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  1. strong_latte

    NRL Expansion

    There are 3 major codes in Australia, and they are Rugby League, Rugby Union and AFL... the only reason AFL has any ground on Rugby is because there are two codes of it! And then there's international union......
  2. strong_latte

    NRL Expansion

    It's obvious why you resort to attacks on the NRL at a national level, put simply you have nothing in the way of international competition, something your code is so dying for it alters half its rules and changes the shape of the ball to get some! As I said, you have absolutely nothing!
  3. strong_latte

    NRL Expansion

    What was that I said before about having no case for your shit game internationally??? EXACTLY! If you can't defend international AFL, then you can't have a go at regional RL mate, you haven't got a leg to stand on.
  4. strong_latte

    NRL Expansion

    I noticed you didn't have the balls or the brains to reply to the latter part of my post... Please enlighten us Reggie about the wonder that is international AFL... Where are your expansion options outside of Australia??? The mighty New Zealander AFL team is not to be underestemated I'm sure...
  5. strong_latte

    Commentary for Loftus Road game?

    Eddie and Stevo are shockers! We need rabs warren! Or better yet, get Roy and HG into the gig!
  6. strong_latte

    If Lockyer is ruled out...

    Bring Freddy out of retirement for another couple rep matches before the year is out! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D Seriously, I'd love to have another chance to see the man in action before all rugby league for the year ceases.
  7. strong_latte

    USA - the pro league

    As much as I hate to say it, that would have to be true. As you say television rights would be a hug asset to the game, not to mention the possibility of it infiltrating the video game market via EA etc (for those who are interested at least).
  8. strong_latte

    NRL Expansion

    So what are you a fan of? AFL or Union?
  9. strong_latte

    Anybody who rates todays test an equal of SOO is a tripper!

    What you forget is that, while last years Kangaroo team was missing several first choice selections, there was still a world class team that would easily equal or out-do that years state of origins, also the GB team of that year had around 11 first choice players out as well and the contest was...
  10. strong_latte

    Nine not to show game live this weekend?

    Exactly! Just because victorians are insecure about their inferior state and the sham that is Australia Football, which really it's just a rip off of gaelic football (at least in NSW and QLD we're honest enough to say that our game is what it is). Seriously you whinge and whinge about how great...
  11. strong_latte

    Team of the Half-Decade 2000-2004

    But that is the point really isn't it... a player who is a try scoring machine doesn't win the match for his team by scoring 3 and letting in 4...
  12. strong_latte

    NRL Expansion

    New Zealand, Perth, South Australia have all been earmarked for future developement... Anyway who are you to have a go at rugby league? In your sport you have to charge the shape of your ball and half the rules just to get a decent international!
  13. strong_latte

    Why the secrecy?

    he actually works for Sidhe....
  14. strong_latte

    News on New Rugby League Game? Mario?

    I'll say at the begining of the 06 season... they'll wanna make sure they've got the jersey's right next time I think. I don't really care in any case though, as long as it's a big step up from the last one and is nearly as good or better than EA Rugby 2006 (which I believe has a MUCH larger...
  15. strong_latte

    Brad Fittler is overrated

    somebody should close this thread... it's just a shit stirrer thread that is trying to provoke people into argument.
  16. strong_latte

    Why does Australia RL have to be so arrogant?

    The fact is we never play against them down here anymore though... It's always up there with their systems etc.
  17. strong_latte

    Why does Australia RL have to be so arrogant?

    ... thats interesting, I know it may sound insular, but I wasn't aware that the dominant tackle rule didn't apply everywhere else... Oh well, if they could cope without it last time, then they should be fine this time to. Anyway though, as for us being "arrogant" etc, I think you have to...
  18. strong_latte


    Do you guys seriosuly think the yanks will buy into this though? I'm not saying they won't, but it just seems like the NFL, NBA etc are just so entrenched and so widely supported there that it will be hard for league to get a look in... I don't live in the US, nor have I ever been there, so I...
  19. strong_latte


    I've got fox and I watch a match or so a week when I can (not anymore now the seasons over) and it's pretty good. I watched the final and while it was a high tempo and interesting match, I felt that the quality of attack and general skill level wasn't as good as the Challenge Cup Final held at...
  20. strong_latte

    Sunday Telegraph/Sun Hearald

    I don't really like Gould either (and I'm a rooster), but Roy Masters, Sterlo and Greg's opinions are always very interesting to read... usually much more insightful than the tele in my opinion, which tends to not really have much informed opinion apart from the odd article from andrew johns...