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  1. strong_latte

    halo 2

    I haven't finished it yet, but yeah, once I have I'm definately going through again! It's absolutely wicked!!! It uses the same graphics engine as doom 3 and was hailed as the best looking game ever on the XBOX, something that from what my mate tells me hasn't changed with the release of Halo...
  2. strong_latte

    halo 2

    To be honest, I don't think I'll get this... My mate bought it the launch but said he was thoroughly dissapointed with it... Apparently the story is absolutely shit house and there isn't that much improvement over the original in the gameplay... I was thinking of getting this, but I've recently...
  3. strong_latte

    San Andreas Or Halo 2

    I'm not into Halo 2... my mate bought it at the midnight release and played it for a while, but both of us weren't really all that impressed to be honest, the single players campeign is very weak (shithouse story to) and it's not really that much of a step forward from the original... Last I...
  4. strong_latte

    X Box or PS2

    When it comes down to it though both are pretty dated machines... I've personally always been a console man because the grpahics cards and other specs in PC's are just a pain, but my mate bought himself a new graphics card about 6 months ago and he gave me his old one (which is a GeForce 4) and...
  5. strong_latte

    X Box or PS2

    Spec's don't always win in the end though... look at the success of the XBOX in Japan (the largest consumers of console games in the world), in Japan the XBOX has been an abysmal failure! Whereas the PS2 tops the market followed closely by the nintendo GC (you heard right!)... I told a japanese...
  6. strong_latte

    X Box or PS2

    Tough one in my opinion... I have both and a decent PC, I have a couple sports games on XBOX as well as PS2 and while the XBOX has better specs, the PS2 is better to play with your mates (I can't explain why, people just prefer it for that...) I'd probably have to say the XBOX though.
  7. strong_latte


    A game doesn't have to sell 50 million copies to be successful... The last Rugby Union game sold under a million and they are making a Rugby 2005 right now!!! Just because we don't have the yanks doesn't mean there isn't enough of a market to justify another League game... lets remember that...
  8. strong_latte


    I'd say it's a combination of the bottom 2...
  9. strong_latte

    Tri Nations Jerseys

    just overwrite the original files mate, you might want to back em up though.
  10. strong_latte

    Tri Nations Jerseys

    You mean you don't know how to put the new jersey's in? Just go to the data file, then teams and then strips...
  11. strong_latte

    Tri Nations Jerseys

    almost done the kiwi one too, i'll send that off hopefully by tomorrow.
  12. strong_latte

    Tri Nations Jerseys

    ok i'll try again.
  13. strong_latte

    Tri-Nations open to move

    Personally, when it becomes successful, I'd like to see the format change to the 1 home and 1 away game style of the union Tri Nations... That would give fans of each team a chance to see them play. You could hold the final in the country of the most successful team.
  14. strong_latte

    Tri Nations Jerseys

    I'm now also trying to do the same thing with the GB one, i'll send that along too when I'm done.
  15. strong_latte

    Tri Nations Jerseys

    I sent it to your comments address on that page mate, tell me if you got it.
  16. strong_latte

    Tri Nations Jerseys

    They're good, but I myself have been working on an Aussie one lately thats also high res... it's a little more accurate than your current one also, I'll send it to you if you want?
  17. strong_latte

    Greatest Ever Origin?

    I'm sure 36-14 was a pretty satisfying result for Freddy this year mate :D :D :D And yeah, I agree: "THANKS FOR COMING FREDDY!!!" :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: As for my favourate origin game, probably Origin 1 2003 or Origin's 2 and 3 this year...
  18. strong_latte


    Hey, does anyone know if they will release a DVD of the 2003-2004 SOO series??? They have ones for 2001 and 2002, but no 2000, before or after?????? Whats the go????
  19. strong_latte

    Expansion ??

    Just in regard to your statement about roosters fans with "juniors" written under their names, do you realise you yourself are dubbed a 'junior' by this board????
  20. strong_latte

    That Arrogant, Pig Headed Bennett Strikes again!

    While I do think that bennet has played favourates with a couple qlder's (berrigan and carrol spring to mind...) instead of chosing the team completely on form, I do agree that he has been unfairly demonised by the media... let's face it, he did offer to have both GB V Aus matches reffed by an...