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  1. C

    I'm worried

    I don't put much worth in what Roach says either and obviously I know how media agendas work probably better than anyone else here. But some of you know the connections I have - and my fear is i hear similar things from people who should know what is going on at the club. Im very happy...
  2. C

    I'm worried

    After something Steve Roach said on 2GB after the game i'm worried about the future of the club. He said Ricky will be in for a tough year next year because we've bought no one because we have no money! Considering his son is at the club maybe he knows more than we do. I'm worried because...
  3. C

    Another Crap Crowd In The Shire

    Crap crowd i agree. But i've got to say for supporters in the shire i don't think Monday night football works at 7pm works. I missed the first 15 minutes of the game. I'd suggest many Shire residents work in the city, and to travel from work in the city to be back at the football in the...
  4. C

    We have a very very good team but.....

    It's easy to say, but add Thurston to our team and we'd a lot better than the Cowboys are with him, same for Lockyer and the Broncos. Kearney will be great to have back but it won't be the difference between winning the comp and not.
  5. C

    We have a very very good team but.....

    We need an attacking strike weapon. I never post on the forum these days, but i do constantly read and I need to vent. After being at the ground yesterday, watching the match again on replaying, watching all of our games this year and really thinking about the situation overnight, i honestly...
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    Courier Mail / Ricky Stuart

    An update on Ricky. From my info I have very very serious doubts that he will be coming to the club. I'm not saying it won't happen, but i'd now be very surprised. And for those that know who I am, you'll understand my contacts. The results of the review could also be frightening...
  7. C

    Ricky Stuart apparently it's in the Sunday Tele too
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    Ricky Stuart

    Just read that the Roosters are going to punt Rickyt Stuart with Gould and Fittler apparently to take over. That means the idea of Gould becoming coaching co ordinator is dead, but what about Ricky Stuart becoming coach? He's had a bad few years, but he has made three grand finals, couldn't...
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    The Solution

    I never really post on the forum, but read it everyday. Watching last night the solution to our mess has come to me. It's probably nothing that will surprise but I think it would work. The team has a stack of talent individually, but something is clearly wrong. How about this for a solution...
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    There was talk on the forum that the club was negotiating with a potential sleve sponsor and an announcement was expected soon. Does anyone know what happened? Doesn't look good compared to other clubs when we have no sleve or bottom rear jersey sponsor.
  11. C

    News article - Vicious Emails

    PJ I want Raper to go, but I assure you when Anderson was coach there were loads of people on this forum, (it may have been based on the rleague site at the time ) demanding Raper be brought over from Wigan and appointed coach. Even when Anderson was appointed there was a section of...
  12. C

    The facts

    I'd love to see Lang back, because we can give him a lot to work with, we have a lot of good players. Has any club ever gone back to the future and brought back one of their old coaches? Would management seriously consider it?
  13. C


    Very good point Quigs
  14. C

    Looks Like Lam Is Staying

    I hate it when a team is going bad and supporter start calling for the coach to be sacked, but like Since 73 I also agree that Raper has to go. We shouldn't be going as bad as we are, we have plenty of good players. Ben Ross and Lance Thompson are excellent forwards who individually aren't...
  15. C


    Today's strip is the worst Cronulla strip i've ever seen them wear. Why? Because they don't look like Cronulla (maybe that suits this team because there's not much Cronulla spirit in this team). The jersey is pretty ordinary, but combine it with white shorts and white socks it is terrible...
  16. C

    Team Vs Roosters - No vagana

    Pommeroy making his debut in Premier league. Why is Mapp in first grade?
  17. C

    With friend's like these...

    I'm a journo from Sydney and a league nut and in Melbourne covering the Commonwealth Games, and what the article says is true. The press virtually ignores league -- there is the occassional storm article, but to get the results of the weekend's round i had to turn to the results details page...
  18. C


    For every one's info Adrian Lam has signed on officially as Assistant Coach and former Souths player Brett Kearney has also signed up
  19. C

    channel nine news: dykes wants out

    I'm sure everyone who says there are big time internal problems in the team and club is on the money, because it would explain our crap form during the second half of the year. But if there was so much disharmony how come they were able to show so much spirit and commitment last Saturday...
  20. C

    channel nine news: dykes wants out

    I'm just in a state of despair with this news. Why do I have I bothered supporting this club all this years when they just can't get to together. When the Sharks had their great start to the year, Noddy, Raper and everyone said it was because the team had a 5/8 for the first time in years...