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  1. Lynchy

    137: NFT - best and worst thing about your day so far

    Best: had a good sleep in Worst: have to clean my house
  2. Lynchy

    The Man Thread

    Q: What does tupperware and a walrus have in common? A: They both like a tight seal
  3. Lynchy

    The World Cup Thread

    Ill be working. Bar tending on a sports night.... Not fun!
  4. Lynchy

    What does your name mean?

    I saw this site and thought it was pretty accurate Luke Light : Latin You are idealistic and intelligent and very much an all or nothing person.Tending to experience constant change in life security is found in your real and abiding...
  5. Lynchy

    NFT- A much needed change of topic- Hottest babe!!!!

    If those arent implants then im a monkeys uncle I hope she never runs, shes likely to knock herself out
  6. Lynchy

    NFT - song in your head

  7. Lynchy

    Life's simple pleasures

    *Falling asleep to the sound of rain *Going out for coffee with my mum and making her laugh *Having a relaxing radox bath Pure Bliss!
  8. Lynchy


    Hey guys, im going out to a kareoke night tonight and i have no idea what song to do. I usually stick to a bit of Stevie Wonder/ Sinatra suff, sticking to the jazz/big band kind of music, but i just want to try something different. Ive got a pretty diverse voice and can do a lot of songs but i...
  9. Lynchy

    PrideKnights "Oh My God, I'm so Bored at work" Thread

    i didnt happen to post any msn convos chris, i just happen to have a good memory :p
  10. Lynchy

    Favourite easter eggs?

    Im not a big fan of chocolate, but i am partial to just the plain old easter bunny at easter time.
  11. Lynchy

    PrideKnights "Oh My God, I'm so Bored at work" Thread

    I believe it went down this way: How self centered do you think i am.... True answer? :lol:
  12. Lynchy

    PrideKnights "Oh My God, I'm so Bored at work" Thread

    any you said i was self centered :lol:
  13. Lynchy

    NFT - song in your head

    I Run For Life- Melissa Etheridge
  14. Lynchy

    137: NFT - best and worst thing about your day so far

    Best: Had "Toad in the Hole" for breakfast this morning, and it was yummy. I havnt had it in ages Worst: Damn this flu!!! Got called in to work for tonight, and was planning a night out, so thats frustrating me to no end.
  15. Lynchy

    PrideKnights "Oh My God, I'm so Bored at work" Thread

    2 Words...... borderline obsession :lol:
  16. Lynchy

    Disfigured Nepalese Baby ** GRAPHIC IMAGES MAY OFFEND**

    Thats gotta be just doesnt look real.. And no wonder it died, the buggers are carrying it around in a baking dish Maybe thats what jabba the hut looked like as a baby....
  17. Lynchy

    137: NFT - best and worst thing about your day so far

    Worst: Not much at all, though i could use more sleep :sleeper: Best: Took part in a poker night tonight, and managed to make it to the semi finals, despite knowing hardly anything about poker, Go ME!!! Alas i was thwarted, I had Pocket Aces (and for those of you who know poker, thats a...
  18. Lynchy

    NFT - The energy thread

    yeah id be up for it, ive been looking to get back into training, and i just need some motivation, and my friends are lazy buggers.
  19. Lynchy

    You Tips Round 5: How Did You Guys Do?

    6/7 damn those warriors
  20. Lynchy

    NFT - song in your head

    My baby takes the morning train- Sheena Easton (weird, i know)

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