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  1. 7

    Knights investigating incident

    Did see wes, house and kev out. they probably need to stop chain smoking.
  2. 7

    Knights investigating incident

    Sooo i'm hungover as f**k and really can't be bothered to figure out who this is. Can someone inbox me who they believe it is if you can't speculate in the forum?
  3. 7

    The offical Lol@Knights thread

    The justifying my position to you lot is ridiculous, i'll give you that. But i'm not sure where you're going with the rest. I went to Newcastle Uni, i put in 1 year of genuine effort and coasted through the rest, i promise you with the quality (or lack there of) of the institution many do the...
  4. 7

    The offical Lol@Knights thread

    eh, he's old and no longer understand the concept of fun. A perfect quality for a financial advisor i suppose. Oh and guys, your internet funnies sure are funny. Keep it up
  5. 7

    The offical Lol@Knights thread

    Haha brilliant. But Gids isn't on, uncle Wayne is going to make them a boring bunch that's for sure.
  6. 7

    The offical Lol@Knights thread

    haha i have a financial advisor, he thinks i'm an idiot but there's no way that i am tying myself down to 'plan for the future' as he puts it when i'm 24. Until i have to become a proper grown up my money will continue to be spent on travelling and copious amounts of alcohol.
  7. 7

    The offical Lol@Knights thread

    I haven't achieved shit and i know it, i was just pointing out i wasn't a 12 year old grommet. I live in a shithole of a sharehouse in both Muswellbrook and Merewether, piss away a fair chunk of my money and spend the rest on overseas trips. I've been earning good money for 2 years now and...
  8. 7

    The offical Lol@Knights thread

    Well that guy is clearly obese, uncoordinated and simple so i'm not sure where you're going with that. My e-penis? I had someone claim i was 12, i explained i wasn't 12 and to somewhat prove it i described what i've done with my life so far. And really, if i was lying wouldn't i come up with...
  9. 7

    The offical Lol@Knights thread

    Haha, don't get me wrong, i'm a complete drunken dropkick but i just so happen to live right near an area that is offering careers that massively overpay for the skills required. I realised this and put in 12 months of hard work at uni to take advantage of it.
  10. 7

    The offical Lol@Knights thread

    Haha, i'm 24 years old and have a B Science (honours) working as a coal exploration geologist for a very reputable and well known firm. I'd be fairly confident in saying i earn a lot more than you ever have and my job is very flexible allowing myself to spend plenty of time skating to the beach...
  11. 7

    The offical Lol@Knights thread

    How simple (or obese/uncoordinated maybe?) must you be to not realise that riding a skateboard is a much faster and more enjoyable form of transport than walking?
  12. 7

    The offical Lol@Knights thread

    What exactly gave you that impression? Considering the majority of people i talk to have university educations or trades i doubt many are willing to work at maccas. But hey if the coal in the Hunter Valley disappears 50 years faster than expected i'd say some could be out of a job. But even if...
  13. 7

    The offical Lol@Knights thread

    Well no, not at all actually. Most have or still do play rugby union, cricket, football or league. Basically all can surf/skateboard/snowboard but there are definitely no world beaters. So the point is that while most have a passing interest in league, nobody really is that interested to the...
  14. 7

    The offical Lol@Knights thread

    Meh i told my friends i started posting on a rugby league forum, i copped it but it doesn't really bother me. I'll let them know i brought up skating just for you muzby. Any way, this place is usually pretty good for league news, i get to hear the opinions of people that somehow have the time to...
  15. 7

    The offical Lol@Knights thread

    Well in my social circles skateboarding would probably be a much more socially acceptable thing than following a rugby league team and posting on an internet forum about it. So i'll continue to ride a skateboard 3 blocks to the beach when it's 30 degrees, and you continue to enjoy Canberra.
  16. 7

    The offical Lol@Knights thread

    Yeah a couple of years ago i looked into getting into the public sector and moving down there. Took a visit with a couple of mates just to see if i could entertain myself on the weekends. It was that sterile nature of the people and the place that got to me. Basically i was 22 and the nightlife...
  17. 7

    The offical Lol@Knights thread

    If that's the best thing it's got going for it then i don't think it's for me, considering i can get stoned of any criminalised crop pretty much anywhere with relative ease.
  18. 7

    The offical Lol@Knights thread

    That is why i've lived in Sydney and have come back to Newcastle. Yes we have an array of deadshits (read: a monstrous array of deadshits) but really i think we have the best of both worlds with the coastal lifestyle and none of the shortcomings of a big city. My only complaint would be that the...
  19. 7

    The offical Lol@Knights thread

    Well yeah you kind've took that the wrong way. The point i was making is that living in Newcastle I don't need to drive to the beach because it's literally 3 blocks from my house, something that you definitely can't do from Canberra. But yes as someone said, for the 3 months or so of the snow...
  20. 7

    The offical Lol@Knights thread

    What is it you do for fun in Canberra? Check out the War Memorial for the 14th time? Stroll around the fake lake? Question time goes off i bet. Canberra is quite literally the most boring city on the planet. There isn't a single town on Australia's coastline that would be less appealing to me...