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Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens


Think back to the start of Empire, Lukes hanging upside down in a wampa cave using the force to get his light sabre back. He was able to do this after only spending a few days with obi-wan (and in the original movie moving things with the force wasn't shown). There's also Luke guiding the blast down the death star by using the force despite only finding out about the force a few days earlier. A lot of the problems people are having with this movie are extreme nit picking, the same kind of nit picking can be done with the original trilogy.

Star wars was never about the acting or even the plot, it was always about the adventure that appealed to the child in us. I loved the original trilogy as a kid so when the prequel trilogy came out I took my younger cousins (under 10) to it so they could experience what i experienced with the OT. Unfortunately they were completely bored with it, and prefered to play around in the cinema cause they were so bored. I took my niece and nephew( 8 and 4) to the midnight screening and their eyes never left the screen, they laughed gasped and cried all the way through it and are still talking about it days later.

Good post.


I think luke being evil is a terrible evil. People who have read the expanded universe might like it, but those of us who are fans of the films only, and people who only have a passing interests in star wars would absolutely hate the idea

Fair enough I suppose. I just hope at the very least Snoke isn't as uninspiring and fake as people keep saying.


First Grade
So far we've only seen snoke in a hologram. Possibility may be there for snoke to be done by practical effects in the future
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Last Week

Fair enough I suppose. I just hope at the very least Snoke isn't as uninspiring and fake as people keep saying.

Pretty sure that the voice actor for Snoke didn't even know what he looked like until close to the premiere. I dare say Snoke will be CGI through the entire trilogy.


It is interesting, but I went to the movie with my girlfriend who hates scifi and fantasy, and thinks both Star Wars and Star Trek are incredibly lame. But, whilst she liked TFA, this morning reflecting on the experience she said she much preferred Star Trek Into Darkness.

Thinking about it, it's actually an interesting comparison, as both movies were really effectively homages to older movies directed by the same guy. Reflecting on it myself, I'm inclined to agree due to the fact that the Sith were frankly a little bit lame in FTA, whereas Cumberbatch's Khan was a pretty menacing character and his motivations were just so much more interesting.


This shits on Star Trek from the greatest of heights

Meh, neither are really stellar films in my view, but in the cold light of morning I have to say I enjoyed Into Darkness more simply because as a film it is more balanced.

Both are effectively fan service exercises with no original ideas, but at least with Into Darkness there is a compelling and menacing villain... all we got with TFA is another Anakin whiny douche villain and some CG gollum thing
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First Grade
If kylo was just a super strong villain with no weaknesses it would've of made things boring. I think his flaws are what makes him compelling. I don't think it's ever mentioned that snoke or kylo are even sith, just that they are dark force users. Kylo himself knows that his weak, which is why i think he is desperate to find Luke so much, to either get luke to teach him how to be stronger or to try to turn luke to the darkside because he knows that he himself will never be strong enough to fill Vaders shoes. He idolises Vader, but also sees Vader's redemption as a weakness and that Vader's work was uncompleted and that he has to finish it. In this age of having powerful and self- confident villains (loki and any marvel villian, khan from star trek, zod from man of steel etc), its kind of refreshing to have such a powerful villian who also has so much doubts about his abilities.
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If kylo was just a super strong villain with no weaknesses it would've of made things boring. I think his flaws are what makes him compelling. I don't think it's ever mentioned that snoke or kylo are even sith, just that they are dark force users. Kylo himself knows that his weak, which is why i think he is desperate to find Luke so much, to either get luke to teach him how to be stronger or to try to turn luke to the darkside because he knows that he himself will never be strong enough to fill Vaders shoes. He idolises Vader, but also sees Vader's redemption as a weakness and that Vader's work was uncompleted and that he has to finish it. In this age of having powerful and self- confident villains (loki and any marvel villian, khan from star trek, zod from man of steel etc), its kind of refreshing to have such a powerful villian who also has so much doubts about his abilities.

That's an interesting take on it, but I don't really think we're seeing anything new here with Kylo... as I wrote before, he's basically a carbon copy of Anakin - a petulant child who just wants to be powerful but who's potential has yet to be fully realised. For that reason I didn't find him compelling at all, but rather extremely irritating and he was the only part of the film that brought back the bad taste of the prequels.

Snoke was harder to get much of a grasp on, and my gripe with him was more aesthetic; I just don't think it worked in a film that seemed to pride itself on using a lot more practical effects.

As for villains like Khan being too powerful etc, well that's what creates the sense of urgency for the protagonists; they're facing someone who is almost a force of nature and that makes the stakes pretty high. The other thing about Khan is he's an interesting character; his motivations and his anger are actually very easy to identify with - he's been blackmailed by having the people he cares for the most threatened with death if he doesn't do what he's told. When he says in the movie "my crew are my family. Tell me Kirk, is there anything you would not do for your family" (which Cumberbatch delivers with passion that makes it sound pretty compelling) you think "yeah, I get why he's mad. I'd want to f**king kill people if my family's lives were being used to blackmail me".

What is Ren's motivation really? You said it was to "finish what Vader started", but what was that? Vader's motive, we now know, was apparently to save Padme and he just went too far down the bad guy path to go back.

In reality, Ren just seems likea spoiled brat with daddy issues that wants to lord power over others. He's kind of a boring douchebag in my view and there's very little to empathise with.
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First Grade
I think we'll find out more about Ren from luke in episode VIII. i also think we will see a stronger ren next time around.
One thing this movie has done, it's created a hell of a lot of intrigue and mystery to debate about until the next episodes gives us some answers
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Staff member
Movie time in 25 minutes, starting to feel something floooow through me.

Probably the No-Doz I have taken so I don't crash out - damn you shift work.


I think we'll find out more about Ren from luke in episode VIII. i also think we will see a stronger ren next time around.
One thing this movie has done, it's created a hell of a lot of intrigue and mystery to debate about until the next episodes gives us some answers

I hope so. The kid who plays him will hopefully grow up a bit too, as it's a little gawky and awkward to be too intimidating without the mask now.


Kylo Ren looks like he is the offspring of Marilyn Manson.

He is also 32 years old, I don't think he is going to get any less 'gawky' or awkward any time soon.
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Kylo Ren also served for the another Imperial Force in his early 20's


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