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Search results

  1. R

    Loaning Players

    didnt the bears loan fairleigh to the knights
  2. R

    josh perry in kids section

    Josh Perry has not get up and go.
  3. R

    Best Tackle Technique

    its fair to say andrew johns dosnt have the best tackling technique
  4. R

    Super League/Raining/Knock-ons

    the ref is feeling a little bit under the weather
  5. R

    Gameplay pics...

    looks like we are closer to the action in this game which will help
  6. R

    Tim Mander you cheat!

    if you think mander was bad just look at that english ref from the first test. He was so shit he kept getting in the way of the ball, he didnt even have 5 metres between the teams plus he was slow in his decision making. Plus he was so shit he could be biased because he couldnt keep up with the...
  7. R

    Does anyone know

    where i can download the full first test either in audio form or video form if not do u know where i can get some some pic of their matches so far on tour. thanx
  8. R

    Deletion explanation

    wats there to question i made a site exploited gol just to get good marks especially gol how he says his site has all the good stuff than you go and you nearly cry because he just did wat i did copied it and something i didnt direct linked so he could wast others bandwidth.
  9. R

    Surprise... More RLGamer Plaguarism

    haha dododododo rlgamer has it all. least i upload my stuff and not direct link like gol, he just leeches off others bandwidth. hahahahahahahahahaahahah
  10. R is a good site

    thanx dude, you got it right my site is great. Just need to say Jeremy Johnson has rig warts
  11. R

    arl 96 pc download

    if you want the ARL 96 sega version come to my site and in the download section you will see it.
  12. R

    Ok Gol wat do u want me to do about this situation

    how would u know who made the info gol is full of shit i have no info from him, well atleast none that i know of.
  13. R

    Game Websites

    nah rlgamer is way better designed than gols site. A nd the kid who designed those sim things needs some help because that is sort of budget.
  14. R

    Game Websites

    in actual fact has everything and is most likely the best site out there, well atleast so far.
  15. R

    Ok Gol wat do u want me to do about this situation

    go to for the best stuff
  16. R

    ok tell me exactly wat i have taken

    and exactly wat you want me to do about it so i can fix this problem. come vist
  17. R

    Ok Gol wat do u want me to do about this situation

    ok i get the drift, i will try to make some improvements, but i need some time to re write it up. But gol i have not used any of your screen shots or have i direct linked to your screen shots. But i will re write wat i feel is needed but all the faq's are staying as they are everywhere.
  18. R

    2 New Knights Screenshots (warning: pics stretch screen)

    u complain about me but these photos have been leeched from the knights kingdom. i think that breaking copyright.
  19. R

    Ok Gol wat do u want me to do about this situation

    that was great still nothin resolved
  20. R

    Ok Gol wat do u want me to do about this situation

    im a bit confused as what the drama is about different sites having the same info.But for the people who are a bit annoyed with me and 1000 other sites using your info. But i am willing to come to an agreement about watever is pissing you people off. If you want i can add the links to your site...