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  1. iangsbiggestfan

    Forum Awards - The Winners

    Ask and ye shall receive! furrycat and Captain Fred, your prayers have been answered. I heard your call from upon high and I have come. O, joyful day!
  2. iangsbiggestfan

    Man Charged With Conspiring To Blowing Up.............................

    Of course you want him dead. He refused to convert to IanGism.
  3. iangsbiggestfan

    Man Charged With Conspiring To Blowing Up.............................

    Wow, it seems I got out of IanGism at the perfect moment. Another few days and I'd be strapping on a TNT vest and going out to 'spread the word' IanG style. We were never extremists, Ian. Your religion was one of love. Of love! What happened?
  4. iangsbiggestfan

    The Man Thread

    Don't bother trying to decipher his inane verbal ejaculation. I don't think even he knows what he's talking about sometimes. Turn back, Parki, turn back! You'll find no wisdom here.
  5. iangsbiggestfan

    I admit it

    I had no intention of leaving, PWA, but your sincere thirst for my presence is appreciated. I'll put down your attempt at stealing my identity as nothing more than youthful ambition. Clearly I have inspired you to better yourself, but at all times remember that it is IanG who inspires me. If you...
  6. iangsbiggestfan

    Re: Ian's Insight

    I trust that whatever ailment prevented you from passing on last week's nugget of wisdom has passed without event? You were in my prayers, I assure you. If it's not too forward of me, could I perhaps ask what topic you wished to touch on this week? I could perhaps go and do some reading on it...
  7. iangsbiggestfan

    I admit it

    What the hell is this? I leave for a few short days and I come to this mockery!? PWA, I realise that you must aspire to the levels of greatness I have attained and I know that the adage says 'imitation is the sincerest form of flattery', but this is an outrage! Taking the credit for my witty...
  8. iangsbiggestfan

    Team for Next week

    Riley Brown is not fit to wear the red and blue. See the young upstart off to Premier League where he belongs, and damn those who say otherwise!
  9. iangsbiggestfan

    137: NFT - best and worst thing about your day so far

    Best - I'm finally back and able to talk to my little Ian again Worst - No doubt I'll incur the wrath of the small minded fools on this forum who haven't familiarised themselves with IanGism yet.
  10. iangsbiggestfan

    Cya Guys...And Thanks For All The Laughs

    What!? One of IanG's faithful being ostracised because of some foolish gambit made in passion? IanG will not look kindly upon this, nor will I, his disciple. Johns Magic, I admire your committment to your word. It is what separates the men from the miscreants sitting in ditches and stewing in...
  11. iangsbiggestfan

    NFT- A much needed change of topic- Hottest babe!!!!

    Since you plebians continue to request my input: Paz Vega. Enough to make a man turn back :lol:
  12. iangsbiggestfan

    NFT- A much needed change of topic- Hottest babe!!!!

    You just wish I was part of your two bit organisation. My presence alone would raise the average IQ to a level where you would no longer be considered a special needs organisation. Your theory is about as brilliant as your boxing ability, RABK. Just because I've spoken with members of your...
  13. iangsbiggestfan

    For Ian

    Ian, once again you amaze me. I applaud your courage in admitting to viewing pornography. It seems that, even in these sexually liberated times, people still see the viewing of pornographic materials as a taboo. I find that ludicrious. When music videos and feminist magazines are more...
  14. iangsbiggestfan

    Welcome Back JoeysWheelchair

    Our day has come, pennywise! Thirty seconds and still kicking!
  15. iangsbiggestfan

    NFT- A much needed change of topic- Hottest babe!!!!

    An amusing definition of courage you have, Gene. Do you think being able to stutter out the words to "Video Killed the Radio Star" makes you brave? And what exactly does your showmanship have to do with your intelligence? A great many idiots can perform. If you're arguing that you're better at...
  16. iangsbiggestfan

    For Ian

    Don't say a word, Ian. If it drew a flicker of a smile from you, it's all the thanks I need. :)
  17. iangsbiggestfan

    Welcome Back JoeysWheelchair

    I move we form our own thread: The PWA, JWC, and IGBF Outsiders Thread. It shall be a safehaven for the downtrodden 'eccentrics' who are ostracised because the idiot masses do not understand our brilliance. Like the legendary tag team of the same name, we shall bring about a new age of...
  18. iangsbiggestfan

    NFT- A much needed change of topic- Hottest babe!!!!

    Ah, the village idiot appears as scheduled. Tell me, idiot, are you going to regale us all with drunken singing today? Or is Thursday the day you stand on the pavement and wave your genitals at traffic?
  19. iangsbiggestfan

    Petrol Prices

    :lol: Your eye for scathing satire never ceases to amaze me, Ian. Bravo!
  20. iangsbiggestfan

    NFT- A much needed change of topic- Hottest babe!!!!

    Seriously, CWB - you need to let it go. Ian has proven himself to have flawless taste in women and you're still harping on about pictures he posted weeks ago! I nominate Parki for the new mantle of 'man who finds awful pictures of beautiful women'.