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  1. S

    It's Chileman's birthday on Sunday - Happy Birthday Chile

    Oh Happy Birthday 2 u 2 SirShire I hope u have a wonderful Sunday 2 :D U must b honoured 2 share a birthday with the ever so famous chileman :D
  2. S

    Boys are yucky, throw rocks at them

    hehehehehehe that's right Feebs :D
  3. S

    It's Chileman's birthday on Sunday - Happy Birthday Chile

    Thanks Panthers Gurl on behalf of our chilestud :D
  4. S

    Happy Birthday Abuelito (chile)

    Yep I'm bouncing off the walls 2 after all the sweets & soft drink wwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee hehehehehehehehehe wwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  5. S

    Boys are yucky, throw rocks at them

    Girls aren't yucky chile girls r Sexy :D
  6. S

    Hi every1 I'm new here

    :lol: over there ----------------> Don't forget 2 wash ur hands :D
  7. S

    It's Chileman's birthday on Sunday - Happy Birthday Chile

    :( aaawwwwwwwwwww sorry maddy but like Feebs said ppl need 2 first of all know when ur birthday is and second of all lurve u enough 2 start a thread :D chile brain washes us daily at EMC :lol:
  8. S

    Happy Birthday Abuelito (chile)

    perhaps that would make more sense if I said hehehehehehehe but Feebs chile said he was turning twenty cough one hehehehehehehehe
  9. S

    Happy Birthday Abuelito (chile)

    hehehehehehehe but Feebs chile said he was turning 2 cough 1 hehehehehehehehe
  10. S

    EMC Weirdos!

    hehehehehehe I was at EMC :D It's chile's birthday this Sunday soooooooooooooooooooooo without further adu Happy Birthday Chilestud :D
  11. S

    Happy Birthday Abuelito (chile)

    aaaaawwwwwwwwww ok why not let Manly Panly Danly Spanly have 1 win this year - Go Man oh I can't even say it Go Maaaaaaannnnnnn nope not working Go Maaaaaaaaaaann Nope still not working Go chile's team yuck spak :sto: Hope u have a wonderful day chilestud on Sunday. I hope it's all u would...
  12. S

    It's Chileman's birthday on Sunday - Happy Birthday Chile

    :lol: @ Feebs :lol: @ chile turning 21 again hehehehehehehe
  13. S

    Hi every1 I'm new here

    :nwave: every1 :D Glad 2 hear that ur arm is almost better stranger :D but I don't think u should have played till it was 100% though :roll: duffer :D ouchies @ ur jaw - poor Princess :( It's Happy Birthday Chile on Sunday! ! ! ! ! ! :D
  14. S

    It's Chileman's birthday on Sunday - Happy Birthday Chile

    Hip Hip Hooray! It’s your Happy Day, Hope that thing are going your way If you were in Hawaii They’d give you a lei If you were in France you’d get a cake of pate Fill the balloons and let the streamers fly Round up the presents and stack ‘em up high Grab yourself a tail and cover your...
  15. S

    Hi every1 I'm new here

    :lol: oh hehehehehehe give it time :lol: I didn't think teachers were allowed 2 throw anything these days. Sorry darl but I have 2 go now :nwave: cya tomorrow if u get time :D
  16. S

    Hi every1 I'm new here

    the year = this year gggggggrrrrrrrrr dam typos hehehehehe
  17. S

    Hi every1 I'm new here

    Good 2 hear the homework isn't heavy yet. LOL @ throwing things around the room :lol: ahem 33 the year ahem When I was at school we had an English teacher who started the year yelling at us then went from that 2 throwing chalk then form that 2 throwing the duster from that 2 throwing...
  18. S

    Hi every1 I'm new here

    Not up with the lingo what is V.A.? Good 2 hear that ur coping well. Bet ur getting a fair bit of home work though. I know school seems like a bit of a drag when ur there but believe me once u leave and realise u have 2 work 4 a living paying off a mortgage etc school seems like paradise...
  19. S

    Hi every1 I'm new here

    hhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmm ur lucky I had 2 b half dead 4 my mum 2 let me take any time off :? Year 11 hey. How u coping? What's ur worst and fav subject?
  20. S

    Hi every1 I'm new here

    Been easy hey hhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmm did u pull a sickie on ur mum? ? ? ? What year r u in at school? ? ? ? Year 10 I would assume. Well lets just c if we can take some of ur boredom away shall we :D

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