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  1. strong_latte

    Rugby League 2 announced

    hmmm I bet they will aye, but I'd say they'll change the theme this time... Maybe they'll give it a futuristic feel and have flying cars going over a stadium that has flashing goal posts, levetating spectator platforms and all sorts of stuff :D :D :D ... Maybe not, but that would be cool :D
  2. strong_latte

    Wants for sequel (Short guide)

    From what I've heard all these things have been fixed The passing system has been given particular attention to and completey revamped! Don't ask how I know
  3. strong_latte


    seriously dude if thats your TV you obviously have enough spare cash lying around to have a beast PC With a mad 30inch liquid plasma screen that supports resolutions of over 3200x2400(thats the current max I believe)! Thats what I'd do if I had that sorta cash... I mean 1024x1024 (although I...
  4. strong_latte

    Who's better

    Agreed, Umaga is simply unstoppable when he's on... So is O'Driscoll, but Umaga has more presence... Mortlock is a fantastic player, but he's not as good as either of the other 2 in my opinion.
  5. strong_latte

    Playing PS2 online

    See the hole at the back of the PS2? Well thats where the online component can be installed.
  6. strong_latte

    XBox Power Cord

    Your in the states then? Why would it take so long for you lot? Afterall Microsoft is an American company...
  7. strong_latte

    RL2 'Classic Matches' Thread

    The 89 GF, start in extra time and try and change/fulfil history :D
  8. strong_latte

    Rugby League 2 announced

    Calm down mate and read the other threads before freaking out....
  9. strong_latte

    Wants for sequel (Short guide)

    Classic matches of some of the more famous SOO matches and GF's. More varied and realistic animations for everything from running to try scoring Realistic fatigue (ie: a fit team will almost always keep getting back the 10, but a team with lower fitness starts to struggle getting players...
  10. strong_latte

    XBox Power Cord

    It doesn't cost anything right? I only just heard about this! Mind you I've never had a problem with my cord...
  11. strong_latte

    Regarding Rugby League 2 for other platforms

    Well yeah, it'll be the same game no matter what platform... I just want it on PC because 1. it'll be online and I won't have to pay 2. Higher specs etc than consoles and 3. it'll be around $60-$70 instead of $100 on consoles...
  12. strong_latte

    Offical LU Online League!!!!!

    Me too! Anyway on PC it will just run and look better too.
  13. strong_latte

    Is Madden 05 the Greatest sports game ever

    What about PES4? Most people say that is better than anything else sports related...
  14. strong_latte

    Regarding Rugby League 2 for other platforms

    got it in one mate ;-) . Welcome to America :lol:
  15. strong_latte

    Regarding Rugby League 2 for other platforms

    It is mate... It'd be like calling the AFL champs "WORLD CHAMPIONS"! No one else in the world can beat them either can they? Or what about our own World Clup Championship? It too is considered ridiculous for having the title "world champions", but at least more than 1 country is involved in the...
  16. strong_latte


    As I understand it though, gas plasma televisions aren't good for playing games... at least thats what the guy at Bing Lee told me :D
  17. strong_latte

    Regarding Rugby League 2 for other platforms

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Like how the red sox are world champs too! :lol: :lol: Bloody yanks and living in their delusional world where they think NFL is the most popular sport in the world :roll: ... Why can't they just tell the truth and call...
  18. strong_latte

    Better game system for RL2

    Well I think your spot on personally :D , but it really depends on what mario and co think...
  19. strong_latte


    True! Anyway, if it were that high it wouldn't be 1024x1024, it'd be 1024x768... No, unless you have a VERY expensive television, I believe the highest they support is 800-600 at the top end.
  20. strong_latte


    You have to remember that when they say "it will be very similar in the graphics department to the PC version", they are just saying "the PC version"... They're not saying it'll be similar to the PC version on high quality are they? Reason being is that the experience of playing doom on low...