their TV... unlike some of the media have done in the past here, they actually say "we hate it" on air, without remorse. Shows just how much you know.

Americans hate soccer, simple as that. The sport survives as a result of its immigrant base. The media....well I wont even touch that one. The international angle, the participation rates are some of the few things that keep it going. New purpose stadiums being built, licenses still wanted, quality growing - it will always be a niche sport in the US, but it doesnt have to be anything else.

However, to even suggest, merely suggest, that league would ever do anything in the US is so laughable, that it made the responses in this thread almost unbearable. But I like league, so good luck to it in the States :crazy:


First Grade
League doesn't need to be big. Even if it carves a niche for itself it will do fairly well. But ye i agree Rugby League has about as much chance of being "big" in US as Rugby Union in India.


League is growing by around 20% a year in the US.
I have said that every year for the last 7 years or so, and i don't think they have let me down once.
With around 12k people attending the Souths game in January, the Axemen getting decent crowds that might average 2k a game, and other teams getting small but hopefully increasing crowds - plus fixtures like War on the Shore and the grandfinal being well promoted, I think League will get something like 30,000 paying fans through the gate this year in America.
Humble beginings, but the game is genuinely starting to generate dollars now.
We are starting to see imported players, healthy sponserships, cheersquads, news reports and crowds.
All this from a start of some guys meeting for Friday afternoon social kickarounds 11 years ago.


Wow, go on like...ANY...american sport forum, and the animosity is 10 times worse than anything the AFL vs NRL thing has going for it.

Watch their TV... unlike some of the media have done in the past here, they actually say "we hate it" on air, without remorse. Shows just how much you know.

Americans hate soccer, simple as that. The sport survives as a result of its immigrant base. The media....well I wont even touch that one. The international angle, the participation rates are some of the few things that keep it going. New purpose stadiums being built, licenses still wanted, quality growing - it will always be a niche sport in the US, but it doesnt have to be anything else.

However, to even suggest, merely suggest, that league would ever do anything in the US is so laughable, that it made the responses in this thread almost unbearable. But I like league, so good luck to it in the States :crazy:

Is there something wrong with you?

You seem to be in a bad mood for some reason.

Here's a tip, this is the international section, we all come here to talk and put our opinions across, most of us here know each other and we pretty much get along.

We don't like newbies coming in and getting all aroused and charged up with testosterone throwing their weight around, we have a place for that called TFC, I hope your brain hasn't lost all its blood, because I'm sure there would be plenty of others in there that would love to have a conversation with you and if the blood has drained, you mightn't find it and we wouldn't want that now, would we?

As to your point, what makes you think none of us in here have ever talked to US based people about sports?

What makes you think there are no US based RL fans on this very site?

What makes you think an idiot on a TV station who won't give any other sport a wrap speaks for the majority?

Are you a genius when it comes to US based sports fans, or are you being a know all?

I have seen RL grow from absolutely nothing 10 years ago to having 10 clubs now, I've seen 12,500 fans turn up and watch a game of RL in the US and most had never heard of it before, yet the majority of the crowd gave the two teams a standing ovation.

I have seen a guy like Spinner get a local club going from nothing two years ago, to the best run RL club in the US with decent crowds, all this in two years, sponsors, clubhouse, TV, radio, cheer leaders and the rest, yes, all in only two years, it is small, but don't ever try and say it has no future, simply because you can't see the future just like the rest of us can't.

If the Jacksonville Axemen keep going the way they are by doubling everything each year for the next 5 years, they'll have crowds that rival the some of the Sydney NRL clubs.

It will still be small, but a niche market is being carved out.

Now take your attitude and shove it.


God I love my international league! I think I am one of those rare breeds that prefer the international game as my favourite part of the game.

The USA only ever needs to be a niche sport (as plenty of other sports are) for them to become powerful in the given sport.

I would love to see them compete with the more established nations. Any one who doesnt want to see them grow should move over to TFC and stay there.

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